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Well, things are going to happen in rapid succession now... I'm going to do a final database backup at 2:30PM CST today. After the vBulletin team gets it - the new site should be operational "with all posts" soon thereafter. Then following a series of checks, and if all goes well, I'll post a link to the new forums here soon.

Thanks for your patience,

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Blue Skies, Stan Brown

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  • Blue Skies, Stan Brown

    Air racing lost another of its fraternity this week when Stan Brown passed away in Reno on Sunday, August 3 at age 79. I knew him as the patriarch of the biplane class, Stan having retired from active racing by the time I joined the scene in 1995, but he helped to found the races back in the 60's, was a trustee for 13 years and chairman for 3. Stan had also been president of the biplane class for a time, as well as racing in the class. His son Steve Brown continues to race biplanes and is always near the front of the gold.

    We'll miss you Stan. Blue skies forever!

    There's more on Stan inthe Reno Gazette at:
    Jeff Lo
    Biplane race #13 "Miss Gianna"
    Biplane race #6 "Miss Dianne"

  • #2
    WOW, I dont know why this comes as a suprise to me..... I guess it is because it is one of the first guys I have known personaly in the air racing community that has pass on.

    Mr Brown always was a welth of info to every one around him, He was always willing to share his knowledge and experiance, wether it been racing or in life. He was also one to liven up the biplane pits by telling stories of racing from years past. Mr Brown can be called a pioneer of modern day air racing.

    My heart goes out to the family. He will be missed. I know his air racing legacy will continue on with his son Steve, another good man.

    Blue skies forever Mr Brown.



    • #3
      "If there's an air race heaven"

      Borrowing a few lines from the 70's Righteous Brothers song...

      "If you believe in forever,
      Then life is just a one-night stand.
      If there's an air racing heaven,
      Well you know they've got a hell of a race, race, race!"

      We'll all be in very good company some day.

      Wayne Sagar
      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"

