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  • #31

    More commentary:

    If you look close, you can see a chunk missing from the right corner of the elevator. This is Friday during heat race and on the join-up for the start of the race, Risky Business got a tad too close and nipped a bite out of Furias with the prop. Neither one realized how close it was and both raced the heat. Luckily the damage was outside the outer hinge and was fairly minor to both airplanes....

    Here are a couple more pictures of Furias battling it out (elevator intact)... You have to admit, it is a catchy paint scheme and very photogenic.

    Last edited by Krazman; 02-15-2009, 10:27 PM. Reason: typos


    • #32


      Sunday - 9/3/03: FURIAS seen taxiing-out for a test flight & passing-by a 'chocked & waiting' Super Yak - #86 Czech Mate. DBD
      Attached Files


      • #33

        I hope they go back to this tail shape!

        Last edited by Peashooter; 02-16-2009, 10:07 AM.
        Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
        World Speed Record Holder


        • #34

          Originally posted by BuckyD View Post
          Here\'s another one...

          I \'think\' this was taken right after Art Vance\'s arrival w/FURIAS in its\' new post-red & gold paint scheme, & its\' bath to remove the coat of oil from the ferry flight down.
          But if this old memory serves me right, Art Vance was not the ferry pilot for that flight. Something in my mind says it was \'The Dwarf\' (Granley) who flew her down. The reason I think that is because something about the power settings that were used, and fouling all the plugs?


          • #35

            Originally posted by Big_Jim View Post
            But if this old memory serves me right, Art Vance was not the ferry pilot for that flight. Something in my mind says it was \'The Dwarf\' (Granley) who flew her down. The reason I think that is because something about the power settings that were used, and fouling all the plugs?
            You're- 'right-as-rain', there, Big Jim & I stand corrected (once again). Bud Granley was indeed the ferry flight pilot who brought down FURIAS to Reno/Stead for her first outing in the contemporary race color scheme & Art Vance was the race pilot that year.

            Here's an archive shot taken of FURIAS' arrival at Reno/Stead, on Sunday - 9/10/00 w/Bud Granley still in the cockpit, greeted by owner- Bill Rogers standing at left, w/race pilot- Art Vance.

            Thanks, again, for helping keep me on the ball w/my historical data. ("Haste makes waste", as the time-worn cliche' goes...& I've corrected my previously-posted photo's caption text accordingly).

            Attached Files
            Last edited by BuckyD; 02-18-2009, 10:24 PM.


            • #36

              When it was mentioned that the engine was "dumping oil like mad" you guys weren't kidding were you? WOW!

              Blue Thunder Air Racing
              My Photos
              My Ride


              • #37
                Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                Originally posted by Stevo View Post
                When it was mentioned that the engine was "dumping oil like mad" you guys weren't kidding were you? WOW!
                To futher emphasize that point- here's the next shot in sequence (following the previously-posted 9/10/00 Granley-Rogers-Vance group portrait), capturing FURIAS ferry pilot- Bud Granley's potentially-hazardous cockpit exit down the wing root (-wearing sneakers!), w/a steady hand from Bill Rogers.

                Attached Files


                • #38
                  Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                  Probably no better time than now to resurrect this particular ole' thread...

                  Goin' back-aways in Time here yet again, -back to Reno '83 & the debut roots of not one, but- two R-4360 'corncob-modified' Hawker Super Sea Furies on the Unlimited Class air racing scene.

                  Alongside fellow Sea Fury afficionado Frank Sanders,-who was premiering his newly-completed R-4360 conversion-restoration of the big, bad & bodaciously-beautiful- Race #8-"Dreadnought" (NX20SF-flown by UNL rookie pilot-Neil Anderson), -came veteran UNL owner/jockey- Lloyd Hamilton, intent on also making a proud (-albeit a might more-humble) unveiling of his own new Super Hawker- #15-"Head Gorilla" (a.k.a.- "Havnaught" -NX4434P).

                  That was the year that the Sanders Air Race Team took all the marbles @ Reno '83 w/their rookie UNL entry, as fastest-qualifier & handily-winning Sunday's Gold Trophy final event against 5 hot Mustangs & Lyle Shelton's Super Bearcat-which all suffered serious engine troubles during the race.

                  As for Lloyd Hamilton's performance at that Reno's running his corncob Super SF, -even w/the experienced Dwight Thorn as his team's capable crew chief, Hamilton's ambitions f/the future "Furias" racer got promptly-scuttled, when #15's big-'coal-burnin' motor let him down before he could even get his awesome new racer qualified to make the field to compete.

