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Prize Money

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  • Prize Money

    Why isn't the prize money disclosed? I did hear the total purse was over a million $, but how does that break down? If memory serves me correctly, the first races I attended in the 60's the total purse was $25,000. The races were great this year, with the exception of the sad accident at the beginning of the week. My condolences to the friends and family. I sat next to Jessie James, yes, the uncle of West Coast Choppers, his dad, Larry, and cousins. Great bunch of guys. Enjoyed visiting with Jessis during the week. Look forward to seeing them next year. By the way, Larry !! hope you get good news and things work out for the best.

  • #2
    Re: Prize Money

    I think the purse totals are listed in the program, they were last year.


    • #3
      Re: Prize Money

      They announced during race week that the total purse this year was $1.1 - $1.2 mil. They did not say how it broke down by class or position. I've heard in the past that the UL Gold winner gets something around $300k. Don't know if that's accurate though...
      Sky Critter


      • #4
        Re: Prize Money

        Third place(or was it second?), unlimited gold, '07, was in the neighborhood of $60k. I had asked Brian Sanders what getting boned by the supposed deadline cut by Dreadnought cost them. Bummer was that GPS proved the cut was not made, but it is hard to argue the point when the trophy has already been given to the next guy in line.
        The fact is, all these racers deserve a bigger slice of the multi-million dollar event that is the Reno Air Races.


        • #5
          Re: Prize Money

          It cost an average of $200,000.00 each year to bring Dago to Reno during the Terry Bland era. The most we ever won was $186,000.00.
          2nd. place this year was a little over $90,000.00.



          • #6
            Re: Prize Money

            Well the prize money for 3rd in the gold, and 1st & 4th in the Silver combined didn't even come close to paying for the engine Mike put on the front of Fury for this year, that’s not even counting all the other expenses including the fuel cost for those 3 planes. The Tigercat alone is like a flying fuel truck.
            Jason Schillereff


            • #7
              Re: Prize Money

              Originally posted by Race4gold
              It cost an average of $200,000.00 each year to bring Dago to Reno during the Terry Bland era. The most we ever won was $186,000.00.
              2nd. place this year was a little over $90,000.00.

              That's up considerably from '03 when the Bear took second. The $50,000 that year did keep the program going though!

              But Jason is correct, you don't race to "make" money, the purse just lessens the pain.

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Prize Money

                sorry for being blunt but How much did the unlimited gold winner actually win? from reading the last posts it sounds like a big secret ex: 2nd plus third did not add up to how much it cost to race I know it cost ALOT I work on aircraft I just want a straight up answer !!!


                • #9
                  Re: Prize Money

                  I think the way it works is that each class is allotted prize $ and distributed at their discretion, of course, it's Never Enough...D.


                  • #10
                    Re: Prize Money

                    Maybe the $300k number I heard was the total purse for the Unlimiteds. That being the case, how is the purse money determined? Is it base on projected ticket sales, major sponsorships, something else or maybe all of it? What kind of money are the RARA execs making? Just curious...
                    Sky Critter


                    • #11
                      Re: Prize Money

                      There is a lot of money exchanging hands at RARA. Sure isn't going to the pilots.
                      My heart starts beating again in September.


                      • #12
                        Re: Prize Money

                        Originally posted by DWYER
                        There is a lot of money exchanging hands at RARA. Sure isn't going to the pilots.
                        the pilots and their birds are THE show, they should be paid to bring them to the show....not the other way around!
                        everything at the show is done by volunteers so there is a large chunk of money going to a very small group of people
                        RARA has done some good things with the money in the last few years like buying property around the course and building permanent grandstands! or so i have read
                        but i still feel like the burden on the pilot/owners is going to be the downfall of this great event
                        Todd Smith


                        • #13
                          Re: Prize Money

                          I think some people are forgetting just how much it cost to put on this event. I doubt anyone is getting rich from this, short of the casinos.


                          • #14
                            Re: Prize Money

                            Is RARA an non profit? their website has a .org extension. If so their budget is a matter of public record. this topic come up every year and the conclusion is the same. the competitors dont get paid enough.

                            My commitment still stands, If I hit the lottery I will offer a private million dollars to the winners of the gold races.
                            I will also be a big sponser of Galloping Ghost.

                            Guess I should go buy some more tickets.

                            someone is making money on this. just not all the right people...
                            Last edited by flyingjibus; 09-23-2008, 10:45 AM.


                            • #15
                              back in the good ole days Bob Love called it...

                              ..."racing for sparkplugs"....the golden age of air racing!

