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Thunder Mustang, John Parker: BANNED, interesting read

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  • #16
    Re: To the "GUEST" that post above me....

    Originally posted by Brewski
    To the "GUEST" that post above me.... I'm not one to criticize, but if you are asking people to put the balls on the line for John Parker, have the guts to at least sign your name.
    *sigh* We've never made this a "registered only" board, and I don't think we ever will... I'd probably just take it down first, hell.. I'd even save myself the rent on the software to run it if I did...

    I tend to agree that if we're going to pass judgement on issues of this sort, we should do it from the front of the room and not from a dark corner...

    That being said.. I can probably understand how some people might be a little bit uneasy about saying who they are when they post things here, especially within this, unfortunately, growing controversy...

    (said it more than once... I wish this would just all go away and we could ALL go a racin')

    I took the comments of the above "unsigned" message as that of a "devil's advocate" .. Yes, I can see the IP address of who posted it, but it gives me no clue who it was, nor do I particularly care who it was really..

    I will *ask* politely that everyone say who they are, I will not demand it.. I *will* demand, as I've stated above, that we take the "high ground" on this subject and all others...

    This is obviously an emotionally charged issue, but we can't allow it to turn into any sort of personal attacks on ANY individual... Not against John Parker, not against Mike Houghton, not against anyone personally...

    If you agree with the decision, I invite you to state so and I will not allow anyone to be "flamed" or defamed if they do... if you disagree with the issue, then you also will be allowed the same freedoms.

    Man... sometimes, I wonder... how much better off I'd be if I just took that job down at the local McDonalds... saved my pennies, got a week off in September, bought myself one of those season tickets and a pit pass and just thought about the races as the spectacle that they are..

    I'm very happy, however, to be in a position to offer everyone this "sounding board" to speak their mind about issues... signed or unsigned.. as long as we keep it civil, which, for the most part, so far... we're doing...

    I really do appreciate the fact that most of you are behaving very well within this thread and others..


    Wayne Sagar,
    livin and breathin in not so sunny sometimes, Oregon...
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #17
      I have Been up all night working (I'm a draftsman and need to get ahead so I can attend the races), listening to "Reno on Record" and thinking about the situation.

      As I read the story on Silver State News, one thing occurred to me. Throughout history, many politicians and others have lost their office/employment, not for the original crime but the cover-up. Remember it wasnt the break-in that took down Nixon, but the coverup. Has Mr. Houghton made the same mistake? IF everything is as it seems, Mr. Houghton's apparent backdating of the rules certainly seems like a criminal act. Is this the silver lining that we seem to be looking for?

      I must say that I have never met either Mr. Houghton or Mr. Parker, as I am only a fan, not directly involved with the races. That being said, even I have heard rumors of bad dealings with RARA for several years now. I used to work for a vendor at the races, and he was continually complaining about RARA. He finally gave up and stopped doing business at the races. Too many hoops to jump through for RARA and too many freebies expected by the board.

      As an outsider for the most part, I dont know the makeup of the board nor do I know how long people have been on the board. Is there anything that a fan can do to change the makeup of the board? Who elects them? or appoints them? Is the entire board the problem, a few members, or just Mr Houghton? Any background would be appreciated to help me fully understand the situation.

      Well time to get back to work....Pond Racer just flew through my headphones.....wonderful sound!!!

      Bruce Utzig


      • #18
        Very disappointed

        I find it very disappointing that NOBODY from the Sport Class is stepping up to the plate here at going to bat for not only Mr. Parker, but the class itself. I guess the fear of the RARA hammer should they dare say anything critical is keeping everybody's mouth glued shut. I guess you can see their side with all the money they have involved in their own efforts, but it is still very disappointing. This really does echo the NASCAR puppet drivers, who with the exception of a very few, rarely can be heard uttering any complaints with NASCAR.

