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50th Anniversary...then...

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  • 50th Anniversary...then...

    Sure we've all heard the scuttlebutt as we approach the 50th Anniversary about RARA hanging it up after 2013. Too much pressure from the real estate community, too expensive, lack of second tier sponsorships, and the like. Likely this has been bantied-about on this forum before (a quick search under a couple subject lines didn't reveal much however).

    OK, all you ol' timers...what's your gut? Shut it down after 2013...move to LV or other locales...keep it going at Stead for as long as everyone wants to play?

    If you had to bet an amount of money that made you very nervous, what's your call? Just an informal poll...taking the pulse of the masses.

    I for one will travel to Mongolia if I have to...but that's just me.

    Last edited by Guest; 12-31-2010, 01:26 PM. Reason: Title Change

  • #2
    Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

    I'd be down for making no significant changes. I've heard no viable plan for moving to any other venue.

    I love the fact that they're approaching, keeping it alive, for 50 years.

    And Reno is only four hours away....I like that part too...


    • #3
      Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

      It's been tried other places all over in the past. It's never worked. Once Reno is done, it's over folks, turn out the lights.


      • #4
        Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

        But how am I going to tell what day it is? My calendars all start in mid-September! It's how I tell time!

        Guess we better enjoy the next three years and keep everything we have crossed that greater minds than ours figure it out. Know it's been tried elsewhere however Stead was always a fall back. If that's no longer the case and there's a will to make it happen, it'll happen...somewhere.

        It has to...otherwise I'll be campin' out in the Nevada desert in mid-September with my slideshows and videos, volume cranked to 11!

        Sad, huh?


        • #5
          Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

          I've been hearing this for the past 30+ years. Being a Renoite since '65, i've heard a lot more negative than positive about the NCAR, and it's demise. And yet, it's still here. I'll believe it when I see it, until then, let's all enjoy it while we still have it......
          "Racefuel, It's not just for breakfast anymore!"


          • #6
            Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

            Here, here! A NCAR at Reno. May it be enjoyed by many more millions for many years to come!


            • #7
              Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

              "Racefuel, It's not just for breakfast anymore!"


              • #8
                RARA is not going to give up.....

                ....yet. And there are other locations that could be considered 10 years from now.


                • #9
                  Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                  For instance...? If you could wave your magic wand, where would you point it?


                  • #10
                    Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                    I agree with T-dub, there has been talk for years about it shutting down. Been attending since 74 and have heard the scuttle butt almost every few years about it going away. Hope and pray that its here for many years to come and for many future generations to view and enjoy.


                    • #11
                      Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                      Originally posted by Air Judge View Post
                      For instance...? If you could wave your magic wand, where would you point it?
                      outside Las Vegas, Wendover (if the mormons keep fueling the boom there), nothing is impossible its just the Reno is so well situated.


                      • #12
                        Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                        I think Wendover, Nv. would bend over backwards to have it. and it would be a good location for the air races. But like it has been stated here before, there isnt the lodging there to handle all the people that would attend. They would have to make a tent city out on the salt flats.

                        But there is more than enough room, and the air port is huge, and rich with history.


                        • #13
                          Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                          I think Wendover, which doesn't have enough hotel rooms for even the air crews... ain't gonna work! How far a drive from Salt Lake City or Elko... and the night life there.....Naaahhhhhh!~


                          • #14
                            Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                            I live in Las Vegas and it will not work here, maybe Jean 60 miles south. Mojave was pretty good but no Hotels, maybe Texas. Hope it stays in Reno for another 50. Thanks, KC


                            • #15
                              Re: 50th Anniversary...then...

                              Well, when the gobbament gets to their next round of base closures and the close down be ale aft just north of Sacramento, that will be the place to have it. Close to large population base, still encroachment free, lodging and Indian casinos not far away.

