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Other PRS/Race team news

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  • Other PRS/Race team news

    So we have all heard enough about the Bear, I find that hard to believe since it is my favorite team. So be it, while out there at PRS I was able to listen in, talk to, and pick up on some of the other race teams status. Mostly while drinking Bear Brew (did you get your bottle) at the fundraiser party. Sorry for the plug. NOT! Anyway maybe some of you have heard some of this but I will throw it out there so we can all head into a new subject.

    First Critical Mass: I heard that the plane is pretty much all together and just lacking a Prop. I heard this while we (the Bear Team) where looking for a new Carb. It just so happens that the Bear has a four bladed prop sitting in a Prop Shop in CA. So we made a gentlemans trade and they will be using our prop come Sept. and we will continue to use there Carb. I have heard that they have already picked up the Prop Assy. and it is getting worked.

    Miss America: I heard that although it received some tornado damage, that it looks tight but promising for Sept. I also heard that the wings would soon be making there way from CA. It seems their website has been down for a while so Info has been hard to get. Although it's not like any of the teams are good about updating info.

    Dago Red: The big news here is that supposedly Dwight Thorne suffered his stroke while Dago's motor was in his shop. I hear now that he is back to work but I haven't heard the status since. I haven't heard of anyone from there camp stessing over this so they must not be to worried. Once again as you all are aware their website hasn't been updated since right after Sept. 02.

    Strega: Several of us on the Bear Team talked at length with Strega's crew chief at said party. Sad news here, he says that Stega is done! Tiger wants to lay on the beach in Mex. and live life slow. I'm hoping that this is all just a smoke screen but he did sound convincing. He did say that Precious Metal has been clamoring to be Stegaized but no work has been done yet.

    Well I have a little more info but it's getting late. Time for dinner. So chew on this a little and add what you guys have heard.
    How much Bear time do you have?

  • #2
    Thanks for the updates. So how does that "bear brew" taste? I have a couple of bottles waiting for me there. I hope that cooler has a good lock on it.



    • #3
      Precious Metal has been clamoring to be Stegaized
      Ah... so does this mean that they are looking to make PM a gold contender?

      WAY COOL!


      • #4
        I read in Air Classics, Dago bought Strega's motor and the photo shows Strega with no motor. One could look at this in several ways, is it just a spare?

        Also in Air Classics it show Voodoo with new canopy.

        Bear Tech


        • #5
          Strega SparrowHawk...

          The piece in Air Classics about Dago buying the damaged Strega motor is complete crapola. But who knows, it just may turn up elsewhere...

          The Phantom Samurai

