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Mike Brown?

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  • #16
    Re: Mike Brown?

    Does anyone have a link to the video?


    • #17
      Re: Mike Brown?


      Couple of comments and things to remember:

      There was no known audio commentary heard over the radio saying something like "Hey Mike, I'll be going by on the inside". Just a surprise visit in the front view of Mike's windscreen at 500mph.

      Do not forget that the camera we installed for this view is a fairly wide angle (I believe it is 120 deg). This makes the object much closer than it appears in the footage. (Consequently, this is the same camera that is in Voodoo now).

      After the race, I pulled the cockpit video recorder out of the plane and of course Mike was upset at the pass. Comments were made by another racer in the Gold race that he was cut off too. Mike was not happy and even expressed that over the crew radio when it happened.

      As discussed before on this board and others, if they collided near pylon 8, we would no longer be talking about air racing. Safety has to come first and that is a good portion of what the argument is about. Those watching the race can say that "it was a great race", "no one got hurt" or "these guys know the risks", but I would beg to differ.

      After showing Mike the cockpit footage and the ground footage, he requested the protest. Jason, myself and Mike were whisked off in a golf cart to show it to the contest committee. We were the only ones present from the crew and the committee then discussed/made their decision in closed doors.

      My opinion? If this was not Sunday's race, or Tiger's slated retirement year, the pass would have probably been looked at differently. After pulling the Gold racer up to the stands, RARA is not likely going to retract a position over a pass...

      Btw, anyone ever watched the line Skip flew in Dago or that the Bear flys? Not much different.

      Last edited by Mluvara; 02-12-2011, 07:24 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Mike Brown?

        I take it, what the discussion is about is at the 7:40 point on the video. Without having the whole field of vision, the first time I saw it, I just thought the other airplane was perhaps at the 9-10 o'clock point and and out of view of the camera. However, from what I've read on here, I assume that was the inside pass. Appears that it was not only an inside pass, but he didn't keep his track and veered right in front of Mike Brown. I don't blame Mike for being upset......and I'll leave the rest of my comments to myself. Still miss Mike Brown and I do hope to see him return some day.


        • #19
          Re: Mike Brown?

          Not to beat this subject to death .........another view of "the pass" can be seen in the youtube video entitled "Reno Air Races 2008 Unlimited Gold" uploaded by "interstellardust1" (one of our members I believe). It occurs at about 1:10, upper left corner of the frame. Nuff said.

          Kevin Baird


          • #20
            Re: Mike Brown?

            "but the clues as to why he may have left can be found in the excellent “Jason Schilleroff”s Vimeo video “September Fury” 2007 Gold race."

            So Bruce...Just when did I pass Mike Brown on the inside during the 2007 Gold Race?

            John Penney, "Race 77"


            • #21
              Re: Mike Brown?

              You never passed Mike on the inside..

              I’m very sorry John to have incorrectly posted a date of 2007, which was the year you won. I think my eyesight along with brain function must have failed to even get involved with this and to post any light as to the reasons Mike may have quit.

              The date for my reference post should have stated 2008.

              By the way, how did you like the ME109E. I got to fly ours a time or 2.....interesting and exciting to say the least. Never felt real warm and fuzzy with the DB601. Always felt like the “chock” was on so to speak.

              Once again John, I'm sorry for the incorrect date I posted, and to any reference that may have been inferred.

              Cheers Bruce


              • #22
                Re: Mike Brown?

                Same spot that Tiger past him in 2008. lol


                • #23
                  Re: Mike Brown?


                  No disrespect meant but do you think it may be time to retire from throwing other unlimited drivers under the bus?


                  • #24
                    Re: Mike Brown?

                    Having spent a few years in the valley I have the video to show that a LOT of the racers are wide on that turn onto the straight, especially when they are really moving. The year that Bear and Dago did their 500 race it seemed like Dago was right along the wires out there. The sound, the spray from the bars, the air pressure were tremendous. Video of that pass has been posted here before. I would venture to say there would be very little, if any, room to pass on the outside in that situation.
                    I miss the Brown teams. He was colorful, approachable, had some cool machinery and always seemed (to me anyway) to race balls-out.
                    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                    • #25
                      Re: Mike Brown?

                      Originally posted by Leo View Post
                      Having spent a few years in the valley I have the video to show that a LOT of the racers are wide on that turn onto the straight, especially when they are really moving. The year that Bear and Dago did their 500 race it seemed like Dago was right along the wires out there. The sound, the spray from the bars, the air pressure were tremendous. Video of that pass has been posted here before. I would venture to say there would be very little, if any, room to pass on the outside in that situation.
                      I miss the Brown teams. He was colorful, approachable, had some cool machinery and always seemed (to me anyway) to race balls-out.
                      I was out on the cul de sac for that race and was facing west as I watched Dago pass by


                      • #26
                        Re: Mike Brown?

