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Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

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  • Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

    (Courtesy of

    'Skycar' Manufacturer Announces Scheduled Test Flight

    Moller International Hopes To Fly M400 In October

    Moller International has scheduled a demonstration flight of its ethanol-fueled M400 Skycar volantor. This invitation-only media event is scheduled to take place on October 11, 2011 in Vacaville, CA. The company says over 250 members of the domestic and international press have already indicated an interest in attending.

    Moller has been touting the Skycar concept for nearly 10 years now, and says the four-place M400 will be a VTOL aircraft capable of top speeds of 350 mph and a 750 mile range. It is powered by four Rotapower engines driving modified ducted fans.

    The company says the M400 will offer helicopter-like takeoffs and landings, with the speed and performance of a business jet. They say there are civilian as well as military applications for the "Skycar".

    Read the full article at (click here)...

    Will it fly? I've been waiting to see Moller back his claims for decades.

    When I first read of this machine he was promising that it would be priced at the cost of a luxury automobile, about $40,000 at the time. I think that price has increased tenfold since then. It would be INCREDIBLY interesting to see this unusual contraption actual fly under full control. Somehow I get the feeling that the long-awaited first flight will get cancelled at the last minute or second for some obscure or bogus reason. Just a feeling....hope I'm wrong.

    ANYWAY, here's some background on Mr. Moller, courtesy of WIKI. You decide.

    Steve (AirDOGGe)

    ================================================== ====================

    Dr. Paul S. Moller (born 1936, Canada) is an engineer who has spent the past forty years developing the Moller Skycar personal vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle.

    The engine technology developed for the Skycar has also been adapted as a UAV platform called the aerobot. The rotapower engine itself has been spun off to a separate Moller company, Freedom Motors.

    In 1972, Moller founded Supertrapp Industries to market his invention of an engine silencing system. Moller sold Supertrapp in 1988 in order to fund development of his Skycar and its rotapower engine.

    In 2003, the Securities and Exchange Commission sued Moller for civil fraud (Securities And Exchange Commission v. Moller International, Inc., and Paul S. Moller, Defendants) in connection with the sale of unregistered stock, and for making unsubstantiated claims about the performance of the Skycar. Moller settled this lawsuit by agreeing to a permanent injunction and paying $50,000.

    Moller is a professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis and lives in Davis. He was featured in Popular Science's January 2005 issue and recently appeared on the Coast To Coast AM. He also appeared in Popular Science's September 1967 issue.

    In 2007, Moller announced that the M200G Volantor, a successor to the Moller Skycar, would hopefully be on the market in the United States by early 2008. His proposed Autovolantor model includes an all-electric version powered by Altairnano batteries.

    Moller's credibility has been questioned in recent years because of the vaporware nature of his creations. In April 2009, the National Post characterized the Moller M400 Skycar as a 'failure', and described the Moller company as "no longer believable enough to gain investors".

    On May 18, 2009, Dr. Moller has filed for protection under the Chapter 11 reorganization provisions of the federal bankruptcy law.

    Last edited by AirDOGGe; 04-20-2011, 08:33 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

    There are pictures on the web of it appearing to be airborne, untethered. Probably shopped.
    Any one know if it's "flown" before?

    Guess he finally gave up on the pancake...


    • #3
      Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

      It'll probably go up 20 feet then back down. If it does a full test flight, I will be astoundingly surprised.


      • #4
        Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

        Originally posted by Apteryx View Post
        There are pictures on the web of it appearing to be airborne, untethered. Probably shopped.
        Any one know if it's "flown" before?

        Guess he finally gave up on the pancake...
        On the Moller website, there's a video of it lifting off. It's connected to a crane, I assume for safety, but cable is not under tension. To be honest, it looks a little wobbly and the video ends just before what appears to be a bit of a hard landing. (Not a crash, either. Just a hard one.)

        So anyway, it appears to at least get off the ground, but it's hard (at least for me) to make any real judgements based on the video.

        Last edited by mrcraigarcher; 04-20-2011, 12:07 PM. Reason: added link to video


        • #5
          Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

          Interesting, he was trying to sell the whole thing a couple years ago for I believe a million dollars. I've often wondered, what happens if one of the engines fail. The tethered flights I've seen have all looked very unstable. I wish him luck, but I think I'll stay away from Vacaville that day.


          • #6
            Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

            I've got the date marked on my calender... I don't think the skycar will fly (at least not in the sense that it will any good to anyone) BUT I'll see if I can't find out where they will be and go with the camera to spectate.

            Blue Thunder Air Racing
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            • #7
              Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

              Originally posted by Stevo View Post
              I'll see if I can't find out where they will be and go with the camera to spectate.
              Wear Nomex.
              Bill Pearce

              Old Machine Press
              Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


              • #8
                Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                Originally posted by W J Pearce View Post
                Wear Nomex.

                If he can get it to work as advertised, then he would have made the Holy Grail of flying cars. The difficulty is the "making it work" part.


                • #9
                  Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                  I am with Brian. He better have a ballistic parachute in case an engine fails......anyone want to sell insurance to this guy?


                  • #10
                    Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                    No, the M400 has never flown freely. It has hovered, while tethered.

                    Note that the picture I posted above is an early configuration, and not the flight-worthy layout finally chosen for the up-coming flight test.

                    Funny the article says Moller's been pushing the Skycar for the last decade when I have been following it for far longer than that.

                    I think it was the late 80's or early 90's that I say this early configuration:

                    Next, the horizontal stabilizer appeared, first small then much larger and supports by 3 vertical fins. That's the config in my first picture.

                    Once he found that movable vanes weren't enough and that the entire engine pods would have to rotate for hover, the outer 2 vertical fins disappeared:

                    The final version does away with the horizontal stabilizer altogether and now features fold-able wings:

                    I suspect the flight test will involve a normal rolling take-off and not a vertical, Harrier-type flight. Just my hunch.

                    Last edited by AirDOGGe; 04-20-2011, 08:59 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                      One of my class mates built a model of the original saucer in the early '70's, (as a term project). It was "close" to flying then.
            's been 40 years, and he hasn't done anything but dust the ramp...
                      I'm not holding my breath.


                      • #12
                        Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                        I'll bet it will be a tethered flight, simialr to what's in the videos.


                        • #13
                          Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                          Eventually, he's gonna have to let that dog off it's leash...


                          • #14
                            Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                            So did this ever happen??


                            • #15
                              Re: Moller Skycar to fly at last (?)

                              Originally posted by supercub View Post
                              So did this ever happen??
                              There's a rumor of a new class at NCAR 2013...

