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What's the RGJ's beef?

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  • What's the RGJ's beef?

    Does anyone have any idea exactly what the cause of the RGJ’s hatred toward the Reno Air Races is? I’m a bit baffled.

    I do know that we used to get the paper right outside the gates, this we have not seen in a few years.

    And that last few years their coverage has been less than spectacular.

    I have not recently (as in more than a few years) seen a single report or article that has stated anything to the fact that this event brings a much needed monetary boost to a city in dire need of such?

    Do we come to town and tear it to pieces?
    Destroying rooms, terrorize citizens?
    Do we all have horns upon our heads?

    Have our pilots been kicking their reporters in the shins or something all these years?

    I have not seen a single article about the local charities yearly supported by this event.

    Not a word about the number of people and business’s that receive much of their yearly income in our single weeks (Say 10 days) attendance?

    Not a word or interview with anyone who has stated, as I have so many times in the last couple months, we’ve always known there could be risk - there is risk every single day in any life worth living!

    Not one word about the stated risk on the back of each ticket. That yes even if they happen to feel we are all a bunch of idiots to sit out there each day - this is by our own choice! We, adults are allowed to make such ‘risky’ even stupid, (in the eyes of others), decisions.

    Lets face it, it appears there is a greater chance of getting hit or killed on a Reno highway - Maybe even shot in a fine casino? Should these be closed due to risk?

    There has been no comparisons to other extreme sporting event records as in speed boats and fast cars! How many repeat events laid claim to 47 years of clean record in spectator incidents?

    I have not seen one quote from the thousands of attendees who keep repeatedly stating - we want our seats for next year!

    On Saturday 17th while still gathering with friends walking off the shock on the river walk - we came across a couple city employees meant to protect and serve, We stated that we hoped we would be back in 2012 that we hoped one terrible incident did not put an end to something with as good a spectator record as we had held for 47 years. They replied they hoped we continued also. That of all the events Reno sponsored - we were the lowest maintenance! Seems those have been the only kind words we have heard.

    I do know that the few dollars we spent daily, in the past, for many decades past, on the RGJ’s ultimate yellow journalistic rag will be put to better use, (any use will be better!) when attending future events! They will not see another penny from us, and have asked local friends to do likewise. Though it may be nothing to the RGJ, we know we will feel better!
    It is clear The RGJ does not desire our presence in their fine town! We will work hard on making sure they do not benefit from it!
    Last edited by bajadreamers; 11-13-2011, 09:22 AM. Reason: spelling
    What part of 'Air Race FAN-atic' do you not understand?
    Like the chips - You can't attend just one!

  • #2
    Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

    Retards! I don't read it so didn't notice. Maybe you might call or email them and ask point blank? Maybe just typical liberal media bias against anything that has speed and fun in the same sentence.


    • #3
      Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

      It's just another liberal rag. They will only print what suits their liberal agenda.

      Journalism has gone out the window. It's not about reporting facts, it's about propaganda and making money. The people running the RGJ aren't even from Reno. They are appointees of the corporation that owns the rag.



      • #4
        Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

        I wonder how Marilyn Newton would react to you guys talking that way....

        Sometimes I wonder if the supposed passion I see on this board isn't mis-directed.


        • #5
          Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

          Originally posted by Big_Jim View Post
          I wonder how Marilyn Newton would react to you guys talking that way....

          Sometimes I wonder if the supposed passion I see on this board isn't mis-directed.

          Does Marilyn report? or just shoot photos?

          The RGJ decided that it was necessary to state "maybe we should cancel the air races" within 48 hours of the accident. Yet, within 24 hours of a motorcycle gang shooting up the Nugget, they state "cities should not be so quick to criticize Street Vibrations".

          Do you think that's misdirected too?

          The RGJ has not done ONE thing to help the air races. Their focus since September 17th has been to do anything they can to make it look like the air races are the worst thing to happen to this area EVER!

          No offense intended, but I am passionate about my belief that the RGJ does NOT look out for the best interests of Reno and Sparks. They only look out for THEIR agenda.

          Last edited by madman; 11-13-2011, 08:38 AM.