                        Originally posted by BillA View Post

                        No disrespect meant but do you think it may be time to retire from throwing other unlimited drivers under the bus?
                        All right BillA... I can remember speaking to you about this sort of thing in the past and you've been set in the corner before..

                        I'm going to leave your post up, but... the unlimited drivers who do post here all use their real names.. Tiger reads here and I'm sure if he wants to talk smack with Bruce, he would, I'm sure, use his real name..

                        OK.. I've had it with anonymous "nickname" users who never reveal who they are pissing in people's Wheaties on this board.. . I've seen other boards require re registering of ALL members to use REAL NAMES for this exact reason. So... I'm gonna say, IDENTIFY yourself if you are going to smack talk!
                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #27
                          Re: Mike Brown?

                          Amen Wayne!

                          Steve Carter


                          • #28
                            Re: Mike Brown?

                            MR /MRS Bill A. .

                            Since you want to make a personal pissing match out of this Bill, if that’s even your real name, why don’t post who you really are and quit lurking around, so I can see what sort of experience you have in flying airplanes, flying warbird or even Air Racing for that matter.

                            After 25 years of being involved at the Reno Race and being opened to answering questions with anyone that came up and asked or wanted the “Facts” or the “inside scoop” about anything to do with Miss America, or Dago Red or even Stiletto for that matter….. I sure don’t need to answer to your sarcasm.

                            Now do yourself a favor and put down your pabulum laced Strega monogrammed coffee cup and go back and re-read the response I gave to the question posted by one of the board members about why Mike Brown quit racing…… OOOHH!!!!... by the way Bill, why do YOU think Mike quit racing ?????? Or….. are you just going to throw him under the bus in light of the real facts.

                            Another thing, if you think that my apologized to John for posting incorrectly typing the date 2007 instead of 2008 on the Video was throwing him under the bus…then I guess this sight has turned into something that I’m better off to avoiding in the future or all together for that matter.

                            YOUR TURN…. BILL…….


                            • #29
                              Re: Mike Brown?

                              Originally posted by bruce lockwood View Post
                              <...snip...>then I guess this sight has turned into something that I’m better off to avoiding in the future or all together for that matter<...snip...>
                              Bruce, I sincerely hope that would not be the case.. This fellow, whatever his name is really, Bill Aronson is the name he used to sign up originally, has a history of stirring the pot here and has been put in the penalty box, at least, once before..

                              His post and others like it speak volumes for what they are and, in reality, I should have just deleted it, nuked him from the site forever and hoped that not too many had read his unwarranted B U L L S H I T message!

                              I truly don't want you to feel like you have to waste your time responding to him, and with your permission, I'd gladly go back and delete his message and your response to it and we can all go on and continue to have fun here!

                              I try my damnedest to police this board so that we can have an atmosphere where smart asses like this one simply can't be here and their comments get deleted and they go away... With this one, I felt you deserved a chance to respond..

                              My feelings is that you, the board and Mr. A would all be better off if we simply turn our backs and let him fade away... I can make it so that it's even difficult for him to even SEE the board and for sure, I can make it so he can never participate here again.. this (expensive) message board software makes it relatively easy to keep this sort of person out of it.. Some folks don't realize that their computer carries with it a digital signature and that, is easily tracked, limited or blocked!

                              Your call Bruce... I'll leave it up and let him respond, or, take it down so we can go on and enjoy our day without the angry tightness in our stomachs that this turd has brought to us....

                              I thank you MR. Lockwood for what you and others bring to this little slice of our digital world!

                              I curse those of you who just HAVE to post crap here and elsewhere..

                              Climbing off my soapbox...

                              Edit...addition: As a PS to this message, this P R I C K has even changed his email address so I can't directly contact him..

                              I gave him one more chance a while ago... one chance too many..
                              Wayne Sagar
                              "Pusher of Electrons"


                              • #30
                                Re: Mike Brown?

                                Thanks Wayne,

                                I feel that it’s anyone’s right to post as they wish within the constraints of the rules that you have set forth for this site. It’s your call about this guy. As for me, I think that it is important for a person to identify themselves if they want to make slanderous remarks about anyone here.

                                I only have a limited time that I’m able to post. I would much rather spend that time constructively answering a technical question someone posts in order to make the experience of watching/participating in the Reno Air Races more enjoyable them. That and I like the great photos and the history from the Golden Days of Air Racing that many of you have been kind enough to share.

                                Thanks again for your input.

