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Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

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  • Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

    As many of you know, the biplane group had a dismal turnout for Reno 2009, 8 airplanes short of a full field. As a result we are making an effort to promote the class and recruit new racers for 2010. I would not want to use anyone's photos without their permission so I'm asking that you please visit (Kevin Johnson's site) and post some of your great photos of biplane racing past and present.

    Thanks for your help
    Dennis Vest
    Biplane #25

  • #2
    Re: Asking for your help

    Why was the turnout low for Biplane? I would think it is by far the most accessible class with more potential racers in the general aviation inventory than any other class.

    Are potential partisipants discouraged by the disparity between the "super" biplanes like Phantom, and the rest of the field? I believe that dynamic has appered before in the past caused by the success of Sorceress and Sundancer

    Would a higher purse help? Was it the economy?

    Was there some internal issue with the class organizers we outsiders don’t know about?

    An anomaly?

    BTW Dennis, A more descriptive title for your post is needed. If it were to say " Biplane class organizers ask for help", I believe you might draw more responses to your query.

    Thanks, and good luck.

    Glen Merritt
    Plane crazy in San Diego
    '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.


    • #3
      Re: Asking for your help

      My guess for the dismal turnout this year:

      Most biplane racers are just normal, working people, and as such, they have been hit hard by the global financial crisis...

      Most people need to realize that coming to Reno as a competitor COSTS us a ton of money!!


      • #4
        Re: Asking for your help

        Originally posted by ezetom View Post
        My guess for the dismal turnout this year:

        Most biplane racers are just normal, working people, and as such, they have been hit hard by the global financial crisis...

        Most people need to realize that coming to Reno as a competitor COSTS us a ton of money!!
        I think one problem in recruiting new racers in this class is PRS. It's hard enough for the working class guy to field an airplane for one week a year. A rookie has to commit another week of time and money to go to PRS, then figure out how to take enough time and money off to come back and race. I know that PRS is not going to go away, but maybe it could be scheduled differently, or RARA could find a way to fund PRS for a pilot that returns to race the same year they take rookie school.


        • #5
          Re: Asking for your help

          Planecrazy2 that's a good suggestion. Perhaps if Wayne reads this post he can change it's title to reflect that the Biplane Group is requesting help, that would attract more attention.

          Yes, I think it's a direct result of the poor economy that people stayed away this year. I also agree that without question, the biplane class is the most accessible racing class from a financial prospective. Good biplanes like Pitts's and Miniplanes are dirt cheap right now and they can be made to go fast with some reasonably simple mods. The biplane group also divides the prize money a bit differently than the other classes. The biplaner's make sure that everyone fielding an airplane goes home with sufficient money to cover all but the most lavish hotel accommodations and travel costs. It's not so good for the top gold racers but I think it's a benefit to the class overall.

          And, I absolutely agree. PRS is a huge problem for us. If you live in the Midwest or on the east coast you have to fly your airplane to Reno twice in the same year. This is both expensive and very time consuming. Back in 1983 when I first raced F1, I just showed up on Saturday preformed a roll to the left and another to the right at 1000', made a rejected takeoff in a straight line and flew a bunch of practice laps with traffic. It was sufficient.

          If anyone reading this board is interested in racing in the biplane class please do so and join the fun. I promise you, racing airplanes is a blast and worth the money, time and effort.


          • #6
            Re: Asking for your help

            They race biplanes at Reno??? When did they start doin that?

            Guess we all have to start somewhere.


            • #7
              Re: Asking for your help

              You like to live dangerously, don't you.


              • #8
                Re: Asking for your help

                I remember a guy who was a chew chief on a powder blue biplane, "Legal Beagle" or "Bagel"?? or somethink like that, that raced not so long ago.


                • #9
                  Re: Asking for your help

                  Originally posted by shorebird View Post
                  I remember a guy who was a chew chief on a powder blue biplane, "Legal Beagle" or "Bagel"?? or somethink like that, that raced not so long ago.
                  You mean this one?
                  Attached Files
                  "Racefuel, It's not just for breakfast anymore!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

                    Thread title changed per your request Dennis.

                    Great job at Reno Buddy!! RG
                    Warlock #75, Steve Ballard, Al "Papa" Goss
                    RIP 03/17/10


                    • #11
                      Re: Asking for your help

                      Originally posted by shorebird View Post
                      I remember a guy who was a chew chief on a powder blue biplane, "Legal Beagle" or "Bagel"?? or somethink like that, that raced not so long ago.

                      Ya, what ever happened to that guy?

                      Don't think he's been by the biplane hanger in awhile, something about the quality of the beer?


                      • #12
                        Re: Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

                        Thanks Randy, same to you and the Warlock gang.

                        Is that blue thing the trailer for an F1...???

                        Yes I guess it's true, biplane guys can't afford the good beer but we make up for it with quanity.


                        • #13
                          Re: Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

                          Yes I guess it's true, biplane guys can't afford the good beer but we make up for it with quanity.

                          I hear the further up the ramp you get the better the beer is.


                          • #14
                            Re: Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

                            I would hate to see either the IF1 or the Biplane class wither away as a feature of the Reno Races. They have history, color, and some of the best racing at Reno. They are fan friendly, with the most accessable pilots and crews on the field. Plus, they are regular people.

                            Odd that they have trouble filling fields and attracting a wide fan following...


                            • #15
                              Re: Biplane Class Asking For Your Help

                              Perhaps they are tired of Phantom always winning?