          • #6
            Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

            Marilyn Newton is a great photographer, but Brad, what has that got to do with the RGJ writing crap?


            • #7
              Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

              I'ts painting with a broad stroke that covers up a lot of people who HAVE BEEN and ARE ardent supporters.

              Marilyn Newton has done more to support the air races than 90% of the people on this message board, and I think it's a dis-service to her to make an all-inclusive statement in such general terms.

              If you don't like what the newspaper has to say, don't buy it...but throwing out words like 'retards', and using that old 'liberal media bias' crap excuse is unintentionally aimed at people who DO care.

              Sandra, YOU, more than anyone, are putting your words into action and I commend, support, and admire you for your efforts. However, most of the people who are complaining on this site are just doing that...complaining. And that really serves no purpose other than to come off sounding like complainers. Don't be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution. The members here don't like it when the lawyers paint THEIR view of the races and the accident with a broad brush to include 'innocents'...all I'm saying is that the statements on here are hypocritical.


              • #8
                Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                Originally posted by Big_Jim View Post
                If you don't like what the newspaper has to say, don't buy it...but throwing out words like 'retards', and using that old 'liberal media bias' crap excuse is unintentionally aimed at people who DO care.
                Oh it's aimed at the newspaper in whole. It's not specific to air races, but the air races are a perfect example for those of you who don't live here.

                The RGJ has a reputation for attacking anything that does not suit their agenda.

                I did not use the word retard. I did use the term "liberal media" because that is what they are. Regardless of a few individuals, the NEWSPAPER does NOT support Reno, nor the air races. That is simply a fact.

                'nuff said



                • #9
                  Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                  This one's a no-brainer, in my humble opinion- anyone who's been going to the air races in Reno long-enough to fondly-remember the excellent event coverage by RGJ, when their man-on-the-scene- staff reporter Phil Barber was assigned this duty KNOWS the apparent differences in editorial attitude/politics going on since. Not gonna try putting my finger on the when or why f/the shift-just give comparison as a September race fan reader.

                  But back then, the RGJ was a great example of a local newspaper proactive to community support & dedicated towards responsible journalism w/accurate reporting. It was quite obvious 'back in the day' that the newspaper & their editorial staff recognized the positive aspects of the air races that contributed to Reno's economics & commercial diversity and visitor appeal. Snagging the RGJ daily edition during air race week when Phil was on-staff, was #1 on the to-do list f/race fans at breakfast before heading out to Stead Field, because you knew it likely carried the previous day's qualification or race results for every class, along with a neat interesting & informative color feature on a race personality or something topical and relevant.

                  Even when their focus was to have to report on accident tragedies, back then, the RGJ somehow managed to maintain a level of professional dignity in their headline & copy to get the facts out to the public & their readership. I've saved each & every RGJ edition hard copy page w/air racing (& balloon racing) coverage items since I started going in 1975 f/my ref. archives.

                  Day & night difference between then & now RGJ newspaper on every level, and if I miss picking up a copy any day during race week ever since Phil Barber left, I don't fret too much about it- just minimal- coverage at best & poor-quality reporting when it pops up on rare occasion. Every now & then a bright spot-but too few & far between. Obviously, no love f/RARA or the Reno National Championship Air Races event or respect f/its' place in aviation history can be extracted fm today's RGJ pages. Of course, we're talkin'- 'old news' vs. 'no-news is good-news', huh?


                  P.S. I am, and always have been, a genuine fan of RGJ staff photographer-Marilyn Newton's wonderful work over the years (& she knows it too). Great eye f/composition and usually right on the shot w/a photo op.


                  • #10
                    Re: What's the RGJ's beef?


                    Thanks for your post. I agree 100%.

                    Its easy for for someone from out of town not to understand what's going on. We the locals have to live with the "anti Reno" reporting from this rag on a daily basis.

                    I've been reading the RGJ since the 70's and have noticed a drastic change for the worse in their reporting.

                    There are still some great people there, Marilyn and Cory come to mind. Over the years the RGJ staff have published some excellent books; Sagebrush Stories, Donner Party Chronicles, Alkali Angels. I own them all.

