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Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

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  • Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

    John has informed me that the April Blue Thunder II Update is now ready for public approval...

    Anyone else see anything EXTREMELY SIERRA HOTEL with that last shot from this month's update!

    GO Mr. Parker GO!


    While you're there.. drop a dollar or two in the BT2 kitty!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

    hmmm im wondering if the E S H item you were referring to is coloured blue... that Screen frame looks a little short and seems to be missing a couple of bits..
    race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


    • #3
      Re: Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

      Originally posted by kiwiracefan View Post
      hmmm im wondering if the E S H item you were referring to is coloured blue... that Screen frame looks a little short and seems to be missing a couple of bits..
      Geez, I missed that one! I was looking at the diameter of that spinner and how they "expanded" the front of the cowl to match it.. or what it looks like they did anyway.. Just looks.. HOT...!!!

      But you got me thinking on that windscreen observation!

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

        Or maybe... wishful "thinking"....

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

          i noticed the spinner and cowls too... but that Frame just stood out to me... I looked at Blue I and it has a traditional P-51 style windscreen
          race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


          • #6
            Re: Blue Thunder II April 2009 Update - WITH Pictures!

            Originally posted by kiwiracefan View Post
            i noticed the spinner and cowls too... but that Frame just stood out to me... I looked at Blue I and it has a traditional P-51 style windscreen
            Off the top of my head....

            The real P-51 has a bulletproof flat screen that has a vertical frame on each side, then two "side" screens on each side of the bullet proof screen.

            On the Thunder Mustang, those three pieces are all one. It is a single piece of plexiglas that forms the front and side screens. Two vertical rails are attached to match the appearance of the P-51.

            If you look at the Yellow/Grey TM in the background of the 4th photo of the March report, you may be able to see that the screen does not have the two vertical rails that would flank the sides of the bulletproof screen on the real P-51.

            I believe what you are seeing on Blue II is the absence of those rails and the angle of the photos which make the frame look cut down.
            Bill Pearce

            Old Machine Press
            Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)

