Looks like RARA has addressed the situation of aircraft not being in their pits at Reno.
From page 44 of the rules of competition (http://airrace.org/userfiles/files/R...nalFinal.pdf):
"All Racing Aircraft assigned a parking space in the pits will make reasonable efforts to remain in the pits unless required maintenance deems it necessary for the Race Aircraft to be moved to a hangar better suited to perform said maintenance. Aircraft removed from the pits must be repositioned in their pit space not later than 2 hours prior to take off for its scheduled race, or they will be officially scored as a “Did Not Start” for that race. Should an aircraft undergoing maintenance outside the pits determine that the aircraft will not be in the pits two hours prior to take off for its scheduled race, that team must contact the RARA Scorer and indicate that they are officially withdrawing from their scheduled race and will be awarded a “Did Not Start” standing for the scheduled race. Future pairings will be in accordance with the Class Rules of Progression as incorporated in the NCAR Rules of Competition."
From page 44 of the rules of competition (http://airrace.org/userfiles/files/R...nalFinal.pdf):
"All Racing Aircraft assigned a parking space in the pits will make reasonable efforts to remain in the pits unless required maintenance deems it necessary for the Race Aircraft to be moved to a hangar better suited to perform said maintenance. Aircraft removed from the pits must be repositioned in their pit space not later than 2 hours prior to take off for its scheduled race, or they will be officially scored as a “Did Not Start” for that race. Should an aircraft undergoing maintenance outside the pits determine that the aircraft will not be in the pits two hours prior to take off for its scheduled race, that team must contact the RARA Scorer and indicate that they are officially withdrawing from their scheduled race and will be awarded a “Did Not Start” standing for the scheduled race. Future pairings will be in accordance with the Class Rules of Progression as incorporated in the NCAR Rules of Competition."