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judy #44

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  • #16
    Re: judy #44

    Originally posted by Bob View Post
    so if you set the fuel trim rich and have a precision air leak in the induction system.....
    This can be done with carburetors as evidenced by the amc race cars in the late 70s IMSA RS series.


    • #17
      Re: judy #44

      Well said Phil(F169). Lets keep F1 as F1 some new innovations yes but not another class. Thats what happened to Sport Class & now Super Sport Class,whats next Super Unlimited Sport Class but no afterburners. Lets all have a cool one.
      Lockheed Bob


      • #18
        Re: judy #44

        Personally, F1 is my favorite class because it is controlled by a set of rules that are restrictive enough to keep the competitors on pretty much equal footing without being so restrictive so as to stifle innovation and creativity. Because of this, the class remains relatively accessible and competitive for the average person. The competition is tight, the racing close, and some of the best racing I have witnessed in nearly 30 years at Reno is in the F1 class.

        As a whole, the class has changed little since its inception some 80+ years ago and some of the earliest F1 aircraft designs are still competitive today. There have been more F1 airplanes, pilots, and races than any other class.


        • #19
          Re: judy #44

          thats what i love, bless you brother bob and skyracer, it is also the longest running class and as far as old racers still doing well, judy has been racing since 1977 I think and that makes her one of the longest running racesr at reno, I think the only one that has been doing it longer is maybe the bear.
          For the longest time f1's were the only airplanes at the races that there only perpose was to turn left around the sticks baby, still mostly true the only other planes are the nxt's and look where sharp came from , and im workin on kevin to come fly f1, he has a top secret nxt f1 version that does 400mph sorry kevin, thats kevin eldridge @ sloair if you have any questions, JK I love that guy
          cant wait to see eveyone in a few weeks.


          • #20
            Re: judy #44

            I've been interested in F-1 for a long time and directly active with at least one team over the years. Allowing electronic ignition or something like fuel injection is not how to revive the class. It is easy to focus on the engine and think that the engine is the secret to going fast in F-1. Sadly it is way less important than the airframe. That is what is causing the decline in F-1. I've seen it first hand.

            The problem facing F-1 is that they need a new racer that can be purchased as a composite kit. Something potentially gold class capable as is. If the F-1 organization wanted to save their class they would work with someone and get something designed and find someone to turn out airframe kits. Let me explain my reasoning.

            Right now if you want to race F-1 you have two kit choices, the Cassutt and the Midget Mustang. The Cassutt isn't exacly easy to build and if you want to be truly competive you need to chase down a different wing and a host of other mods. The Mustang isn't competitive under any circumstances. The alternative is be an aero engineer or find one, then build something from scratch. Even then you may find the "wrong" aero engineer and still end up with a silver racer!

            I know several racers that don't race anymore. One quit because he wrongly believed that the fast planes were fast because they were allowed to race engines that "cheated" and made power he could never legally achieve. Some simple "back of a napkin" calcs easily showed that the big difference in speeds could not be achieved by differences in engine output. The other racer I know left because he knew he didn't have a competitve airframe and couldn't find someone he could trust to build one. He knew he needed a ground up composite design to really have a chance at breaking records and never made the connections to get one built. He decided to focus on other interesting aviation outlets as a result.

            So if I want to race and I evaluate the alternatives I can race the sport class with a lot less effort. That's not to say sport class is easy, but I have off the shelf airframes to build a program around. With F-1 I have a very big challenge to try and come up with a racer that could take the gold.

            Add in the the fact you will be racing at the least desirables times and seem to get the the least amount of attention of any of the classes, to paraphrase Robert De Niro in "Men of Honor", "I don't know why anyone would want to be a Navy Diver err, Formula One Racer!"

            I hope F-1 can find a second wind. It should be the class that shows the most innovation, it was once, but lately that seems to have been lost.

            By the way, did they ever get the Owl trophy back and is it still being awarded? As I remember that was for technical innovation in the class.



            • #21
              Re: judy #44

              Hi Guys and Girls,

              I dont reply very often, but there is some great stuff here.....

              First... Who know's what the ticket to help IF1 survive is. If you know, we are certainly open to listen! One of the keys is participation, but for several reasons, its not happening! To be competitive vs. participating is a different story though.

              Second.... Its truly about the people. It is the folks that are excited and motivated that we need to move us forward! Thank you Philip for helping be one of those guys!

