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Air Race fans are nuts?

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  • #16
    Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

    Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
    Truly, nuts could be described as driving a vehicle at speeds in excess of 60 MPH while other drivers operate vehicles going the opposite direction at equal or greater speed, all the while less than 10 feet away from each other, (in many cases, far less) on the same roadway.

    Need I mention, there is nothing between you and the other vehicle than a stripe on the road and a little bit of air. There is nothing keeping you apart, beyond the mechanical reliability of the vehicle and the talent of the person operating it.

    1000's of people die each year doing this very thing....

    Would we ever consider outlawing undivided, bi directional highways?

    The NTSB has, probably, in excess of a million miles of said, proven very dangerous roadways within the domain of its "advisory capacity".... Yet, I've never once heard anyone, inside or outside of the NTSB speak of closing these extremely dangerous roadways. They are what they are, we recognize them as what they are and continue to use them with little thought of what *could* hapen....

    If this society would ever truly grasp the concept of cause and effect and along with it, the reality of the risks inherent to our day to day existence.. I don't think we'd even be having this discussion.

    My God.. we're living on a rock, in the middle of nowhere, hurtling through space at a an average speed of 67,108 MPH, with nothing but danger surrounding us...

    Peeling off my aluminum hat....
    ......And there be the only letter that that NTSB commitee really needs to see. By the chairs own admission there is already "much being done well".

    Well said Wayne!
    Fledgling Air Race and P-51 Junkie


    • #17
      Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

      Preparing to leave Reno this year, I stopped at a convenience store to purchase a newspaper. At the register, the clerk noticed my air race-themed clothing and inquired about the crash. She shook her head and made a few disparaging remarks about the races and the “reckless" ambitions of the pilots. She also stated her belief that any event that posed risks should be banned. Naturally, I was disgusted and saddened by her comments. In no mood to argue, I simply reminded her that the tobacco and alcohol products such as those on the rack behind her register would cause more deaths of non-smokers and non-drinkers in the time we talked than every air show in history. I may not have changed her mind but it helped me gain a modicum of perspective on the tragedy. Each moment of our lives carries risk. "Nuts" to me is trying to sanitize life into a risk-free puddle of boredom.


      • #18
        Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

        Nicely said Wayne!
        We are in more danger walking from the stands to our cars than we are sitting in said stands.
        I see a need for patches, hats and bumper stickers proclaiming proudly that we are NUTS!
        My wife calls me much worse every time I head for the door to check out an airplane noise.
        Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


        • #19
          Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

          As the Brad Paisley song goes "I still got a pair" :-)

          Last edited by Desertdawg; 05-23-2012, 10:41 AM.


          • #20
            Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

            Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
            Truly, nuts could be described as driving a vehicle at speeds in excess of 60 MPH while other drivers operate vehicles going the opposite direction at equal or greater speed, all the while less than 10 feet away from each other, (in many cases, far less) on the same roadway.

            Need I mention, there is nothing between you and the other vehicle than a stripe on the road and a little bit of air. There is nothing keeping you apart, beyond the mechanical reliability of the vehicle and the talent of the person operating it.

            1000's of people die each year doing this very thing....

            Would we ever consider outlawing undivided, bi directional highways?

            The NTSB has, probably, in excess of a million miles of said, proven very dangerous roadways within the domain of its "advisory capacity".... Yet, I've never once heard anyone, inside or outside of the NTSB speak of closing these extremely dangerous roadways. They are what they are, we recognize them as what they are and continue to use them with little thought of what *could* hapen....

            If this society would ever truly grasp the concept of cause and effect and along with it, the reality of the risks inherent to our day to day existence.. I don't think we'd even be having this discussion.

            My God.. we're living on a rock, in the middle of nowhere, hurtling through space at a an average speed of 67,108 MPH, with nothing but danger surrounding us...

            Peeling off my aluminum hat....
            You said it all Wayne. Thank you very much.

            Frank C. Nutty Air Race Junkie! Cheers!
            Last edited by Frank C.; 01-11-2012, 09:16 AM. Reason: Two posts


            • #21
              Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

              Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
              Truly, nuts could be described as driving a vehicle at speeds in excess of 60 MPH while other drivers operate vehicles going the opposite direction at equal or greater speed, all the while less than 10 feet away from each other, (in many cases, far less) on the same roadway.

              Need I mention, there is nothing between you and the other vehicle than a stripe on the road and a little bit of air. There is nothing keeping you apart, beyond the mechanical reliability of the vehicle and the talent of the person operating it.

              1000's of people die each year doing this very thing....

              Would we ever consider outlawing undivided, bi directional highways?

              The NTSB has, probably, in excess of a million miles of said, proven very dangerous roadways within the domain of its "advisory capacity".... Yet, I've never once heard anyone, inside or outside of the NTSB speak of closing these extremely dangerous roadways. They are what they are, we recognize them as what they are and continue to use them with little thought of what *could* hapen....

              If this society would ever truly grasp the concept of cause and effect and along with it, the reality of the risks inherent to our day to day existence.. I don't think we'd even be having this discussion.

              My God.. we're living on a rock, in the middle of nowhere, hurtling through space at a an average speed of 67,108 MPH, with nothing but danger surrounding us...

              Peeling off my aluminum hat....
              You said it all Wayne. Thank you very much.

              Frank C. Nutty Air Race Junkie!


              • #22
                Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                Guess I am nuts. Sorry I posted twice Wayne. Mea culpa!

                Frank C.


                • #23
                  Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                  Wayne....can I borrow your hat?


                  • #24
                    Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                    Lol! This is news? Look at the slogan near my name that I've been displaying for years (heh-heh),


                    • #25
                      Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                      fortunate to be nuttier than squirrel $h!t


                      • #26
                        Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                        Though I haven't been invited into the SECTION 3 crowd, here's an idea:

                        For all those with the cool, custom bright orange SECTION 3 shirts, how about a custom 2012 shirt that is bright orange and says something along the lines of, "NCAR 2012, we're here and we're nuts!"

                        Biplane Race #3


                        • #27
                          Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                          If anyone is interested one way or another, Mr. Buzbee's contact is:


                          No, in context, he wasn't calling all air race fans nuts. Instead, he was saying that his clients were nuts for wanting to see the races continue given what had happened to them.

                          But in that context, it shows that he will never understand the passion that involvement (in whatever your chosen poison is) in something like this can effect people. He'll never understand that for some, the emotional investment is worth the risk. Either he's never been passionate about something, or his passion for money outweighs passion for anything else.

                          Just more of my worthless .02 cents worth....which is up to about $1.28 by now.


                          • #28
                            Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                            Though I haven't been invited into the Section 3 crowd [

                            No special invite is required. Just show up and enjoy the festivities.
                            Bringing along attractive gals does get you special treatment thou.

                            Last edited by Desertdawg; 01-11-2012, 06:07 PM.


                            • #29
                              Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                              Originally posted by Big_Jim View Post
                              or his passion for money outweighs passion for anything else.
                              I have to agree to that.

                              This blood sucking leech's passion for money is threatened. The more "Nuts" the less clients.


                              • #30
                                Re: Air Race fans are nuts?

                                Having been an air racing Nut my entire life, but never making it to the races, I'm proud to say I'll be there this year and as Nuts as ever!!!

