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Tsunami rebuild update

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  • Reever
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    I remember the original build of Tsunami, it seemed like it took forever. News was scant at best with NAG RAG, Air Classics and Pacific Flyer. But, this is getting really exciting.

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    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    They were hoping to bring a mostly complete fuselage to Oshkosh this year. Obviously they won't be a Osh, but the Tsunami tent at Reno will be worth stopping by.

    They are very serious about this rebuild, and equally serious about returning and racing at Reno. I think their biggest hurdle in getting the build done is a lack of manpower and time. I'm not sure what Walter does for a living, but Johnny works for Pat Harker. I'd bet they would be happy to have some help once this plague has run its course. Donations are always welcome as well.

    I think the day Tsunami touches down at Reno marking its return, we will see something special happen. There are still people who want to go fast, and are willing to throw lots of $ and time at the conquest to do so. Heck, I'd bet even with a stock Merlin, Tsunami would still scoot right along. Heck, in '86, their first year out Steve Hinton qualified 3rd at 435 mph. (Interestingly enough, Dreadnought won on Sunday with an average speed of 434 after qualifying at 452.) I'd say qualifying the same or better would be a good target for when they come back. (Its crazy to think the return could be 40 years after its first appearance.)


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  • AAFO_WSagar
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Originally posted by RAD2LTR View Post
    I thought it might be cool to add an update to the thread. Since the people rebuilding it haven't been able to go to work, they have gone to work on Tsunami.

    From November 23 2019

    Not a lot different from what we saw at Reno last year.

    Feb 8, 2020 Fuselage floor crossmembers were assembled and primered.

    March 2020

    April 4 2020 update... Cockpit parts.

    April 7, 2020 the floor went in.

    April 21. More cockpit fabrication.

    May 5... "Instrument panel all set...(insert airplane noise here)"

    Walter and Johnny are making some good headway. We might see an assembled fuselage at Reno 2020 (assuming Reno happens.) Photos linked with permission from Walter Johnson.

    WOW... anybody who ever thought what you are doing would be impossible, please step up and eat your plate of crow!

    You guys are SERIOUS!

    I'm not only impressed, I'm ecstatic!

    What you are doing is absolutely amazing, I hope you are taking a lot of pictures, videos??

    I truly had no idea you were this far along!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Air Boss
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Thanks for the update! Promising to see such effort. Look forward to more. Thanks again...

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    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    I thought it might be cool to add an update to the thread. Since the people rebuilding it haven't been able to go to work, they have gone to work on Tsunami.

    From November 23 2019

    Not a lot different from what we saw at Reno last year.

    Feb 8, 2020 Fuselage floor crossmembers were assembled and primered.

    March 2020

    April 4 2020 update... Cockpit parts.

    April 7, 2020 the floor went in.

    April 21. More cockpit fabrication.

    May 5... "Instrument panel all set...(insert airplane noise here)"

    Walter and Johnny are making some good headway. We might see an assembled fuselage at Reno 2020 (assuming Reno happens.) Photos linked with permission from Walter Johnson.


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  • RebuildTsunami
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Originally posted by Reever View Post
    Just out of curiosity, is it known the total flight hours of Tsunami?

    Thank you,
    Reever, i can't be 100% certain as i don't have the flight logs in front of me but i believe it was something on the order of 500 hours. she was flown fairly often.

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  • Reever
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Just out of curiosity, is it known the total flight hours of Tsunami?

    Thank you,

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  • RebuildTsunami
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Here are a few more pics of our latest progress!
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  • deepsky
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Can't wait to see her again. Good luck!

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  • kiwiracefan
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Congrats on the progress, its looking good, even though there is a long road ahead.

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  • RebuildTsunami
    Re: Tsunami rebuild update

    Oops, almost forgot, we're having a clearance sale on all our old merchandise!
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  • RebuildTsunami
    started a topic Tsunami rebuild update

    Tsunami rebuild update

    Hello everyone, we wanted to take some time to update everyone on the latest goings on with the tsunami project and post a few pics, it's certainly been interesting and things are really beginning to ramp up!

    First of all we're glad to say that we've been hard at work on the horizontal and vertical stabilizers and have already begun skinning the elevators. We're also glad to say that we've started fabricating or repairing any damaged structure in the aft fuselage. Thus far things are going well and things are right on schedule.

    If you'd like to help rebuild Tsunami check out our website; , or look us up on facebook.

    also, check out our mentorship program at .

    fly fast!
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