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Rare Bear Motor is hung

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  • #31
    Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung


    I thought you were Bull Slinging... so I looked it up.
    Sir, I salute you!

    Gyroscopic precession:

    is rather simple in and of itself; it is a simple fact that when an outside force is applied to a rotating body, the result of the outside force will occur approximately 90 degrees later in the plane of rotation. It is not exactly 90 degrees later, but that is close enough for what we are concerned. This can be demonstrated by making a simple devise such as spinning a plywood disk on a pointed nail or similar support. As the disk spins, apply light finger pressure to any point on the disk; the disk will tilt forward approximately 90 degrees later in the direction of rotation.

    The domain name is for sale. Call BuyDomains at 844-896-7299 to get a price quote and get your business online today!


    • #32
      Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

      I know this video has been seen by most of you but with this thread I thought it would be good to post again
      Jason Schillereff


      • #33
        Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

        Part of the Plane & Pilot Series from the 2009 Reno National Championship Air Races. Test Pilot and Unlimited Racer John Penny talks to a group of USAF Acad...
        Todd Smith


        • #34
          Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

          Originally posted by BUD_XXX View Post
          I think I remember an article in Aviation Classics were the Rare Bear Pilot (JP I think???) said the three bladed prop produced significant torque effect, so much so, the plane needed 50-100 pounds of rudder at speed, and it was not too comfy for the pilot to apply that kind of rudder over the length of a race....even with the adrenaline pumping during a race..... was very fatiquing....and a vibration issue??

          Was there also a prop diameter issue??

          The three bladed unit was what, a P-3 Orion unit???

          ...I probably dreamt the whole thing.....what a dream!
          The three blade prop did make the plane have some unusual handling charactoristics. It did not however require 50 lbs to hold the aircraft on the course. As I remember when the planes speed was increased to warp eight it had the tendency to require a bit of top rudder in the turns.The vibrations at speed were certainly different as I remember having to pick up radio knobs a few times off the floor after a flight. It was a bit blind on the take-off and landing. Other then that it flew pretty nice for a race plane. I mean your 105 kts over the fence three pointing the plane, so it can't be all that bad. It actually flys pretty nice for what it is. I have raced more unlimited aircraft then most. The Bear was one of the nicer flying fast planes on the course, contrary to popular belief. I bet it also flys nicer now that she's slicker then she has ever been before. I don't want to steel any of Johns thunder here as it certainly is not a simple plane to fly, but most race planes are not either. John does better then anyone I have seen in the plane and certainly better then me. He is still my choice for flying that beast. There are none better suited in my opinion. I would however like to give her a run on the course now that Dave Cornell has her back in shape and ready to rip. I bet there is a 500 plus lap awaitiing us at Reno this year. I'll also be willing to bet a few dollars on her being there in the Gold on Sunday too.

          Matt J


          • #35
            Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

            After watching the vid, kida sounds like John wants that 3 blade prop on the Bear as well (at least for testing).

            Great vid and interview. alot of info in there.. will have to watch it a few more times to get it all.


            • #36
              Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

              Thanks Matt.

              I won't need Viagra tonight.

              '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.


              • #37
                Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                Ditto and the Viagra!! 16 days till we arrive!!
                Bear..... and now Ghost Fever Forever...... John


                • #38
                  Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung


                  Thanks for the real "dope"! As my Pop used to say.


                  • #39
                    Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                    Great news MJ. Can't wait to see that next week!

                    Tom Johnson,
                    Aviation Insurance Broker / Yak 50 Owner


                    • #40
                      Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                      On this note, read the current Air and Space and you will find out from John that him winning has nothing to do with the engine John, as a former submarine guy, you know what ya got to do Sunday


                      • #41
                        Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                        Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
                        I don't think I can remember ever hearing John say anything good about that prop...
                        There was a video link I saw a while back with him talking to some cadets @ Reno last year, and he said a bit about the qualities of both props. He said Dave C. can name lots of reasons why you want the 4-blader at Reno, but that he'd like to put the 3-blader back on and do some head-to-head speed trials because the fastest he's ever flown in the Bear was with the 3-blader. It also sounds like he thinks it would have the edge for something like the straight-line speed record, but that the 4-blader has advantages on a closed course coming out of the turns. It also has much less gyro effect than the 3-blader since its lighter.

                        I guess that's not anything exactly "good" about it (other than he's gone faster with it), but it was a lot less negative than I might have expected based on other things I've read about how it flies with the 3-blader.


                        • #42
                          Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                          Originally posted by 440_Magnum View Post
                          There was a video link I saw a while back with him talking to some cadets @ Reno last year, and he said a bit about the qualities of both props.

                          Its linked earlier in THIS thread.

                          If I had a brain, I'd be dangerous....


                          • #43
                            Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                            Originally posted by 440_Magnum View Post
                            I guess that's not anything exactly "good" about it (other than he's gone faster with it), but it was a lot less negative than I might have expected based on other things I've read about how it flies with the 3-blader.
                            I probably should have qualified my comment and said @ RENO, he had nothing good to say about the three blader....

                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #44
                              Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                              Originally posted by split-s View Post
                              How such a thing would sound is hardly what its issue would be.

                              you want sound? Get a stereo...
                              or you could restore a Thunderscreech?
                              Add a 3350 ?
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by mgbf4u; 09-02-2010, 06:25 PM.


                              • #45
                                Re: Rare Bear Motor is hung

                                They said the vibrations from ground running that thing made crew physically ill.
                                At least the Bear just massages your chest!
                                It's funny that when they fly it around here in the off season, as "rare" as that is, you always know it's the Bear. Even with the 4 blade it has it's own unique rumble.
                                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts

