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Furias Part Deux?????Who?

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  • #16
    Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

    First off, I know NOTHING! No really, I haven't heard a single thing about the whole Furias gig. Second, I actually like it when those in the know drop hints that something is in the works. For me it adds excitement to all the dead time between September one year to September the next. Just my opinion.

    Blue Thunder Air Racing
    My Photos
    My Ride


    • #17
      Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

      While we're on the subject of the Sea Fury, any news on Riff Raff?

      Also, I noticed Sawbones is for sale at Courtesy.
      Sky Critter


      • #18
        Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

        Originally posted by Skyracer
        I think this a case of those who know doing the , "Neiner, Neiner, Neiner I know something you don't know." bit and continuing to rub the rest of our noses in it. We'd all be better off if; A. It wasn't mentioned at all, or B. Those who know would not remind the rest of us that we are inferior and are not worthy of knowing certain things.

        From the number of people on the board who seem to "know" it sounds like it is public information anyway. Unfortunately, there are some who are excluded from that group also.

        My $.02

        I will second that. There is no problem with someone asking.

        The problem arises when you have several people telling others to mind their own business when it is public knowledge that a transaction has taken place. If it was meant to be 100% private I am sure Courtesy Aircraft would have pulled the listing and not shown the aircraft as sold. is not like the person asking is going to do something damaging with the information. From the OP questions it seems as though it is another air race enthusiast excited about what is going on.

        No reason to make a person feel stupid for asking.

        It's all good! At least there are people excited about this stuff!


        • #19
          Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

          Originally posted by Skyracer
          From the number of people on the board who seem to "know" it sounds like it is public information anyway. Unfortunately, there are some who are excluded from that group also.
          Sky, speaking for myself, I know Bill pretty well and I know absolutely nothing more than has been said here. I do know, however, that whatever he's doing, he does not want to say anything and I for one, know how loose lips can sink this sort of ship. It has nothing to do with the "I know something you don't know" which has been bantered about far too often over the past year.

          Surely, you, of all people, would know how this works?

          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #20
            Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

            Originally posted by Sky Critter
            While we're on the subject of the Sea Fury, any news on Riff Raff?

            Also, I noticed Sawbones is for sale at Courtesy.
            It's already been mentioned before that Mike Keenum decided not to sell the airplane, has bought another 3350, and if everything goes right it will be back at Reno in 2009.


            • #21
              Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

              Somebody just post a bunch of awesome pics of Furias for pete's sake. Sheesh.
              Red Bull has no earthly idea what "air racing" is.


              • #22
                Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

                Does anyone care that last week Steve Hinton was suppose to go to Kalamazoo and pick up a Tigercat for Rod Lewis. Heard it two weeks ago in Salinas from Steve. Not sure if it happen though.
                Jay Smith


                • #23
                  Re: Furias Part Deux?????Who?

                  I read on WIX they were doing engine runs, it was only a matter of time before it left. Good riddance to the Zoo, it's back in the air where it belongs.

