It's 6:48 PM Conditions.......overcast, Light rain, mountains to the west are obscurred, east horizon is blue sky. Estimate wind at 15 with gusts to 20. A few lighting strikes to the west.
Galloping Ghost and Precious Metal are not here yet.
Rare Bear, Furious, the 4360 F2G Corsair, several P-51s, Steadfast, F-7, F-8's F-6 all flew this afternoon. Furious and Bear sounded very healthy at times......they all sounded good though.
Some of the Jets flew late this afternoon also. Wasn't here till about 3, so don't know what fle prior to that.
From a very realiable source, there's 33 unlimiteds here already. ADI Gal Jan said she hadn't seen a Sunday as busy as this one forever, nor as many Unlimiteds.
Weatherman says, similar conditions tomorrow, but rest of week is looking very nice. Wasn't that bad today, till late this afternoon.
PS: Went to the Reno Ballon Races this morning......they've got a ways to go to compete with the guys at Stead....but still glad I went and saw them......I think the winning time was 2 hours 14 minutes and 33 seconds, averaging, 1.3 mph
Galloping Ghost and Precious Metal are not here yet.
Rare Bear, Furious, the 4360 F2G Corsair, several P-51s, Steadfast, F-7, F-8's F-6 all flew this afternoon. Furious and Bear sounded very healthy at times......they all sounded good though.
Some of the Jets flew late this afternoon also. Wasn't here till about 3, so don't know what fle prior to that.
From a very realiable source, there's 33 unlimiteds here already. ADI Gal Jan said she hadn't seen a Sunday as busy as this one forever, nor as many Unlimiteds.
Weatherman says, similar conditions tomorrow, but rest of week is looking very nice. Wasn't that bad today, till late this afternoon.
PS: Went to the Reno Ballon Races this morning......they've got a ways to go to compete with the guys at Stead....but still glad I went and saw them......I think the winning time was 2 hours 14 minutes and 33 seconds, averaging, 1.3 mph