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any one know of the names of the He-111 that went down

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  • any one know of the names of the He-111 that went down

    Randy Rheinschild

  • #2
    Yes; one was an <moderator edit: information removed pending official notification of family members> Both very, very good people.
    Scotty G


    • #3
      Local News Report



      • #4
        Really sad... I hope the families of both men are well taken care of in this terrible time for them.

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Why was my post edited/censored? I didn't mention any names. The families have been notified.
          Scotty G


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scotty G
            Why was my post edited/censored? I didn't mention any names. The families have been notified.

            Your post was *edited* because all the news reports that I read stated that the names were being withheld until family members were notified.

            You did not post names, however, what you did post contained enough information to potentially cause grief, should it be read by a family member not yet notified.

            We had to do the same last year when a well meaning race fan posted about Tommy Rose's accident prior to official notification and by the request of RARA to not publish information about the accident until they could meet the family at the airport.

            This is standard editorial policy for most publications.

            Please feel free to re-edit your post once the families have been officially notified.

            Wayne Sagar
            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7
              The Wyoming newspaper website has updated the information regarding this tragic crash and the two pilots have been identified.

              Our sincere condolances to friends and family of the two brave men who were lost in this crash.

              We'd also like to extend our sympathy to those who worked with them, as both were airline pilots, as was mentioned in the above edited message by Scott Germain, who worked with one of the men flying the airplane.

              We were very sorry to have to edit the information out of Mr. Germain's post prior to our knowledge of official notification of the family of the victims, please note: Mr. Germain did not put the names of the men, he only mentioned the airlines where they worked, one of which was the airline where he works, and we felt this might not be information that should be released prior to the family members being informed.

              Again, our condolances to family and to those who knew the pilots.

              Wayne Sagar
              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"

