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  • #16

    I was kinda poking at them as they ARE just doing there job. It's kind of like the huge number of truck pictures I have taken over the years...
    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


    • #17

      Oh I know Leo, me too. It is just hard to justify the hoards of media present in relation to the aviation rags that are available. Rad


      • #18

        Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
        I feel so completely unimportant...

        Hey Wayne, feel free to post a scan of the print of you with that nice light blue background that I gave you in 2007
        Jan =


        • #19

          The more media, the more pictures and video that are taken the better off the air races are going to be. As for me I'm really really sorry that I got in anyones way...



          But really, if I'm in your way, just ask me to move, I promise to think about it.


          • #20
            Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

            Like I said, I'm just poking at you guys. It can be annoying when trying to get a shot without people, jeeps, Reno's finest, fuel trucks, golf carts, etc., etc., etc. but that is the price those of us behind the deadline pay Jealous is what we are.
            Back in the 70's/80's we would simply walk out there during the week. Of course, there were a lot less of us there back then. Ahhh, to be young, stupid and rebelous again. A group of us almost got run over by GeeGee out there one year.
            Last edited by Leo; 10-30-2008, 02:21 PM.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • #21
              Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

              I'm honored to be included by RARA as one of the few who are allowed to get closer than most so that images of the event can be captured. There is a reasonably strict set of qualifications one must pass before being considered for the available slots. And again, I am honored to be one who can contribute to the effort by being allowed to record the event.

              Personally, I did not use the vests much at all (probably why no one got my picture in one ) but, when I have had a vest on, I generally try to get in, get the shot/s and then move out of the way so others can have a chance. I don't think I've ever read a "code of behavior" but I think most "media" people want to accomodate other shooters, whether the other shooter is behind the line or standing beside them.

              Every shooter should keep that mindset I think.

              Like Lonnie said though, if media guys happen to be in the way, most of the media guys I know would do whatever they can to enhance everyone's experience at RENO and if made aware they are in your way for a shot, would likey move so you can get your subject without their back in it.

              Probably important to remember, a lot of those folks in the vests are from other places in the world, they are completely fascinated with what we do each year and they bring back the excitement to their part of the world.

              That's a happy thing...

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #22
                Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                Did'nt mean to open a can. Was just poking fun at the vesters out there. Every year there is more and more of them. Kind of like Coyote Thistle. Maybe there is a spray for that...I think that yellow duster from TOR is still up there? HeHe.
                I have found that patience pays off. At least most of the media gets their shots and move along to the next. I gave up at open houses and live with the peeps in the frame.
                Was watching a tape of mine from a few years ago and it was funny to hear the "%$#@ truck" comments in the background. It is quite a challenge taking pics or video at such a dynamic event unless you are willing to roll with the situation.
                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                • #23
                  Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                  [QUOTE=Leo] Every year there is more and more of them. Kind of like Coyote Thistle. Maybe there is a spray for that...I think that yellow duster from TOR is still up there? HeHe.
                  I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.


                  • #24
                    Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                    I hear ya on the poking fun. It was actually kind of interesting to watch all the 'vests' gather around one aircraft like that, made me think of groupies for some reason.

                    Not sure if there were more or less, but there only 20 Ramp Media vests handed out by RARA, and so a couple of hundred of took turns being able to go out past the deadline.

                    It's ok to open cans of worms, you never know what will come up. And I mean that in a good way.

                    When I get home tonight I'm going to open a can of worms here myself.



                    • #25
                      Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                      I get home I plan on a different can being opened...
                      Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                      • #26
                        Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                        Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                        I'm honored to be included by RARA as one of the few who are allowed to get closer than most so that images of the event can be captured. There is a reasonably strict set of qualifications one must pass before being considered for the available slots. And again, I am honored to be one who can contribute to the effort by being allowed to record the event.

                        Personally, I did not use the vests much at all (probably why no one got my picture in one ) but, when I have had a vest on, I generally try to get in, get the shot/s and then move out of the way so others can have a chance. I don't think I've ever read a "code of behavior" but I think most "media" people want to accomodate other shooters, whether the other shooter is behind the line or standing beside them.

                        Every shooter should keep that mindset I think.

                        Like Lonnie said though, if media guys happen to be in the way, most of the media guys I know would do whatever they can to enhance everyone's experience at RENO and if made aware they are in your way for a shot, would likey move so you can get your subject without their back in it.

                        Probably important to remember, a lot of those folks in the vests are from other places in the world, they are completely fascinated with what we do each year and they bring back the excitement to their part of the world.

                        That's a happy thing...

                        Not exactly Wayne, There are some I experienced that were dumber than a box o rocks. I was taking pictures of a linup this year(this happened more than once) When about four of them came out and just walked in front of me while I had my camera up and pointed and just started to walk around not trying to duck or back up I'm mostly patient so I just waited till they lost interest and I continued with my shoot. Just putting my ranting and raving two cents in But then I relished in the thought that they had to stay behind the yellow line during start-ups


                        • #27
                          Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                          Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
                          I feel so completely unimportant...

                          Dont wanna leave anyone out
                          Attached Files
                          "dont believe ANYTHING you hear and about HALF of what you see"...................J. Mott 1994


                          • #28
                            Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                            After reading all the posts I think I'll open my own can of .96 cent beer. Next year I'm bringing my laser mounted throw away camera so you will all know when the red beam hits you.
                            Lockheed Bob


                            • #29
                              Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                              Does this make me look fat?

                              Wayne Sagar
                              "Pusher of Electrons"


                              • #30
                                Re: PYLON PAPARAZZI

                                No. Just in the way, in front of da bear.
                                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts

