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Argonought makin metal

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  • Argonought makin metal

    Hey all

    Just got back from the Wings Over Wine Country airshow in Santa Rosa, CA. After a great show on Saturday, Argonought was down today after finding metal in the screens. Elsworth Getchell filled his slot and did a fine job. Hope all is well before Reno. Dennis said they've got a couple of hours on the Buick now, and all is well so far


    P.s. as far as airshow acts go, Jim LeRoy once again proved he is the most on the edge pilot, in my opinion, that I have ever seen. Outstanding performance!

  • #2
    Jim LeRoy - Bulldog Airshows

    Gotta agree about Jim LeRoy. His performance was absolutely electrifying!!! I haven't felt the same about an aerobatic performance since seeing Wayne Handley for the first time.

    This maniac goes out if his way to due negative-g maneuvers. He did an entire stop sign in the sky as an outside loop. He also has this habit of doing ninety degree eyeballs out turns and REALLY long scary tailslides and double hammerheads. I just stood there slack-jawed the entire performance. Astounding!

    Bulldog Airshows, folks. Google the name and check him out.


    P.S. Anyone else who was at Santa Rosa think the Mustangs weren't turning the wick up high enough? I wasn't hearing enough of that fabulous howling through the doghouse.


    • #3
      Re: Argonought makin metal

      Originally posted by Red
      Hey all

      Just got back from the Wings Over Wine Country airshow in Santa Rosa, CA. After a great show on Saturday, Argonought was down today after finding metal in the screens.
      Refreshing my memory a bit here... didn't Argo make metal at Oshkosh and they replaced the engine to bring her home? Is this the "new" engine making metal?


      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Refreshing my memory a bit here... didn't Argo make metal at Oshkosh and they replaced the engine to bring her home? Is this the "new" engine making metal?

        The new engine, that was replaced at Oshkosh, was reported to have 12 hours on it prior to last weekends show in Santa Rosa.



        • #5
          Re: Argonought makin metal

          Originally posted by Red
          P.s. as far as airshow acts go, Jim LeRoy once again proved he is the most on the edge pilot, in my opinion, that I have ever seen. Outstanding performance!
          Whatever happened to Rocky Hill? Now there was a crazy airshow act.

          I saw him at Reno one year and never heard from him again.



          • #6
            paint boy

            I have just returned from Ione where I talked with both Brian and Dennis Sanders and yes Argonaut showed a chip light during Brian's aerobatic act. The screens showed a significant amount of metal and the racer has been shut down. The aircraft now sits at Santa Rosa awaiting the opportunity to replace the damaged engine. The Sanders do not currently have a replacement engine available and it is hoped they will by the weekend. Fingers are crossed. Even if they are able to acquire a replacement engine hear is what's ahead. Five days to replace the engine and then there are engine run-ups and test flights. That schedule makes it VERY tight to get ready for Reno. Let's all cross our fingers.
            On a better note, Dreadnought flew again today and all seemed well. The Sanders are cautiously looking at the screens and they are looking better with each flight. The possibility of the big Buick making a return to Reno is looking better each day. Do not look for the Sanders to wick up the 4360. She will be competitive, but they will not run her hard. And by the way the engine Dennis installed at Oshkosh had a total of 6 hours on her before letting go. Rare Bear and Critical Mass should take notice since Argonauts engine came from the same builder as their engine. Anyone want to take bets on how long they will last during the week. More to follow and possibly a special surprise coming.



            • #7
              "Rare Bear and Critical Mass should take notice since Argonauts engine came from the same builder as their engine. Anyone want to take bets on how long they will last during the week."


              The part that keeps failing on the 3350-26WD's is the blower drive gear. According to Dennis, they have lost 4 of these motors in the last year, all due to the same cause, and all less than 100hrs. He tells me that the blower drive gear on the 26WD (Skyraider motor) is narrow, and can be replaced with the beefier gear from the turbocompound motors, solving the problem. Both Critical Mass, and Rare Bear (and Sept Pops) run motors based almosed entirely on TurboCompound Parts, including the Blower and associated drive.



              • #8
                Metal Origins


                You are more than likely more knowledgeable about the workings of the 3350 components as I am merely a bystander. However, I can only relay what I have been told and if you can clarify what follows we may all learn something. As I understand things the failed component resulting in the catastophic engine failures in both Sept Pops and Argonaut was the bearing in the lower end case of the engine. Whether this was the main bearing or not I can not be sure, but again as I understand it the plating of these bearings is the main issue. it is also my understanding the racers listed within this posting all received their powerplants from the same source. If that is not the case please correct me. Seems like alot of failures with engines having very little time on them. I guess the term "Buyer beware" really applies here.



                • #9

                  All my information on this comes from Dennis, so I don't know the nuts and bolts of it either, blower drive, blower drive gear, blower drive bearing I dunno. He say's the TC motors are not suceptible to this particular failure, and the WD motors can be retrofitted to the TC standard to eliminate this particular failure mode. That doesn't mean the motor isn't going to make metal, it just means this particular failure is not likely in a TurboCompound based 3350, no matter who built it.



                  • #10
                    Regardless of whether its a problem that is less likely with a TC engine than with a Skyraider engine, I have to wonder why this is happening at such low times. Skyraider engines lasted a heck of a lot longer than this, weaknesses and all, back when they were active combat planes.

                    I gotta wonder if some part that is being reconditioned (eg bearings being re-plated) is coming apart much too soon.

                    Steve L.

