Went to the races this year as I have since 1982. Like all race fans, Reno is always the most anticipated event of the year.
Of course and very importantly, a hearty congrats to that Chino Kid and his team.
However, something was very odd this year. I don’t think I like the races that much
anymore. The most noticeable was the absence of those two brightly colored Seafurys…and Mr. Brown. Why does the Dago Red booth look like a Hooters? Surgically enhanced blondes in red dresses and high heels hocking tee shirts. I like a buxom young blonde just as much as the next guy but there is a time and place for things like that,
but at Reno with a bunch of little kids running around.
Had a chance to walk up and down the rows of hangers. Anyone else do that? Absolutely beautiful aircraft whose owners all pay monthly rent but RARA wont let them come out to the display area (where they belong) unless they pay an arm and a leg. Just wrong!!
Love the Blues but the show is way,way,way,way too long. Much better when they stage at Reno International.
Saw Mr. Robert A. Hoover being driven around in a golf cart. Ran after him. His driver was nice enough to stop while I asked the honor of shaking his hand. He did so very graciously.
Gosh darn it, I miss the Energy Management routine and watching Mr. Hoover disappear into “Hoover’s Gulch”. Did anyone hear the words “Hoover’s Gulch” this weekend?
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