                  To help get this here thread ball rollin' again- Here's a few more archive photos of Lloyd's 'other' Sea Fury making its' inauspicious advent & lookin' a bit rough around the edges (sans-primer too- but hey now,-note the spinner IS painted to team-planned scheme color spec ;>)

                  Photos 1 - 4: Mon. 9/12/83 -

                  Four Sea Furies were present at Reno that year- the Sanders pair: Centaurus stocker-#924 (a non-race entry) & their corncobber- #8, along w/Lloyd Hamilton's two birds- his venerable Centaured- #16-"Baby Gorilla" (N588)-co-raced by Lloyd & pal Bob Mackey & his new Super SF-#15. Dwight Thorn, standing to rt. in the next couple photos, (captured wearin' his favorite work duds) surveys the business end of NX4434P, while chatting w/Boeing engineer-Dixon Smith. Smith was instrumental in researching the feasibility of mating the R-4360 onto the Sea Fury airframe (that info via veteran Hamilton crew members-Jim Long & Larry Rengstorf). Also note the POF R-4360-powered 'home-brew' F2G #1 Super Corsair flying up in the distant sky in the late afternoon shot - there were actually 3 corncob racers at Reno '83, which went-on to become a popular 'trio-trend' during the years of air racing which followed.

                  Photo 5: Wed. 9/14/83 - Night shift work to remove #15's prop & start dealing w/the lunched P&W Wasp Major motor, captured in 'living B&W' film. "Havnaught" was also the answer on whether Hamilton had a ready-spare corncob handy to address his engine worries that first year. I can ID Dwight Thorn directing under the work lights, w/Lloyd in his usual plaid shirt w/back to the camera, and I believe Art Vance crouching down atop the LH wing (Can't tell about the others in the pic).

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by BuckyD; 08-22-2011, 11:41 PM.


                  • #39
                    Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                    Originally posted by BuckyD View Post
                    You're- 'right-as-rain', there, Big Jim & I stand corrected (once again). Bud Granley was indeed the ferry flight pilot who brought down FURIAS to Reno/Stead for her first outing in the contemporary race color scheme & Art Vance was the race pilot that year.

                    Here's an archive shot taken of FURIAS' arrival at Reno/Stead, on Sunday - 9/10/00 w/Bud Granley still in the cockpit, greeted by owner- Bill Rogers standing at left, w/race pilot- Art Vance.

                    Thanks, again, for helping keep me on the ball w/my historical data. ("Haste makes waste", as the time-worn cliche' goes...& I've corrected my previously-posted photo's caption text accordingly).

                    A little factoid to go along with this. Bud was at Camas WA preparing to leave for Reno with T6 #9 "Lickety Split" when he got the call. #9 alternate pilot, Jeff Wright, was pressed into service and flew Bud up to Paine Field then escorted Furias to Reno with #9. Somewhere along the way they picked up Griffon Girl and she took what were, I believe, the first pro A to A shots of Furias in its new livery.

                    As I recall, this was the first time Bud had flown a Seafury...ANY SEAFURY!
                    Last edited by Skyracer; 08-23-2011, 01:48 PM.


                    • #40
                      Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                      In the last couple of super oily shots, it looks like the front left corner of the canopy is lifting up. Is this a vent or something else?


                      • #41
                        Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                        this was a color slide but i like it they way it came out in black and white. Shawn
                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                          More fm The Furias Foto Archives (L-R) ~

                          Photos 1 & 2: Sat. 9/8/84- Lloyd Hamilton taxis-in at Stead Field for a return go at Unlimited Class competition w/his freshly-painted & renamed Hawker Super Sea Fury- "FURIAS" & a good LH 3/4-rear view static shot to show this bold paint scheme & how the wing & fuselage color panels meet in design.

                          Photo 3: Sat. 9/12/87- Lloyd Hamilton & Furias had a great year at Reno '86 (-5th-fastest Q of 433.410, finishing 2nd in both Gold heats & Sunday's Championship @ 429.374 behind Dreadnought). When Hamilton & Furias returned the next year at Reno '87, Race #15 was fitted w/a turtledeck mod, wearing REDLINE OIL sponsor paint on the sides of her fuselage. Furias Q'd 8th-fastest (418.548) - but engine gremlins kept her grounded fm racing that year.

                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                            What year did the cowling come off? I remember the engine "sneezed" and Lloyd immediately pulled up. Just about the point where airspeed had bled off and it was time to pushover and setup for the landing, the cowling opened up like a clamshell and departed in 3-4 pieces with one striking the windshield and vertical stab.


                            • #44
                              Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                              Hey Skyracer-

                              Happened 9/15/84 on Lap-4 of Sat. Heat-3B (See P.2 / Post #13 of this thread). Here's a candid Buck Shot capture of Lloyd Hamilton recounting that incident first-hand to fellow veteran UNL racer- Korean War Jet Ace-Bob Love & a group of entranced listeners shortly-afterwards that same day.

                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by BuckyD; 08-27-2011, 06:10 PM.


                              • #45
                                Re: FAVORITE FURIAS FOTOS

                                Originally posted by BuckyD View Post
                                Hey Skyracer-

                                Happened 9/15/84 on Lap-4 of Sat. Heat-3B (See P.2 / Post #13 of this thread). Here's a candid Buck Shot capture of Lloyd Hamilton recounting that incident first-hand to fellow veteran UNL racer- Korean War Jet Ace-Bob Love & a group of entranced listeners shortly-afterwards that same day.

                                Hey, isn't that Warbird Willie on the far right in the white shirt?

