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Speaking of oldies.....

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  • Speaking of oldies.....

    Here is some airshow footage from 1945 Indiana, with American and German aircraft.....
    Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

    Didnt know Germans had helicoptors.......

    Ju88, Arado 234, Me-262, Me-163, Ju-290, A6M Zero, Macchi 202, Spitfire, Bf-108, B-32 Dominator, B-24. B-17, B-29, B-25. Thunderbolt low passes, Waco glider aerial pckup, Mitchells doing low-level bombing demos, etc.....
    Heinkel 111, Me-410, German helicopters, V-2 and V-1 rockets, early C-82........

    Then there is the Nellis 1959 show with live fire demos and a high speed pass by a B-58......

    Show of Power demo by the USAF....note they used real guns, missiles and bombs. Check out the crowd and how they dressed! A must see for aviation fans.

    Chris working on time machine

  • #2
    Re: Speaking of oldies.....

    Yo...Coyote, that's some of the most spectacluar film footage I've seen in a very, very, very long time. I really appreciate your presenting these links...thank you!!!!



    • #3
      Re: Speaking of oldies.....

      my gosh.. i got about a minute in and after the 290 i spotted a Henschel HS-129 beside the spitfire... and was the twin pitching away from the camera at 2:02 a Focke-Wulf Ta154? wow that is amazing footage
      Last edited by kiwiracefan; 09-30-2011, 12:03 AM.
      race fan, photographer with more cameras than a camera store


      • #4
        Re: Speaking of oldies.....

        Amazing footage!!! How times have changed.


        • #5
          Re: Speaking of oldies.....

          Good post, here is an old photo from the 60's. Thanks, KC
          Last edited by KAHNZILLA; 12-23-2011, 04:47 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Speaking of oldies.....


            That is some incredible footage. I'm a old WW2 movie/historical junky and have never seen that footage before. Amazing.

            Is there a youtube link for that???


            • #7
              Re: Speaking of oldies.....

              This is all I know.....

              Man, I wish I had been at that Nellis show! If they would put on that show again for money, they would make enough off of us airplane cranks to pay off the national debt....I did make it to the 50th aniversary of the airforce airshow at Nellis and that was very cool, but not as cool as seeing a B-58 Hustler roaring down on the deck, and a real wall of fire...
              When I am president, there will be air racing at Nellis every year....the F-22 class, the F/A 18 class, the F-4 class and my personal favorite, the unlimited B-36 class.

              Spent all my money on air racing, women and booze, and just wasted the rest.....


              • #8
                Re: Speaking of oldies.....

                Originally posted by Coyote Chris View Post
                This is all I know.....
                Spent all my money on air racing, women and booze, and just wasted the rest.....
                Okay, you wasted money on women and booze too. Air racing... now that's worth spending money on. As any woman worth her salt knows.


                • #9
                  Re: Speaking of oldies.....

                  Women and booze are not a waste of money!!!!!
                  A wife is heaven's last best gift....except air racers, of course....

