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Making money racing at Reno?

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  • Making money racing at Reno?

    Love the sport; Love the guys giving us the best aviation week all year.

    After being at Reno this year something occurred to me. My greatest racing quote of all time... Danny Lasoski, of sprint car fame, told Kenny Schrader of NASCAR fame "Man I had a great year I made $175,000 racing this year. Kenny replied "I made just about that in t-shirt sales"

    I saw allot of marketing going on this year and that was great. Everyone in my family came home with a couple of shirts and a hat or two. I will also be ordering more over the internet. We ran out of funds.

    I don't want to point fingers, but I would have paid $35-45 dollars for a Steadfast shirt. I love the underdog status and I know what living on a budget is all about. Talked to a crew guy and fully understand the reasons shirts were not there. I also never saw anyone selling Checkmate shirts. Even though there is no plane, there could have been enough shirt sales to pay for some fuel for next year.

    I assume that no matter what you race from F-1 to Unlimited, at the end of the week, you have spent more money than you have taken in. For us fans though we would love to spend money all year buying souvenirs.....

  • #2
    back in the day....

    ....we would make oh heck...maybe -$30,000.00 as long as we didn't break anything...if we did break we would make maybe -$100,000.00 (yes those are MINUS figures)
    Now working the ramp as a volunteer during PRS and the races proper I only spend (make) about -$4000.00 a year (again minus) so I am winnar!


    • #3
      Re: Making money racing at Reno?

      I ran in the T-6 class for 8 years. It cost me at least $20,000.00 per year to come to the party. I crashed in Wyoming comming home to MI in 05, add $200,00.00. No "T" shirty math required. But it was a rush. No regrets.


      • #4
        Re: Making money racing at Reno?

        The only unlimited team I've ever seen make a profit was Yancey with his Yak. As I remember he lived in the area and his primary expense was the entry fee. I remember being his pit where the entire "team" seemed to be a friend in a station wagon. He got more oil he could use and commented something to the effect that unless something broke he had to race because it pretty much paid for the racer for the year.

        Of course that racer is no longer raced so casually.

        Otherwise, I can't imagine anyone comes away with a net postitive.



        • #5
          Re: Making money racing at Reno?

          PS: 1st place paid about $6.000.00 plus a winners watch that I had to put on e-bay to bay the bills. The buyer asked if it was used. 10 ft. I said.


          • #6
            Re: Making money racing at Reno?

            I remember the first year the "Bad Idea Racing Team" went to Reno to fly in F-1, Steve, the pilot pretty much had spent the small amount of winners money on the tables at the Silver Legacy in a matter of minutes. I had spent more money personally on T-shirts for the team than any prize money ever covered.

            A great way to make a small fortune in air racing is start with a large one!



            • #7
              Re: Making money racing at Reno?

              Originally posted by spacegrrrl View Post
              A great way to make a small fortune in air racing is start with a large one!

              That is hilarious!!! However true it may be.
              My heart starts beating again in September.


              • #8
                Re: Making money racing at Reno?

                Make money at air racing?

                HA HA HA HA HA!!!!


                • #9
                  Re: Making money racing at Reno?

                  Al Goss once told me for every year he raced he would have to work 2 years to break even. This would have been his 30th year & at 68 years old this would mean he would be 98 to break even. Of course this was stated during one of his Wed. nite pit parties.
                  Lockheed Bob


                  • #10
                    Re: Making money racing at Reno?

                    Mystical one you made me giggle

                    I'm pretty sure any t-shirt profits in our pit did not cover our beer consumption funds

                    I had some of the best days of my life on the Reno ramp and it was worth all the bucks blood sweat and tears expended- Priceless

                    Tom C call me when you can 530 554 3215 RG
                    Warlock #75, Steve Ballard, Al "Papa" Goss
                    RIP 03/17/10


                    • #11
                      Re: Making money racing at Reno?


                      the entire reno purse would not cover your crews beer bill

                      hope you are doing well my friend
                      bob burns
                      ex tow-3, now race 66 crew
                      "dont mess with texas"


                      • #12
                        Re: Making money racing at Reno?

                        Originally posted by RandyGoss75 View Post
                        I had some of the best days of my life on the Reno ramp and it was worth all the bucks blood sweat and tears expended- Priceless
                        Hopefully there are many more, too.


                        • #13
                          Re: Making money racing at Reno?

                          I would hazard a guess that even if the purse was x10 what it currently is, we would still be out of pocket to come and race..

