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1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

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  • #16
    Re: 1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

    So you were in a tent too, huh? Man that was a cold, wet Reno.


    • #17
      Re: 1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

      the monday after the races in 1982 was sunny and warm. Shawn


      • #18
        Re: 1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

        I remember that. A whole week of grey skies and heavy downpours, and on the day we go home there wasn't a cloud in the sky...


        • #19
          Re: 1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

          I remeber it as a miserable, sloppy, muddy mess. and we lived in our tent at the fenceline...we watched the planes from the doorway of the tent....outside the tent it was ....yuk!
          We couldn't tell what was going on across the field, or much less on the track..
          On the bright side...I never had as good a steak as we cooked in that tent on saturday night that year...yeah we had one knife and no other silver was funny having to share the knife......have you ever tried to eat peas...with a Buck knife?


          • #20
            Re: 1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

            Quite an error! Pyramid is big and blue, so Is Tahoe but there is a lot of distance between them!
            82 WAS a wet year, one of my favorites though.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • #21
              Re: 1982 B-25 Incident at Reno

              Don't you know men never ask for directions.
              Lockheed Bob

