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Images being used without permission

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  • #31
    Re: Images being used without permission

    My stuff is all over the place. I post here, WAP, WIX, and many photo forums. My website is usually in my signature. All you need is the photographers name, then Google it. If you Google me, I'm always on the first page.


    • #32
      Re: Images being used without permission

      I'm out there, but I'm quite certain that if you Google me, I'll be at the bottom of any such listing.


      • #33
        Re: Images being used without permission

        Originally posted by Cobra View Post
        A few years ago I "sold" a few photos to air race pilot (who will remain nameless). Cost me over $375 for the prints (3 prints at 28x18)... so how ethical was it for this pilot to stiff me with the bill, quoting the very same things you did right in front of me (and no, it wasn't you sir... not implying that at all)?

        So... as everything, it depends on one's perspective. I will say this much - I no longer sell prints to pilots.

        Mark, for what it's worth, I prefer to deal with mechanics and pilots' wives. I've been significantly stiffed by two millionaire pilots, and by two magazine editors. I've never been stiffed by a $30,000 a year mechanic, nor by a pilot's wife, LOL...



        • #34
          Re: Images being used without permission


          I agree there are differences in the quality of photos taken, and appreciate the finest works of many, But I hope you do see where I am coming from, The person that tried to sell me this particular print, was by no means a pro, and at his asking price, was by no means offering the print to me at "cost".

          I spend alot of money coming to Reno (about 10k per year), and the only thing I get in return is the satisfaction of racing, and being part of the races.. Why cant the photographer's do the same? especially when it comes to giving the people who are the whole "focus" of the event a freebie?

          I do understand that you dont want your work plagiarised, especially when a third party is making $$ from it, but at the end of the day, if you couldnt sell any of your stuff, would you still come to Reno?

          The days of racing at reno are numbered, and I think we should all not make such a fuss over a couple bucks here and there.


          • #35
            Re: Images being used without permission

            Actually I do see where you're coming from, Tom, and I do sympathize with the point you're making. And, by the way I did not mean my post to be critical of you or of the point you are trying to make. I still feel how I do about what I do, and I'm still generally unwilling to give much stuff away. I've spent many tens of thousands of dollars and many thousands of hours of work doing what I do and I think that's worth something. In the end very few of us make money at Air Racing -- and that includes pilots, crews, and photographers alike.

            There are lots of cameras out there, and lots of folks willing to give stuff away out of gratitude for a few minutes of contact with a RACE PILOT. That's fine. I don't think anybody is deprived because they don't have one of my photographs on their wall. But if I have something they want and cannot get anywhere else, I do want something in return. Sometimes it's money, some times it's a ride, and sometimes it's simply access and opportunities to get a special photographic point of view that I could not otherwise get. But I've just got too much money, time, and pride invested in what I do to just give it away.

            And, by the way, I would absolutely still come to Reno even if I didn't sell any of the pictures. I've seldom if ever made any overall profit from Reno. It would take an awful lot of $30 photos to pay for what I spend each year on the Races, and I've never tried very hard to market my stuff there anyway. I go to Reno to take pictures, not to sell them.

            What I charge for a photo is much more a matter of pride, ego, and wanting respect and recognition for what I do than it is about money...

            Last edited by wingman; 03-08-2010, 06:33 PM.


            • #36
              Re: Images being used without permission

              Enough have seen the posted message. This is best served as a continued PM exchange in which I will continue to vehemently disagree with ezetom, so I deleted the original post.

              And yes, I will continue to come to Reno until I'm dead, or the races are dead.
              Last edited by T. Adams; 03-08-2010, 06:57 PM.


              • #37
                Re: Images being used without permission

                Originally posted by wingman View Post
                Mark, for what it's worth, I prefer to deal with mechanics and pilots' wives. I've been significantly stiffed by two millionaire pilots, and by two magazine editors. I've never been stiffed by a $30,000 a year mechanic, nor by a pilot's wife, LOL...

                Thanks for the advise Neal - it's always worth the price of admission and then some

                My eyes were open back at the end of race week in 2001.... haven't been to Reno since 2002. Not that this incident was the only reason why - but it did factor heavily into the equation when comparing the fun factor to the things-not-so-fun-about-air-racing. And honestly, although I do emphthise with Tom, I get the impression none of this will change his opinion. And that's OK... it's still all good my friend.
                Mark K....

