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Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

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  • #16
    Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

    Aero GP had the mid-air, not Red Bull.
    John Smutny


    • #17
      Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

      When I first saw RBAR demonstrated at Reno many years ago, I thought it was absolutely useless and not entertaining in any way whatsoever.

      Now, however, RBAR has changed, and my opinion of it has changed, too.

      The format -- the timed running of the course with the aerobatic elements -- is of course very different than Reno. What Red Bull has absolutely scored on is how the action is delivered to the fans.

      I went to the London RBAR in 2008 and for me, who considers himself a pretty hardened airshow and air race fan, it was incredibly entertaining. From the live in-cockpit video and audio, to the entertainment between the individual heats, I thought it was very, very well done. It was very similar to what I saw when I went to Daytona that same year -- NASCAR also has the "immersive" fan experience. Take with that how the RBARs are presented on TV, and that makes it even more entertaining. The cameras that follow the aircraft in slow motion, the telemetry from the aircraft being displayed real makes it all right up there on par with when I watch F1 or NASCAR races on television.

      I personally think that RARA could take some significant points from these organizations in how they choose to run Reno.


      • #18
        Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

        Quote-----"I personally think that RARA could take some significant points from these organizations in how they choose to run Reno."

        Spot On Randy!
        "dont believe ANYTHING you hear and about HALF of what you see"...................J. Mott 1994


        • #19
          Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

          If the rumors floating around PRS this year are correct, there is talk of one of the race classes doing something just like that.

          Blue Thunder Air Racing
          My Photos
          My Ride


          • #20
            Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

            Preface remarks by saying RARA does a great job of managing the current format and experience. For what it is, they have it covered pretty well.

            That said, RARA has a ways to go in some areas. Their PR and marketing arms are weak. Know it's a fiscal issue for them but when was the last time you saw even a 20 second commercial, heard a radio ad, found a print ad in a nationally distributed periodical or newpaper? I live in the Seattle area that has a long history of aviation-related businesses and interests. Not once have I seen or heard any marketing or advertisement for them. Not once. I'm a 10+ year Docent at the Seattle Museum of Flight. A mecca for aviation buffs and aviation history. Any partnership with MoF or any other aviation-related museum? Not that I'm aware of. Why?

            How about a reciprocal agreement with FBO's? Or museums where membership in one get's you a discount in the other or reduced pricing for admissions? I dunno...anything at this point would seem to be an improvement.

            It's as if they rely on word of mouth and a generational passdown to keep putting butts in the seats. That's not a recipe of success generally. Know we're entering the 47th year but I feel that's a credit to those who've gone before us as much as anything else.

            Don't support technology for the sake of technology...the concept of doing something new just because it's new and you can. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

            I hope the powers that be at RARA take another look at their PR and marketing operations and drag them into the 21st century...soon.
            Last edited by Guest; 08-18-2010, 01:16 PM.


            • #21
              Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

              I would agree that their marketing leaves a lot to be desired. So far I have seen just one billboard here in reno, and have yet to see or hear a single ad on the local channels. I would think that spots on at least KOLO 8 would not be prohibitively expensive, Hot August Nights was EVERYWHERE. They usually start a radio campaign a couple weeks before but it is not much.
              I can see where a budget would be small, but a little exposure goes a long way. The only reason I knew they still existed back in the 70's was Wide World of Sports. ESPN covers women's volleyball, why can't they cover this? Is it discouraged?
              I could see a few issues with any partnership. Partners always want to influence things and fear liability and this is in reality a dangerous sport. The air races are known for being run "the RARA way" (not saying that is bad) and a conflict with partners could end it all. Kudo's to them for all they have done to keep this going, but some marketing would end the constant "they really RACE planes?" that you hear, even from the locals.
              Lastly, is there room for the growth we all ask for? The site IS limited, I don't know how you could enlarge the crowd significantly without causing problems.
              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


              • #22
                Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                Leo, I made our hotel reservations today and the lady asked "you coming in for a convention?" I felt like saying 'Hello, September, Reno you never heard of the Air Races'. But I refrained, I was afraid the rate would go up. lol


                • #23
                  Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                  I've seen several billboards throughout the area. Great painting DB!! And I can assure you that RARA is working on Marketing. Is there room for improvement? Yeppers. Do they know this? You bet your socks they do. There are also working to tie in with other local events in the area. I heard some great ideas being kicked around the campfire at PRS.

                  I'm bummed about the RBAR situation, and saddened by the loss of a great competitor.

                  Have a great day!



                  • #24
                    Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                    Air Judge: I few years ago a remember hearing Radio ads in the SF Bay area market one week before the Air Races...not very much publicity....

                    Leo: I remeber it this way, and I hope somebody corrects me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember that the "Skyfire" folks had the video rights to Reno Air Races all sown up for a bunch of years...which kept TV from getting into the act.... That being said, I think ESPN actually did have something aired, a couple years.... a long time ago. And that's too bad....cause I never really warmed up to the Skyfire Vids.


