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OT: Flight Simulator

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  • OT: Flight Simulator

    I've taken my son the big show for a couple of years now and he's quickly become obsessed with aviation (I might actually have done something right as a parent). I'm interested in getting him a flight sim program as well as a yoke/stick for his upcoming birthday. I'd like something that will allow him to begin with the basics and progress as he learns.

    With this in mind, what's the best program and yoke/stick for a mac?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • #2
    Re: OT: Flight Simulator

    Well I was going to say Microsoft Flight Simulator but then you said for Mac...

    I'm not sure if they make this for Mac

    For a Stick try thrustmaster for mac
    "I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."


    • #3
      Re: OT: Flight Simulator

      For a Mac? Boot Windows on it and get Microsoft Flight Sim.


      • #4
        Re: OT: Flight Simulator

        I use X Plane and I like it better than the M$ product. I dont know how it is on a mac, but there are alot of mac X Plane users. There is also a ton of freeware planes available, pretty much anything you could want. I have the race course maps and a few of the unlimiteds that I like. For a joystick I use the SaiteK X-52 Pro. Enen though it dosnt have rudder pedals, (you can buy seperate pedals) I love it. Its the best stick I have ever used. If you want a conventional yoke and rudder setup there are some great CHX products on the X-plane page you can look at.
        The program is uber stable and looks great. They still have regular updates and people from all over the world make all kinds of stuff for it.
        All flight sims really like ALOT of video card, ALOT of ram and well a fast processor or 4 Oh yeah, almost forgot, these games really like a big monitor as well.

        Hope that helps, if you have any questions drop me a PM.
        Last edited by Bob; 06-27-2011, 07:19 PM.


        • #5
          Re: OT: Flight Simulator

          Another vote for the CHX yoke, pedals, and all the rest:

          I don't use it much, but I would guess that X-Plane is the best flight-sim program for you.


          Geoff S.


          • #6
            Re: OT: Flight Simulator

            Ill have to try out X-Plane, its always been overlooked compared to MS.
            "I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