                    Last edited by Desertdawg; 11-13-2011, 07:40 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                      There HAVE been several positive letters published in the editorial section. I know it is not fronr page but it is exposure. Rather than bash them here, maybe we would be better served to put out the message there. A flood of non-insulting, thought out, positive letters might help sooth the wound just a little. Tell the readers how we feel, give the real statistics, that kind of thing.
                      Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                      • #12
                        Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                        =bajadreamers;96909]Does anyone have any idea exactly what the cause of the RGJ’s hatred toward the Reno Air Races is? I’m a bit baffled.

                        I do know that we used to get the paper right outside the gates, this we have not seen in a few years.

                        And that last few years their coverage has been less than spectacular.

                        I have not recently (as in more than a few years) seen a single report or article that has stated anything to the fact that this event brings a much needed monetary boost to a city in dire need of such?

                        Do we come to town and tear it to pieces?
                        Destroying rooms, terrorize citizens?Do we all have horns upon our heads?

                        Have our pilots been kicking their reporters in the shins or something all these years?

                        I have not seen a single article about the local charities yearly supported by this event.

                        Not a word about the number of people and business’s that receive much of their yearly income in our single weeks (Say 10 days) attendance?

                        Not a word or interview with anyone who has stated, as I have so many times in the last couple months, we’ve always known there could be risk - there is risk every single day in any life worth living!

                        Not one word about the stated risk on the back of each ticket. That yes even if they happen to feel we are all a bunch of idiots to sit out there each day - this is by our own choice! We, adults are allowed to make such ‘risky’ even stupid, (in the eyes of others), decisions.

                        Lets face it, it appears there is a greater chance of getting hit or killed on a Reno highway - Maybe even shot in a fine casino? Should these be closed due to risk?

                        There has been no comparisons to other extreme sporting event records as in speed boats and fast cars! How many repeat events laid claim to 47 years of clean record in spectator incidents?

                        I have not seen one quote from the thousands of attendees who keep repeatedly stating - we want our seats for next year!

                        On Saturday 17th while still gathering with friends walking off the shock on the river walk - we came across a couple city employees meant to protect and serve, We stated that we hoped we would be back in 2012 that we hoped one terrible incident did not put an end to something with as good a spectator record as we had held for 47 years. They replied they hoped we continued also. That of all the events Reno sponsored - we were the lowest maintenance! Seems those have been the only kind words we have heard.

                        I do know that the few dollars we spent daily, in the past, for many decades past, on the RGJ’s ultimate yellow journalistic rag will be put to better use, (any use will be better!) when attending future events! They will not see another penny from us, and have asked local friends to do likewise. Though it may be nothing to the RGJ, we know we will feel better!
                        It is clear The RGJ does not desire our presence in their fine town! We will work hard on making sure they do not benefit from it!

                        Couldn't agree more.


                        • #13
                          Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                          Originally posted by Desertdawg View Post

                          Thanks for your post. I agree 100%.

                          There are still some great people there, Marilyn and Cory come to mind.

                          I thought they fired Cory Farley? Last I'd heard he was working for the Reno News & Review. Did someone at RGJ have sense enough to get him back?


                          • #14
                            Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                            Originally posted by sandramore View Post
                            I thought they fired Cory Farley? Last I'd heard he was working for the Reno News & Review. Did someone at RGJ have sense enough to get him back?

                            Gosh, your right.

                            After decades of getting the daily paper, I cancelled and opted for only the Sunday. The final straw was when they inserted the USA news for non local news. :-(.

                            I thought I was going to have withdrawals not getting the daily paper. But the paper is just a shell of its former self and not much content any more, so I found I could get better news online.

                            As for Cory, it must have been in the last couple months they let him go?

                            Too bad, he sure had a unique style.


                            • #15
                              Re: What's the RGJ's beef?

                              Originally posted by Desertdawg View Post

                              As for Cory, it must have been in the last couple months they let him go?

                              Too bad, he sure had a unique style.

                              He was one of the few reasons for reading the RGJ. The News & Review snapped him up almost immediately.

                              Letting him go made about as much sense as KOLO firing John Tyson.