        A disgusted fan,

        Tim Adams


        • #19
          This is scary Brewski. I too am a drafter, sitting at work, listening to an older "Reno on Record", working stupid hours so I can sneak out early all next week....
          I tried to be a vendor at Reno in the early 80's, selling art and shirts. The hoops I had to jump thru, the rules to follow and the concessions I had to make forced me to back out. I was too small to make a profit under their conditions.
          RARA has a reputation among fans because we've all seen the strange decisions and rules over the years. As someone earlier here said, it's their sandbox, and the only way I see to change it is to not play, and we can't bring ourselves to do that anymore than a wino can refuse a drink.
          Wayne, I want fries with my shake.....

          Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


          • #20
            Local Newspaper Article: Mike Houghton: "no comment, private matter"

            Interstinger and interestinger!

            Race Fan
            Liz Roberts,
            San Jose, CA


            • #21
              Wayne and all,

              We can't go work at McDonald's, we can't go to the Bahamas on vacation. Were addicted, and that is just the way it is. Like any junky, I need more and more. I want more events, more planes, more coverage, sponsors, books, movies, toys, classes, etc. I am simply mystified that the organizing body, RARA, seems to not want the same. Seriously, how can a sponsor shell out money when their plane might get uninvited 12 days after a supposed rule change and 60 days before the event? Something sticks; I have ideas of what it could be but no hard evidence.

              For me, I will be in Reno on Monday. This year is different; some of the magic is gone.

              Silver State News has pulled coverage of Reno citing it as an invitational.

              Silver State News Service Cancels Reno Coverage

              Bill Pearce
              Bill Pearce

              Old Machine Press
              Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


              • #22
                This editorial is right on. I know when I see anyone from RARA this week I'll let them know what I think. Too bad I can't get a T-shirt made with the generic red circle with the slash going through it with RARA underneath it. Or a nice T-shirt with BAN RARA on the back. I'm sure that would get me escorted out of the pits.

                Tim Adams


                • #23
                  Mr. Adams, you read my mind. I was thinking more along the lines of a shirt saying "FREE JOHN PARKER". and adding a picture of the Thunder Mustang.


                  • #24
                    .....Mark Daniels has hit it again (with his latest editorial).
                    ....I envy the way he can express hisself in the written word.

           about 351 on black armbands?......

                    .....John are an honorary member of the

                    "Dead Martyrs Society".......(a fairly restricted club)

                    ......ask Mark Daniels.......

                    Jim Gallagher
                    Orange Park,FL
                    Jim Gallagher


                    • #25
                      This situation is disappointing, I was looking forward to seeing John Parker and his Thunder Mustang race. I've read all the articles and interviews and all I can say is I guess freedom of speech does not exist within the RARA.


                      • #26
                        Mr. Archer,

                        That's nice!


                        • #27
                          Now that is slick. Mr. Archer, please check you email.

                          Bill Pearce
                          Bill Pearce

                          Old Machine Press
                          Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                          • #28
                            thats real slick,how about putting that on a t shirt? I'd buy one maybe help ARA out a bit also.


                            • #29
                              Support Parker

                              Just a few thoughts...RARA accepted John Parkers check with his application. If he was then asked to become a non-participant
                              is this a breach of contract? If his money was returned to him was it returned before or after the Item F rule change was made?

                              Item F is so appropriate! After all what else would you call it!

                              This affects every bit, of every bit, of air racing as Reno knows it.
                              Think about the course changes over time, were the new course
                              measurements(timing) changes, made before or after the new
                              rule changes?

                              Anyway The Reno National Air Races are not and never have been an invitational, and how can someone be uninvited?

                              You Pay, You Play!

                              John Parker your support system is solidifying! Hang On!

                              Hollister CA


                              • #30

                                I was working on the same kind of thing (for a t-shirt or two), but your's is far better.
                                Freedom to fly forever (unless you're John Parker).
                                Who will be banned next year? An unlimited...?

