Gee, Wayne, I'm going to have to pester you about updating the POTW more often! Thanks for the nice shot. Any recollection of the date or which pylon you were at?
Posts made past 02:30PM 12/30/24 won't be on the new site!
Well, things are going to happen in rapid succession now... I'm going to do a final database backup at 2:30PM CST today. After the vBulletin team gets it - the new site should be operational "with all posts" soon thereafter. Then following a series of checks, and if all goes well, I'll post a link to the new forums here soon.
Thanks for your patience,
The Admins
Thanks for your patience,
The Admins
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New POTW -- Miss Dianne
LOL.. thought you'd get a kick out of that one.. Actually, I had a batch of them from: see info below(and this is waaaay TMI) but the one's I wanted to run were just too damn soft.. the one I ran is borderline IMO.. but passable under the circumstances.. meaning I really wanted a good shot of Jeff's plane!!!!
I really would have liked to put up one of the series from (same race) of you in hot contest with Chris Ferguson... you had him the entire race, from my vantage point... we did not see the pass.. must have got you just at the finish line? Bout 20/100's of a second difference.. Not sure what pylon number that is we get to go to.. inner 6 I guess it is..
Original date/time: 2002:09:12 11:33:56
Exposure time: 1/320
F-stop: 12.0
Focal length: 420.0000
Exposure bias: -0.3333
Metering mode: Pattern
Exposure program: Shutter priority
Digitized date/time: 2002:09:12 11:33:56
Modified date/time: 2002:09:12 11:33:56
Image description:
Scene type: Photograph
User comment:
Compression: 6
Nikon ISO speed: 0,200
Nikon color mode: COLOR
Nikon quality: FINE
Nikon white balance: SUNNY
Nikon sharpening: NONE
Nikon focus mode: AF-C
Nikon flash setting:
Nikon AF focus pos: "" ,01,00,01,00
Camera model: NIKON D1
X resolution: 300.0000
Y resolution: 300.0000
Resolution unit: Inches
Camera version: Ver.1.05
Colorspace: sRGB
File source: DSCWayne Sagar
"Pusher of Electrons"
Yeah, that was a memorable race. Cris and I had a rookie in front of us who was flying a bit wide, and wasn't quite as fast as us, but fast enough that we couldn't get a good pass on him. On the last lap I figured I was doomed to 2nd place, then he inexplicably went waaayyy wide on 5, wide enough that I figured it was safe to pass inside and he was history (turns out he figured he could push us wide to seal his victory, but to us it looked like he was heading for California). I knew Cris was nearby, but I didn't know how close until I figured out he was high and dove on me as I came around 6. I had the lead for about 8 seconds, then once again, I was doomed to 2nd place.Jeff Lo
Biplane race #13 "Miss Gianna"
Biplane race #6 "Miss Dianne"
Glad I could be there! Normally, I'm so pressed, I manage to miss the early bus and, hence the early races on that pylon.
Just about the time we managed to get enough people cut in to help us cover more classes, the ability to get them out to the pylons was limited by the sanctioning body..
I'll do my best this year to spread myself thin and make sure I get out to more of the morning stuff...
There's a LOT more racing out there than the BIG guys!
WayneWayne Sagar
"Pusher of Electrons"
And another..
Yet another.. Ticks me off, some of the shots from this race turned out REALLY sharp and clear.. none of them with your airplane came out "tack" sharp.. It's funny.. I think I psyche myself out whenever I'm really trying to get a particular plane. When I just relax and shoot.. I do much better..Wayne Sagar
"Pusher of Electrons"