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A little info about the cost of...

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  • #16
    Re: A little info about the cost of...

    I would tend to agree with Wayne that they must be doing something right. As the old saying goes "if it was easy everybody would be doing it".
    As we all know several groups have tried to do only to find that "it aint as easy as it looks". I would guess that RARA has a figure that they must keep in hand each year to start the ball rolling for the next year.
    I personally think that they do a good job. We all can find something we think could be improved but over all it is hard to find fault with success.
    This reflects my personal opinion which with a buck will get you a cup of coffee.
    John Clark


    • #17
      Re: A little info about the cost of...

      I may be wrong, but I don't think the military aircraft at Stead, involved in the NCAR, participating in performances, static display, or support, pay for their gas. If I bring a military plane anywhere on a static display or airshow mission, my home unit (taxpayer) pays for the flying time,fuel, rental cars, hotel rooms, etc. The civilian airshow host does not pay the expenses.

      Bill Eberhardt


      • #18
        Re: A little info about the cost of...

        According the the Blue Angels fuel checklist:

        "Fuel is requested to be purchased from Government sources. If a Fixed Base Operator (FBO) has a current Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) contract that will be in effect during the proposed air show dates, they shall be tasked by the show with providing the Blue Angels with fuel. If a DLA contract is not available, the fuel price will not exceed the current government contract rate."

        I read that as the "tax payer" buys the fuel.

        I believe most of the military demo teams perform at "open house" type events.
        Sky Critter


        • #19
          Re: A little info about the cost of...

          I want to thank all those that responded to this post.

          I did not ask if they made or lost money this year. But I have made a note of that and a couple of other things that have also been brought up. I will stop by and see if they are open to talking about this stuff. I think that it could be good press for them, on the other hand, there will always be the naysayers, so they might very well be in a no win situation. I for one wouldn't want their job. They have an awesome responsibility...but as long as they do this thing that they do so well, I'm going to be here with wallet and camera in hand.

          Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on this subject,