                    • #25
                      Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                      Yea, I have a couple of years of ESPN on tape, back in 87, 88 or so I think?
                      I have a few Skyfires also. They are OK, some better than others. I know RARA sells their own now, maybe that's a reason. Just seems to me that even if you are trying to keep the rights close, having a well done sports coverage on cable would be a HUGE boost. I can picture gearheads wanting to check it out. Right now unless you are aware of Air Racing, you won't go buy the disc, and most average Joe's see Red Bull as what Air Racing is about. I know that fans cringe when you mention NASCAR, but it seems to me at least a portion of that market would be interested, same with the people that watch all thos shows like Top Gear (guilty).
                      If for no other reason than to sell the gedunk, the shirts, tapes, etc. exposure would be nice. All the aviation magazines seem to have an add, might be worth hitting some car rags and even the NASCAR radio channel.

                      The local coverage is not too bad during race week, a couple minutes each night in the sports and a human interest story or two, and it is the same with any event here from ribs to bikes to cars.
                      I also think the webcasts and such are great start.
                      Once again, it's not my money, my decision, nor ultimately my place to criticize, just my opinion! And we all know what THAT is worth...
                      Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                      • #26
                        Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                        All good points, all. Guess my concern is the extent to which RARA appeals (or rather doesn't) to those on the fringe or outside the sport itself. Marketing to current member and attendees is a bit like preaching to the choir.

                        All the billboards around Reno, Carson City, et al are fine but virtually everyone around there already KNOWS about the races. If RARA doesn't start reaching out to a national market (after all, it is the NATIONAL Championship Air Races), I fear for its popularity down the road.

                        Seems to some degree RARA believes the product is so unique and special that it well sell itself, therefore there's little need to spend serious $$$ on marketing and advertisement. Many a business has been tossed on the scrap-heap of history using that approach.

                        Believe me...I look forward to playing in RARA's sandbox just as much or more than anyone else who participates in the event. I'm still amazed I get to do what I do in the desert. It' just about the coolest thing I've ever done and if I ever miss a week in September in the future, it'll be because I'm no longer spinnin' on the planet with the rest of ya! That said, it would warm the heart to see RARA spend a nickle or two on a 20 sec spot for the Military Channel, ESPN, Discovery, etc. RNO is served by several air about a 1/4 page ad in their in-flight magazines 90-120 days leading up the the races? Maybe they do and I just haven't seen it.

                        Again, I know it's all about the $$$. Just sayin' perhaps RARA can redirect some of their resouces for the next 2-3 years and give it a won't lose who you have already. It's about bringing in younger generations to ensure the sports stability into the next decade and beyond.

                        OK, off my soap box.
                        Last edited by Guest; 08-19-2010, 10:31 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                          I've been told that there is a belief that the Reno Air Races isn't really considered much of a Reno event.
                          The story goes that the sell a bunch of rooms, but all of the people leave town for the day and come back in the evening. A great percentage, myself included make such a long day out in the sun or wind or whatever, that they (we) come back, get a shower and some sort of a dinner and call the day done, getting up early to do it again.
                          I know that I don't spend much of the week in Reno so to speak.

                          My money spent in Reno is for hotel room, breakfast and maybe dinners.

                          Too tired for the casinos and potential shows.

                          But the Hot August Nights crowd fill the streets and bars for days and nights.

                          Big difference in local awareness.



                          • #28
                            Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                            It's true. The Air Races are way down the list for bringing money to local business's. Hot August Nights, Street Vibrations, I think even the rib cook-off beats them for money brought to the area.
                            I STILL contend that they could improve on that.
                            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                            • #29
                              Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                              A certain Edge with the N number ending in KC is for sale as is, where is in South Africa on Barnstormers.


                              • #30
                                Re: Red Bull Cancelled for 2011, maybe 2012 as well

                                I agree completely on advertising. Where to advertise is the case-in-point. I don't travel too much, but I know about the races and preach religiously to everyone I talk to at each of the local airports I do annuals on. People just don't seem to understand unless they go and experience what I would call "our other religion".

                                My brother brought me in 2000 and now I'm the one making the plans months in advance. It's almost as if, if you don't experience it once, you'll never come!

                                I like the idea of ads in the airline magazines, but so many people flying these days do it because they have to - sort of a greyhound bus getting them from home to work meetings and back. It's kinda hard to mass market the Races. The military channel is a great idea, but what are the demographics of viewers for that one channel?

                                In my eyes, WE are the advertising for RARA. I don't know what else we can do to help promote our favorite sport other than word of mouth. I'm RARA's chief of advertising for the Atlanta area - we've just got to recruit new people with a curiosity for the sport.

                                (One of our best supporters could be the History channel - we have to pass along the history and greatness of the aircraft that were used before, during and after WWII)

                                Pilgrimage beginning in 3 weeks (Go ahead and ice down the beer AND the race fuel),


