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Well, things are going to happen in rapid succession now... I'm going to do a final database backup at 2:30PM CST today. After the vBulletin team gets it - the new site should be operational "with all posts" soon thereafter. Then following a series of checks, and if all goes well, I'll post a link to the new forums here soon.

Thanks for your patience,

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My New Years Thought to You All...

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  • My New Years Thought to You All...

    It's been both an exciting and devastating year for aviation enthusiast to be sure. We have much to be thankful for yet, much to be solemn about as well. As we remember our air race friends and families lost, or offer our condolences to those who suffered the loss of loved-ones, let’s all take a moment to reflect on those lives and how those of us who remain can contribute to keeping their legacy alive in our hearts and minds.

    As has been the case since that tragic day in September, we are all afforded opportunities to carry a torch, to make a difference in someone’s life, if only for a moment. Make the most of those opportunities…contribute to support organizations, offer your services to local families touched by the events of September 16, 2011, or simply keep hope alive in whatever way you can.

    With the coming announcements from RARA on Wednesday, 04Jan12 and the subsequent NTSB forum on 10Jan12, it’s pretty clear these next few days and weeks will go far in determining the future of air racing. May seasoned minds and reasoned hearts prevail. If it be the case that our gathering again this September is our last, let it be filled with good times and good spirits and remembrance of almost 50 years of the most exciting form of motorsport known to man.

    If however, it be the case that we gather again this September to participate in or witness the fastest motorsport on the planet in all its color and majesty; to take in the sights and sounds of hot metal, deafening roar of pistons and afterburners; to embrace the aroma of aviation fuel mixed with the sweet smell of the sage in the high desert of Nevada, I, for one, will be on my knees in thanks. It is a pilgrimage for me as I trust it is for so many of you and tens of thousands of air race fans around the world.

    I look forward with good thoughts to once again keying my microphone at Home Pylon and making the call, “They’re Coming Down the Chute!”

    To all the fans, pilots, crews, volunteers, photographers, enthusiasts, and everyone who supports and enjoys this most incredible of motorsports in their own way, my very best wishes for a prosperous and joyous New Year.

    May the best of days in 2011 be the least of your joy in 2012.

    Happy New Year To Us All.

    Owen Ashurst
    Judge, Home Pylon
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

    Great call Owen. True words of wisdom & yes Happy & safe New Years to all on this forum.
    Lockheed Bob


    • #3
      Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

      Amen, Owen!

      Happy New Year to you & all air racing fans everywhere. Keep the Faith & 'FLY FAST!'

      Last edited by BuckyD; 12-31-2011, 01:07 PM.


      • #4
        Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

        Thank you Air Judge, very well expressed.
        My best wish to keep on enjoying this wonderful event and very happy NewYear to all this air race family.


        • #5
          Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

          Very well written and appropriate. I remember a cartoon of a Heron trying to swallow a frog, who has his hand around the heron's neck.
          "Never Give up!" I am still working on ways I personally can help RARA succeed. Maybe I am just going to be one billygoat butting a dam, but I want to look myself in the mirror and say I gave a dollar, or wrote a letter, or made a call to help make Reno happen next year and for every year. Good luck to us all, and may all of us make our own luck and make this happen.


          • #6
            Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

            My 21 year old daughter went thru 3 surgeries, one was thyroid cancer and managed to graduate from UNLV this December.

            She was to meet me in Reno on Saturday and when I made it to my Hotel on friday she took care of changing my flight home. I hope for a better year as this one was long but memorable and I for one am glad it is done. HAPPY NEW YEAR--LONG LIVE AIR RACING!!!!:
            beerchug: Thanks, KC


            • #7
              Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

              Thanks for the words Air Judge....HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!
              Fledgling Air Race and P-51 Junkie


              • #8
                Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

                Very well said! Let's keep em flying!


                • #9
                  Re: My New Years Thought to You All...

                  '71 S.D.1000, '85-'91,'94',95,'97-'99,'02,'04,'06,'08,'10,'13,'14 NCAR.

