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Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

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  • Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

    With all the talk of the Merlins finding the podium again, and the meltdowns of others, I haven't heard really a word about a Yak with a small racing budget. I'm dying to hear how they did. I know tons of work went into the plane over the off season, did it pay off or what happened?


  • #2
    Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

    I dont believe it did.
    CFI/CFII/MEI - InvertedCast, The All Aviation Podcast!


    • #3
      Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

      Not quite. Had an intake leak that wasn't discovered until after qualifying, so it was down on MAP a bit. Got it fixed and she ran hard after that. Look for more mods for next year though.


      • #4
        Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

        RARA results page has Steadfast at 385.85 mph average for the Silver final race. Not bad...and with that 3-bladed prop it kinda sounds like a mini-Bear. Nice and mean!

        Good luck to Will and Team Steadfast in 2009. Here's hoping you break the 400 mph barrier.
        Mark Johnson
        Strega Fan since 1997


        • #5
          Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

          She sure looked good and sounded great on sunday.

          From the front strech, It looks like Will is flying a very steady, consistant laps in the silver race on sunday. I did notice he favors a high and wide path though. especialy in SteadFast. In VooDoo he seemed to be lower, but took the same wide turns. Any inside info on this?



          • #6
            Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

            We saw a lot of improvement this year. Steadfash was impressive and seemed like it was running great. Congratulations!!!!!
            My heart starts beating again in September.


            • #7
              Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

              He did great for 2000 cubic inches........looks beautiful out there too. Any chance he might put a 2800 in her, or dare I say a 3350 ?


              • #8
                Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                Originally posted by supercub
                He did great for 2000 cubic inches........looks beautiful out there too. Any chance he might put a 2800 in her, or dare I say a 3350 ?
                Great rub from Will in Steadfast, hmm 2800 or 3350, 2800 she'd look like Czech mate with a taller tail and no turtle deck.... 3350, can anyone say mr awesome????? to fit a 3350 would be major airframe work including lengthening the fuse to keep CG etc right...

                check the beast out here....
                All Aviation FlightLine OnLine-Reno Air Races: The story of "Mr. Awesome" now known as "Red Heat"
                Last edited by kiwiracefan; 03-07-2010, 04:20 AM.
                race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


                • #9
                  Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                  Unfortunately for SteadFast and the crew, the timing of it all was not in our favor. We qualled at 388+with a manifold pressure(POWER) problem and that means we are running too much ADI(POWER)once again.We then got our heads together on changing the blades back to last years blades. Well we did and re-qualed hoping to move up on Howards bear. Well then as Howard pulled out I knew he was going to better his time. We ended up going slower in the attempt and sure we were dissapointed. What we neeed to know was were we at the limit of those Tracker blades or not? We sure were, that was a great find. That meant for us and that fast nosecase, the Tracker prop was wrong. We immediately found the Manifold PSI problem after the qual attempt which was a simple fix.
                  That fixed the ADI ratio and we were good the rest of the week. We then went back to the Albatross blades. They fly so much nicer anyway.
                  If you look at our race speeds from 2007 and compare them to the 2007 qual speeds then look at race speeds from 08' and estimate qual speed we should have been at, I think we were within a mile per hour from 400 either way. It really was a banner year for us as a team. We cannot wipe the smile off of our faces when we look at what SteadFast has become. We were nearly able to run with Argo, 911 and Sawbones. Most days they wouldn't run away, they just walk away now.
                  Lets see what next year brings.
                  Thank you to my team of great guys and girls who put their life on hold when this airplane needs something. It shows
                  Thank you
                  Will Whiteside


                  • #10
                    Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                    Originally posted by Whiteside
                    Unfortunately for SteadFast and the crew, the timing of it all was not in our favor. We qualled at 388+with a manifold pressure(POWER) problem and that means we are running too much ADI(POWER)once again.We then got our heads together on changing the blades back to last years blades. Well we did and re-qualed hoping to move up on Howards bear. Well then as Howard pulled out I knew he was going to better his time. We ended up going slower in the attempt and sure we were dissapointed. What we neeed to know was were we at the limit of those Tracker blades or not? We sure were, that was a great find. That meant for us and that fast nosecase, the Tracker prop was wrong. We immediately found the Manifold PSI problem after the qual attempt which was a simple fix.
                    That fixed the ADI ratio and we were good the rest of the week. We then went back to the Albatross blades. They fly so much nicer anyway.
                    If you look at our race speeds from 2007 and compare them to the 2007 qual speeds then look at race speeds from 08' and estimate qual speed we should have been at, I think we were within a mile per hour from 400 either way. It really was a banner year for us as a team. We cannot wipe the smile off of our faces when we look at what SteadFast has become. We were nearly able to run with Argo, 911 and Sawbones. Most days they wouldn't run away, they just walk away now.
                    Lets see what next year brings.
                    Thank you to my team of great guys and girls who put their life on hold when this airplane needs something. It shows
                    Thank you
                    Will Whiteside
                    Hey Will, a great big congratulations to you and your team for a really nice week!!
                    I've been lucky enough to attend this event for almost 40(!) years now, and your line around the course is one of the smoothest and most consistent that I can remember. Nicely done!
                    Here's to next year, and hopefully a week above the 400 MPH barrier!


                    • #11
                      Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                      Cheers and good luck on the 425 barrier, why just stop at 400!
                      John Slack


                      • #12
                        Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                        As a member of the crew and the propeller builder, I can say I have never worked with a nicer, harder working and more dedicated crew. I had the time of my life! Big congrats to Will and also the Voodoo crew for their victory, and their hospitality. It was a pleasure working along side these talented individuals. I am already planning next years prop from the data we gathered this year. Keep your eyes on Steadfast!

                        Wayne Johnson


                        • #13
                          Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                          I forgot you guys don't know the full story
                          We planned on running a P51 prop this year to achieve 400 it was delayed in assembly so we coulnt run it
                          In qualifying
                          Race speeds are generally off our qual pace by 10 to 15 due to wake
                          and traffic
                          Our timers showed multiple laps at 394-395
                          The mustang prop assy will be faster
                          It has 10 more degrees of twist and is designed to run at high TAS
                          Next year is 400+
                          Thanks for your support


                          • #14
                            Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                            Great job Will! It's terribly exciting being able to watch the development and progress of the next "GIANT KILLER".

                            Now that you've raced Voodoo a bit, how would you compare that with the Yak as far as handling and dealing with turbulance?

                            Go Team Steadfast!!!!
                            Sky Critter


                            • #15
                              Re: Did Steadfast break 400mph this year?

                              Nice work this year, Steadfast team.
                              Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.

