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Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

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  • Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

    Hi everybody,

    Ma name is Florian and last year I visited the Reno Airraces for the first time. It was such a great experience for me as a real warbird-freak that I decided to go there this year again. I met so many friendly people (locals and people from all over the states).
    Last year I arrived thuesday afternoon when nearly all of the qualifying flights of the unlimiteds were made already. This year I want to go to Reno earlier, coming in around sunday, september 13th.
    When do the qualifying flights of the unlimited racers usually start?

    greetings from Germany,

  • #2
    Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

    You can start qualifying on Monday.


    • #3
      Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

      Florian, While Monday and Tuesday and the first half of Wednesday are when the qualifications happen, and are very exciting, I set up camp on the first Saturday afternoon and the first Sunday is still very interesting, as there is organized practice and lots to see in the pits. If the weather is good, many unlimiteds will qualify on Monday during their two qualification periods that day. That way, if something goes wrong, they still have time to fix things before Wednesday at noon. I would stongly suggest you get an aircraft band scanner as you can hear when the individual pilots call for the course, then call for the clock....race control frequency will be different from tower frequency so asked folks that have scanners what frequencies to monitor. I bring a stopwatch and there will be conversion charts available so you can tell how fast the planes are going. Also, qualification speeds will be posted. You are welcome to PM me as I have lots of other tips it took me years to learn.
      Hope to see you there....chris


      • #4
        Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

        "I would stongly suggest you get an aircraft band scanner as you can hear when the individual pilots call for the course, then call for the clock....race control frequency will be different from tower frequency so asked folks that have scanners what frequencies to monitor."

        Please for the safety of the racer...Make sure the scanner you aquire is a receiver ONLY! Transeivers have proved to wreak havoc anytime racer are in the air. Stuck mics on the grround are very bad.

        Thanks for you interest and consideration of the safety of all who participate.


        • #5
          Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

          I'll agree with both Coyote Chris and Ohboyinreno about Saturday and Sunday (pre race week) being very good times to be there.. also, indeed on the scanners.. *Most* groundpounders only have a receiver, many pilots have their backup handhelds... that's where the problem begins. Although, there is at least one, undocumented, "incident" where a guy with a handheld saw a Mustang on final with gear up... he waited, waited and waited some more for someone on the ground to tell the pilot his gear was up.. Finally he broke in on the freq and said "Mustang on final your gear is up".. story I got was the Mustang wiggled a bit, the gear came down, and on rollout he said "Whoever said that... thanks!"....

          Prolly shouldn't tell that story in the same message as where I'll tell you not to share the freq's in the public forum due to the stuck mic syndrome... and many of the teams don't want their freq's online..

          So use common sense and ENJOY!!
          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #6
            Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

            Ditto All...don't know where you're staying (near the field or in town?) but if you can get to the pits at O'dark:30 (e.g. before sunrise), it makes for some great photography. Great lighting, few, if any, folks running around. Same holds for sundown...great shots of flaming stacks, brilliant reds and oranges against cloud formations, shinny all makes for an incredible experience. Can't speak for anyone but myself here and I'm not a religious person at all, but for's a spiritual experience, especially at those hours.



            • #7
              Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

              Originally posted by Air Judge View Post
              it's a spiritual experience, especially at those hours.

              "Racefuel, It's not just for breakfast anymore!"


              • #8
                Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

                Originally posted by t-dub View Post


                The best alarm clock in the world is an Unlimited air racer on takeoff roll just after sun up. Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.


                • #9
                  Re: Reno 2009 - Qualifying flights

                  Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the many useful suggestions
                  I'll reach Reno on Sunday noon or afternoon to have a quick look on the Pits before the action begins and then be there on monday and thuesday for the qualifying rounds and the rest of the week for the races.
                  I can't be there earlier because the weekend before there is a large Airshow here in Germany with a new built Flugwerk FW190, Me109 with genuine DB605 engine, Spitfire PRXIX (RR-Griffon, what a sound, Sea-Furies and lots more.
                  It would be great to meet you in Reno!

                  Best regards,

