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Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

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  • Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

    I noticed this yesterday on their website.

    To me its kind of odd, on one hand they actually want to do some real type research/fact finding journalism, but on the other hand knowing what type of rag they have become, its as if they are encouraging law suits by trying to stir the pot?

    You wonder if they ever have any intentions to sit down and do a real in depth story on our sport and the benefits to the community and the fans world-wide?

    Reno Air Race insurance documents
    The Reno Gazette-Journal is researching the insurance coverage that was in force at the National Championship Air Races during Friday's fatal crash. We have so far been unable to obtain the Reno Air Race Association's insurance policy, but we have related documents, including certificates of insurance, the Stead Airport lease and special permits. We are looking for your help in interpreting the documents, particularly when it comes to determining the aggregate amount of liability coverage held by the races. We are posting the documents so that readers will help us interpret them and pose questions we can ask experts. We also are looking for anyone with specialized knowledge of the insurance industry or air race liability issues who can help us in our efforts. Insurance risk managers, lawyers who specialize in aviation and air race pilots would be among those with insights into the documents. Please add your comments below each document by clicking on the comment button.
    Last edited by Desertdawg; 10-05-2011, 09:56 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

    Sounds like they are not only stupid but lazy


    • #3
      Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

      I want to rant.. I really do, but my doc says I need to stay calm...
      10-32 - John
      Reno, NV Fan since 1978
      Long Live the Reno Championship Air Races!


      • #4
        Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

        "sit down and do a real in depth story into the sport"? I mean geez, that'd take, like, ya know...WORK! (think Maynard G. Krebs)


        • #5
          Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

          Originally posted by TenThirtyTwo View Post
          I want to rant.. I really do, but my doc says I need to stay calm...
          I'm with you.

          They're obviously trying to stir to the pot and make news, rather than reporting the news. At the moment, even using 4-letter words, I can't come up with an adequate description of the paper or its "reporters."
          Last edited by sandramore; 10-05-2011, 11:49 AM. Reason: typo



          • #6
            Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

            Read the comments to the last document, specifically one from "Skip" and the RGJ reply. Now that's SICK!


            • #7
              Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

              Originally posted by Skyracer View Post
              Read the comments to the last document, specifically one from "Skip" and the RGJ reply. Now that's SICK!
              Thanks for pointing that out. Thats what I figured, our rag is out to sensationalize this tragedy.


              • #8
                Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

                This is pretty sick. Doesn't the newspaper have some people that can look this over for them? What pages is Skip referencing? I don't see those page numbers in any of the documents.


                • #9
                  Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

                  They don't believe in journalism anymore.


                  I'd like to know how this one turns out.


                  • #10
                    Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

                    Paraphrasing my comment to the RGJ:

                    Has anyone even said anything about a claim? Why don't you guys find something worthwhile to do. How about doing some research on abused children...unlike air race attendees, children have no choice in the parents they get..I mean come on...
                    ...going off the rails on a crazy train....


                    • #11
                      Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

                      I just reponded to Skip in the comments section I'll post it here again.

                      Skip, the pages you reference are in the FAA regulations as examples of how to build a race course. Don’t you think the FAA would have looked at the diagram before using them in their own regulations? Maybe not, so I double checked and I read them. The regulation states the spectators must be at least 500 ft from the show line (in this case the runway in front of the home pylon). The map has distances from 700 - 900 ft from the spectators to the runway clearly marked. The scatter distance is calculated from pylon 8 which is the “critical turn”. This happens to be located way to the north west of the pit hangers and outside of the spectator viewing area. In addition, the scatter distance only accounts for objects falling off an aircraft with a ballistic trajectory not planes still under full power and subject to aerodynamic forces.


                      • #12
                        Re: Reno Gazette Journal 10/5

                        Sounds like someone wants to stir the pot. Maybe they are doing the dirty work of some scumbag lawyer. By the way, a large majority of lawyers are not scumbags, and do their jobs as officers of the justice system. Our system works pretty well, a few bad apples spoil the all the apples. I am not a lawyer. I am interested in ornithology(birds). I like things that fly. Both live birds and Unlimited WWII Warbirds that go fast as hell. Love The Big Iron. Maybe the Reno Gazette should not publish an editorial like this, but the USA has a free press. Thus you get articles like this.

                        Frank C.

