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Bravo Jackson and Cudahy

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  • #16
    Re: Bravo Jackson and Cudahy

    you said it, some of us were thinking it, now its' out there and we all have to live with it. Congrats, you have joined an elite group. Personally I'm on the RRIII crap list. Right or wrong. I give you credit for having the b$%$S to speak your mind.
    Live Free of Die. ]
    Chris Ober


    • #17
      Re: Bravo Jackson and Cudahy

      Originally posted by BKB View Post
      Joking or not,why would you fear for your life? Regardless of what Matt says,do not be afraid to express YOUR opinion.If he doesn't like it,too bad.

      Mr Jackson seems to think we are a bunch of misinformed readers.See exact quote below.

      There are a bunch of folks here that have been around air racing alot longer then Matt Jackson.Not attacking him in anyway.I have been around for a while.I guess that means he thinks we're a bunch of idiots too?For me personally, he is not high on my list of respected individuals.He slips further down the list everytime I read something new he is "quoted" as saying in the press.

      "My job is not to provide explanation to this site for the gratification of a few misinformed readers."

      I don't understand why he saying anything at all."

      Closed mouth gathers no foot."

      NTSB is going to find what they find.They'll make their report,it WILL be released.It makes no difference what he or anyone else says.It's just the way it is.


      "Live Free or Die"
      If Matt is speaking it is for a reason.
      The people to influence is the RARA people. They alone, either by Federal Mandate, lack of insurance or just because they feel it is necessary, will shut down the races.
      No other group, pilots, owners, vendors, internet blogs or fans, will have the ability to continue the races themselves.
      Unless other arrangements are made, this could be a drawn out affair to deal with. The NTSB could take 6-12 months to generate a report. The report could contain criticisms of the way things have been done. The FAA then will have to look at recommendations, figure out changes, incorporate changes through handbook to inspectors or FARs or ADs.
      The RARA would have to work with the FAA to put the changes into effect through policy and in its FAA waiver. They may even decide to challenge some FAA rule by legal proceedings. Maybe some new body to rule over each class will have to be incorporated that is independent and has certain powers and rights. That could take time as well.
      There is a possibility that this might take enough time that the proper planning can't take place before PRS or even possibly by next September.
      We just don't know at this point but it will probably be a complicated task to move forward.
      So if Matt is speaking, it isn't to us or for us. But it might be to someone who can work to continue the races.
      Isn't that what you want?


      • #18
        Re: Bravo Jackson and Cudahy

        Originally posted by 51fixer View Post
        If Matt is speaking it is for a reason.
        Yup, it appears he likes to talk, lots, to anyone that will listen (well anyone that has a camera, a newspaper or an internet news site) and to keep it interesting focus on his own theories stating them as fact which he appears to keep fresh and interesting by changing them daily. He isn't doing ANYONE any good right now.

        If he really was trying to do damage control to reduce the related organizations future legal exposures he is failing. There is a reason that whenever you see a major event like this EVERYONE with a stake in the game shuts up! Some lawyers already have years of billables in queue from what Matt has said already, I guaranty it. His position in the unlimited org, his "expert" status and prior experience will make his statements to date something used against air racing and air races in the future.


