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First time at Reno

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  • First time at Reno


    I'm looking to pick some brains again. Now that I have my flight tickets, transport, accomodation, grandstand and pit passes, what other essential 'not to be missed' events should I be looking out for at Reno? I will of course be keeping a close eye on the racing and as I spend all my spare time back home looking after a small collection of Warbirds I guess I will be spending quite a lot of time in the pits. Chances are I'll be there when the gates open and will be leaving as late as I can. Any information will be very useful.

    Many Thanks


  • #2
    Re: First time at Reno


    Other than the races, there really are a few natural outdoor places that sould not be missed in the Reno area. Of course, Tahoe would be high on the list. Often overlooked, Pyrmid Lake is also a very cool place and one that should be seen, at least once.

    People often don't think of Nevada as having large bodies of water but it does, indeed, have those two lakes and they are, indeed, big!

    Downtown Reno has some neat stuff, but since it's changed so much since I've lived there (MANY moons ago) the locals who frequent this board will have much more information on where to go there..
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      see ya there.. sound like a potential hard core race fan!


      • #4
        Re: First time at Reno


        come say high to the F1 guys!

        we look foreward to seeing you!

        Tom F1 78


        • #5
          Re: First time at Reno

          Avoid downtown...I don't go unless I'm forced to do so (parties, Reno Santa Crawl, Reno Super Hero Crawl) things like that draw me to downtown. Or the River Festival, or the Angels Kiss river event. But you wont find much of that going on during the races.

          However, if you like trains, the V & T will be running between Carson City and Virginia City!! Finally after decades of planning, waiting and work, the Queen of the Short Lines will travel once again between these great Northern Nevada cities. And yes, I'm partial to the cause.

          Anyway...I'm not a big fan of downtown...though we do have a cool baseball stadium there now.


          Please forgive any spelling or gramar errors...I've been drinking long island teas today...or was that tonight?
          Last edited by MMPerk; 08-05-2009, 10:16 PM.


          • #6
            Re: First time at Reno

            I am not a big fan of downtown right now either, BUT, if you are staying in a hotel there, the "River Walk" is nice, and convenient. They have rehabed several blocks along the Truckee with several parks, walking areas and a rafting/tubing/swimming stretch. There are also a couple of nice grills and bars there, along with other shops. The National Automobile Museum is downtown also, but may not be open late enough for after race visiting.
            Of course the railroad museum in Carson and the lakes are always a neat way to spend some time.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • #7
              Re: First time at Reno

              hi Chris

              The National Auto Museum (Harrah's collection) is worth a look if you are into cars at all:

              I can only make it down (from Canada) about once every 4 or 5 years but thoroughly enjoy it every time. The planes are great but the people are the best - in the stands, in the pits, everywhere! Don't be afraid to talk to people (of course, use a little discretion if you're in the pits and a crew is obviously in a thrash to get their 'plane ready to head out). I'm always amazed how approachable everyone is.

              As far as extracurricular acticities, I usually find that after 12 or so hours of hiking around the tarmac, swapping lies and gawking at aircraft, I'm pretty well toasted. By the time I've had a shower, a beer and some food, I'm ready for bed.

              Bring a good hat, apply lots of sunblock and drink plenty of water. You've probably been advised already, but a little redundancy never hurts: be prepared for any type of weather. It can be +40C (fairly common) in blazing sun and dust or snowing, windy and below freezing (infrequently, but you only need to be caught once without any warm gear to make it REALLY miserable). It's high desert, so there is often a large change in temperature between night and day; it can be chilly in the early morning and evening, even if it was fairly hot during the day.

              have a great time


              • #8
                Re: First time at Reno

                It can be +40C (fairly common) in blazing sun and dust or snowing, windy and below freezing
                Sometimes all at once...
                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                • #9
                  Re: First time at Reno

                  The 2nd annual AAFO BBQ will be something you should not miss...good times last year. Agree with downtown, though seeing the Silver Legacy ceiling is pretty cool.

                  Tahoe is a cannot miss. Wednsday afternoon is a good time to sneak away for a few hours given qualifying usually ends at noon, Thursday perhaps too but only because the big big boys do not fly that day.

                  IM me and we can exchange cell phone son would be more than happy to be your tour guide at the races for a day

                  Oh, and do not forget to grab a beer from the Marines who sell in the pits Tuesday. Great stories from some very good guys.
                  Last edited by Dave65882; 08-06-2009, 08:54 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: First time at Reno

                    Originally posted by Leo View Post
                    Sometimes all at once...
                    Yeah, here's a good example. After having blistering temps in the high 90's for the last three or so weeks, a few days ago we had a marble sized hail storm and a 20-30 degree temp. drop! then just as fast as it came, it was gone again, and within a few hours, you couldn't even tell that anything had happened! Today's and tomorrow's forecast is a big temp drop with rain showers in the valley, and possible snow on the mountain peaks!
                    Last edited by t-dub; 08-06-2009, 09:32 AM.
                    "Racefuel, It's not just for breakfast anymore!"


                    • #11
                      Re: First time at Reno

                      You will LOVE the Reno Air Races! I have attended every year since 1988, (with the exception of 2001) when we were all grounded.

                      As some have already mentioned, when you walk the static displays, watch the races, walk the pits, it's a full day.

                      The weather can be blazing hot to snow, be sure to pack clothing that will work for either or both. This is high desert so always stay hydrated, you may not know your dehydrated until you feel poorly.

                      Bring a good cap or buy one. After the races, Lake Tahoe is a must see ( I stay up there and drive down to Stead each day) Truckee CA is a great old mining town with some good restaurants and pubs. Virginia City is like stepping back into the Old West, I recommend a Bloody Mary at the "Bucket of Blood Saloon".

                      Have a great time, it's an experience like no other!


                      • #12
                        Re: First time at Reno

                        Ditto most everything below. Depending on when you arrive, the Hot Air Balloon event is a pretty cool event to photograph. Happens the Sat and Sun prior to the races at a city park just north of U of N Reno. By way of example, see attached.

                        You'll have a great time, trust us. It will likely ruin any and all other airshow events you'll ever attend...know it has done so for me.

                        Last edited by Guest; 01-16-2010, 06:38 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: First time at Reno

                          Originally posted by Dave65882 View Post
                          The 2nd annual AAFO BBQ will be something you should not miss....
                          Where and when please?



                          • #14

                            once many moons ago I was fueling our mustang on the ramp in a snow storm with dust blowing in my face!


                            • #15
                              Re: First time at Reno


                              At the races if its done this year I'd be sure not to miss the slide show put on by Phil Wallick in the pits usually at the All Coast Trailer. Normally done on Saturday evening after sunset.

                              The show is made up of slides and videos taken at Reno and other airshows in the past. Bring your own chair if you have one and your own refreshment. Like the other posting said bring cloths for hot and dry and cold and wet. A jacket is a must, for once big red drops behind the horizon it gets chilly to down right cold at Stead.