              Spacegrrrl...You have some extremely valid points and I think you will be excited to hear that IF1 has two 'new' plastic airplanes for this year! Mine and another that is like a smaller version of the original nemesis.
              They both have been designed and built from the ground up for one purpose... Going Fast! That said, I am not sure there is a market to sell copies of these airplanes because it truly is cost prohibitive in the first place! Who knows... I do have molds. Never know.

              I also believe that Phil has a point in that having an airplane that can be used year around and flown into the races or even for other events throughout the year, is HUGE! Not only would it help IF1 gain exposure by taking it to other events, but it would help offset the cost per hour and maybe others might join in!? My new airplane has some design features that are just that. Starter, electrical system, fuel pumps, additional fuel capacity, EFIS, and butt pad! (20 minutes in most IF1's makes for a very soar backside!) Even with all of those additional systems, if done correctly, the weight is manageable! Trust me, we are no heavier than the current front runner!

              Even though we will have a short field again this year, IF1 will be fun to watch!

              Thanks for the interest, discussion, and support.... keep the topic going!

              ps... Im considering posting pictures of the new racer this next week so maybe here would be a good place to do that?


              • #22
                Re: judy #44

                We will never say no to pictures, would love to see some. See you next month.
                Knotty Girl Crew


                • #23
                  Re: judy #44

                  Originally posted by IF1#13 View Post
                  Hi Guys and Girls,

                  Spacegrrrl...You have some extremely valid points and I think you will be excited to hear that IF1 has two 'new' plastic airplanes for this year! Mine and another that is like a smaller version of the original nemesis.
                  Not to mention Endeavor, (which does have molds);
                  Brazilian CEA's that could be modified
                  as well as Andy Chiavetta's LT...

                  I still have some hope left


                  • #24
                    Re: judy #44

                    Is the O-200 still made?


                    • #25
                      Re: judy #44

                      Hearing that there are new racers is exciting news! Can't wait to see them!

                      I think that fact that most of these planes are only used as racers is a problem. A good friend from England was always surprised out how little the American racers are flown. He was crew chief for one of the fastest racers in England and they flew it everywhere. For most races they would put a prop on the plane that was better for cross country, put the race prop in the fuselage behind the pilot and fly to the races while the crew drove themselves in a van with tools and spares. Way simpler than taking the plane apart, having to have a trailer, then carting the trailer to the race and having to put the plane back together again.

                      I definitely also think you are crazy not to have an electrical system and a starter. First time Bad Idea Racing came to Reno one of our first "bad ideas" was to remove the electrical system there in the hangar before the races began. As a result we nearly broke the engine and almost didn't make our last heat when we flooded the engine. So I am glad to hear folks are finally discovering the joys of an electric starter! :-)

                      So far (crossing my fingers) it looks like I will be at Reno this year (after too many years of work conflicts). Maybe some of us can get together over an adult beverage and talk about how to get one of these new composite airframes to be the next "Cassutt"!



                      • #26
                        Re: judy #44

                        Originally posted by spacegrrrl View Post
                        .... and almost didn't make our last heat when we flooded the engine.
                        Do you have that on video? It's one of my favorite moments.



                        • #27
                          Re: judy #44

                          Originally posted by Apteryx View Post
                          Do you have that on video? It's one of my favorite moments.

                          I am told it is one one of the Wildfire videos. We definitely got a high score for drama that year! :-)



                          • #28
                            Re: judy #44

                            Hi all,
                            I like spacegrrl's idea of an adult beverage and talking about how to make the next 'cassutt'. Anyone interested, come find me in Reno!

                            Someone asked about Continental making the O-200. The answer is Yes, but at this time it is not allowed in IF1 because there is some uncertainty about the lighter crank! The thought is if it can handle to RPM's that we turn?! Continental has been very reluctant to supply us with any data.



                            • #29
                              Re: judy #44

                              As just a simple fan I can tell you that the Formula is our (the "group") reason to be there early. Yeah we love the unlimited's but the formula's are still the purest form of racing out there. They have the best contests, the closest races.
                              I don't know what all goes into getting that extra 1 mph needed to get ahead, engine or airframe. It is just cool watching the effort!
                              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                              • #30
                                Re: judy #44

                                I know I love it, just to prove a point and because we have a killer fuel sponsor we are going to fly knottygirl to the races this year along with 2 pitts, rv4, f1evo rocket and the spitfire. we will be leavin midland on thursday early, the route will be midland-elpaso-sadford az-phoenix az deer valley-las vegas-minden nv and meet up with all the other crazies for the mass arrival to stead3 pitts, 2 f1, 3 sport, 1 t6, 1 unlimited, 1 jetso far

