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I don't want to be pissed off!

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  • #16
    Re: I don't want to be pissed off! may be stomping on "hallowed feet"...'tis been my experience. Don't be askin' for info that we're not worthy of. You'll be sorry.

    A disgraced nobody.

    Aka: GregS


    • #17
      Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

      I love the way you write! I've always been partial to Merlins but I've definitely cheered for the Bear many times too.

      I'm in serious countdown mode. I'll be arriving on Friday the 10th. I do have my favorites but when it all comes down to the Gold on Sunday I just want a good close safe race and I'm happy whoever wins. I don't like it when someone has to mayday out, often for some small inexpensive part that gave way. This year as in most years past there seems to be the potential for some incredible racing, even with several of the top racers absent. I can't wait!


      • #18
        Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

        Originally posted by planecrazy2 View Post
        If I get to Reno and find out that Rod doesn't have a race motor in the Bear, I WILL be mighty pissed off!
        Sumptin tells me, you'd not be the only person in that frame of mind....

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #19
          Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

          Originally posted by Big_Jim View Post
          The difference there is you're comparing an incredibly wealthy individual versus someone who scraped, hoarded, and skimped virtually the last 40 years of his life, mostly at the expense of his family and home, to make it happen.

          Mr. Lewis bought into what it took Lyle most of his adult life to create.
          With all due respect to Lyle, and I think the sacrifice and dedication he brought to the table are not only amazing, but legendary and will be in the realm of "godlike" to many for the rest of our lives... There will never be another like Lyle Shelton!

          OK.. that said...

          I may not agree with everything I see that happens with the Bear team, and truth be told, I do not, but what do I know...

          OK... That said.. Rod Lewis, however wealthy he may be now, is a guy who truly did work for his money.

          I know both his mom and dad and I can tell you, Rod comes from humble beginnings, he's got balls, big ones, took some risks, borrowed some money, sucked it in and rolled the dice.

          It payed off for him big time but it also almost cost him his life from the stress of "getting there"..

          True, he's "there" now, but just know that he did, indeed, work for what he has...

          Just sayin....
          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #20
            Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

            Originally posted by Outer6 View Post
            I love the way you write!
            WOW... I'll second that!!!!

            Need a "job".....
            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #21
              Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

              Originally posted by Skyracer View Post
              Heck, they can change an engine overnight.
              Key word here.... they.....

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #22
                Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                Originally posted by Outer6 View Post
                I love the way you write!
                ME TOO! Reminds me very much of the great fantasy writings that appeared in Penthouse and the like over the years. Expressive, passion filled, slowly building to a huge ... umm ... crescendo, and much the same effect on the reader.


                • #23
                  Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                  Did it ever occured to any of you that there might be some systems integration, avionics or other "rational prep work" going on prior to the race engine install in the Bear? That there might actually be a plan, and there is a reason it is where it is, in the condition it is in?

                  I have to chuckle sometimes about the sense of entitlement some folks have. I'm sure (in fact I know) Mr. Cornell has a plan.


                  • #24
                    Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                    Thanks for the kind words everyone. It's easy to write when you have such great inspiration.

                    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
                    WOW... I'll second that!!!!

                    Need a "job".....
                    Are you serious? I would love to do anything you wanted my help on Wayne.

                    I work for pylon passes


                    • #25
                      Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                      Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
                      Key word here.... they.....

                      I just wanted to toss another possible quirk into the mix here. And I'm a past Bear crew member and love the Bear so no intension to sound negative by any means, but the Bear has an all "New Crew", ( THEY ) some I understand tho talented wrench's have no round motor back ground so they may still be on a sharp learning curve regarding engine and systems on a sometimes stubborn airplane (grin). May slow down the prep & testing process. I know she will fly in time for the races, she always does. I'm anxious to hear my favorite sounds soon.

                      See ya in a few weeks ~ Cloudchaser


                      • #26
                        Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                        I made a quick visit yesterday...the Bear is in it's cave and prep work continues for the engine. The firewall is ready to go and some finish work was being done on the mount. As for the Bear migrating down the ramp to sport hanger...that may or may not be true. But one thing is for certain, the new surface on the hanger floor looks mighty sweet. And for those courious about the 'other' racer in the hanger. The Bear is first and foremost on the priority list, but I could tell that work has been done on 'American Spirit'.

                        As for the new crew...Babtism by fire!! Or would that be babtism by Bear!!

                        Have a great day!!



                        • #27
                          Re: I don't want to be pissed off!



                          • #28
                            Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                            Some serious angst out there! Not to worry...just let it come to ya.

                            Before you know it, you'll be sitting in the grandstands or box seats or snaking your way thru the pits all smathered with SPF50 and a floppy hat, downing one beverage after another, your head on a swivel and you ears perked to listen for that unmistakable sound of Round!

                            Whether you're an in-line guy or a round-man (literally or figuratively it matters not), your day will soon be here! The week of an all-out assult on all your senses is about to begin...smell of hot metal, blistering asphalt, blowing dust, AvGas fumes, unburned hydro-carbons wafting thru the desert breeze, onions and charred meat on the grill, the occassional whiff of perfume and glimps of a scantily-clad young women, the high-pitched whine of propane-powered blenders from the box seats (if you haven't seen this contraption, you gotta check it out) gotta LOVE AMERICANA!!

                            Enjoy the anticipation my friends. I know I's Christmas in September and Santa is arriving in a flight of P-38's!!!

                            Remember this...for there will quite likely come a time in our lives when Wayne and his site may be the only way we can relive this incredible event. I pray that day never comes in my lifetime...but nothing lasts forever.

                            Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight!


                            • #29
                              Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                              Great replies guys!

                              Flyingjibus, shivers down my spine bro!

                              I only can hope that after last years "stock motor" performance capabilities were shown, that with a hot engine the Bear would rock and roll at the top of the field.

                              I just wanna see it happen.

                              All the talk of "fan entitlement" is so much horse sh*t. Damn straight we are entitled to see the best an owner can field. Ask a true fan of ANY professional sport….all real race fans should still be trying to pull the knifes out of their backs from the disappearance of Stiletto, BMB, 232 and now Dago.

                              IN MY OPINION with a year to prepare and deep pockets, there is no excuse for the last minute wrenching. Saying “well it happens every year” is not acceptable. How many of us not there for qualifying the last couple years have been glued to the internet on Wed. as noon drew closer and closer without a qualified Bear?

                              I was a program manager for corporate America in another life responsible for budgets that dwarf the Bear teams budgets and by GOD if I had a year to prepare and my team members had not “hung the race motor, had it broken in and EVERY SYSTEM OPTIMIZED by now………well, paid team members would be GONE. (Perhaps that’s what happened?)

                              Whew. That said, don’t insult me for my outspokenness. (lotta good that will do me). I know owners are not financially compensated for the value of their participation. I know I should just “shut-up” and “be thankful” the races are even held. But I also know that Rod bought into a plane with a fan base, a “brand” and as a businessman he should acknowledge his responsibility to manage the Bears “brand” with a “whole hearted” effort that does not insult the educated fan.

                              Rant over.
                              '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.


                              • #30
                                Re: I don't want to be pissed off!

                                Rant almost over,

                                I kinda feel the same way about PM. A little bitter and betrayed she is not pushing the field instead of sitting in one.....
                                '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.

