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MV-22 at Stead?

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  • MV-22 at Stead?

    Anyone know anything about the MV-22 flying around peavine, Stead and down the peterson range for the last two days? It has the coolest sound I have ever heard. My wife and mother got to see it hover and land on Peavine. They took pictures, but with a 3mp camera it only showed up as a grey dot.

    Come on Leo please tell me you saw it!
    Last edited by deepsky; 10-16-2008, 10:37 PM.

  • #2
    Re: MV-22 at Stead?

    My son did! I missed it. Said it had the neatest, strangest sound, all he could talk about last night. I've never seen one in the air, or on the ground for that matter.
    Have no idea why it's here. There was something flying around in the dark last night, sounded like a 130. Maybe some kind of exercise? I'm keeping my eyes awake this weekend, maybe I'll get lucky.
    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


    • #3
      Re: MV-22 at Stead?

      I have it from a good source that they are here doing high altitude training.


      • #4
        Re: MV-22 at Stead?

        Originally posted by ohioboyinreno
        I have it from a good source that they are here doing high altitude training.
        We got to see them quite a bit in PDX airspace when they were doing foul weather testing/training.. Was very cool to be on the flight path when they did the transition. Was my first time seeing it. I have yet to see an actual demo!

        Cool airplane!

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: MV-22 at Stead?

          I hope they stick around a little longer. I'm going down to buy a Nikon P80 or Sony H50 tomorrow so I can get a good shot of them.

          We got to see them quite a bit in PDX airspace when they were doing foul weather testing/training.. Was very cool to be on the flight path when they did the transition. Was my first time seeing it. I have yet to see an actual demo!
          Hopefully, we will all get to see it in 2009!


          • #6
            Re: MV-22 at Stead?

            They also did HighAlt testing at Santa Fe


            • #7
              Re: MV-22 at Stead?

              I'm going down to buy a Nikon P80 or Sony H50 tomorrow so I can get a good shot of them.
              I don't want to se one THAT bad!
              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


              • #8
                Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                I saw the Mv-22 sitting next to the new control tower in Reno this afternoon (Monday) at about 3:30pm. Hope it is there tomorrow so I can snap a picture ... and maybe see it fly.

                Hauler Driver Looking for a Hauler to Drive ..
                Any Race Team Need One?


                • #9
                  Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                  I don't want to se one THAT bad!
                  We were going down to buy one anyway for Disney World vacation. We picked up the Nikon P80. I haven't heard the MV-22 for a couple of days. I hope this area becomes a routine training area for them.


                  • #10
                    Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                    I happened to be taking my lunch today at KRNO when I saw this odd looking aircraft approaching from the North. This is the first time that I've seen the V-22 in person, and it is one of slickest things I've seen in the air in quite some time. It had transitioned while I was taking the pictures, but it took me a minute before I figured out what was going on. I was quite impressed...

                    Sorry about not cleaning up the dust spots...I've recently built a new computer and I've yet to finish getting all of my software installed.

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by MMPerk; 10-29-2008, 09:59 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                      GREAT catch Lonnie!


                      • #12
                        Re: MV-22 at Stead?


                        I was lucky...I had seen it parked by the new tower earlier in the day, and when I took lunch I went back and saw that it was gone. So I was just kicking back listening to the radio when I saw the V-22 coming in from the North, it was really quite the sight, and a unique sound as well. I guess you just never know what will appear in the skies around Nevada.



                        • #13
                          Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                          About a week ago I got some shots of them doing maintainance on it. Looked like they where changing the oil or something. The Royal Netherlands KDC-10 had also just landed and was deploying troops. I cleaned up the pics alittle in but I can't get them to the right size to post.

                          Those are great shots Lonnie. Were you over by Airmotive way?


                          • #14
                            Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                            Nice! Now if it would only take off to the southeast... I've seen the KC take off over my office. Noisy and big after all the 737's that we usually see!
                            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                            • #15
                              Re: MV-22 at Stead?

                              I was parked on the North end of Turbo right off of Aircenter.

                              And I saw that V-22 flying around quite a bit today. But I never got a chance to take anymore pictures.


