I was reading up on the demographics on who goes to the races on the RARA website.
"• The percentage level of visitors at the Air Races this year was approximately 75 percent, while local residents represented 25 percent of the total. Fluctuating between roughly 70 to 80 percent over the last several years, the percentage level of visitors was generally within the range of historical results.
• Overall attendance is estimated at approximately 210,000, exhibiting extremely similar levels of attendance over the last four to five years.
• Total number of people attending the Air Races is estimated at 75,000.
• As a result of the overall 75/25 percent split of visitor/local attendance for the Air Races, it is estimated that approximately 56,342 of the total 75,123 people attending were visitors to the area. The remaining balance, approximately 18,781 people, were local residents, also very similar compared to estimates of the last several years."
I was mistaken that the majority of folk that go to the races are from down the hill, depending on what the definition of the word "local" means. Seems to me that if those 56k non-local folk who care enough to spend bucks and time attending the races would kick in an average of $20 bucks, the insurance issue would go away
I dont know about you, but if the problem were put to me in that light, I would say, "Sure, I would kick in $20 to save the races" At least that is how I would market the donation fund. I would also provide donners at say the $100 level a lanyard and simple credential to show folks at the races who are the real fans.....just a thought. BTW, please dont whine that $100 is way out of a person's reach....the whiners usually have big cable bills, huge cell phone bills, and buy at least $100 worth of potato chips and pop a year....if you dont have a cell phone and use rabbit ears and dont buy junk food, the whine zone is open....
"• The percentage level of visitors at the Air Races this year was approximately 75 percent, while local residents represented 25 percent of the total. Fluctuating between roughly 70 to 80 percent over the last several years, the percentage level of visitors was generally within the range of historical results.
• Overall attendance is estimated at approximately 210,000, exhibiting extremely similar levels of attendance over the last four to five years.
• Total number of people attending the Air Races is estimated at 75,000.
• As a result of the overall 75/25 percent split of visitor/local attendance for the Air Races, it is estimated that approximately 56,342 of the total 75,123 people attending were visitors to the area. The remaining balance, approximately 18,781 people, were local residents, also very similar compared to estimates of the last several years."
I was mistaken that the majority of folk that go to the races are from down the hill, depending on what the definition of the word "local" means. Seems to me that if those 56k non-local folk who care enough to spend bucks and time attending the races would kick in an average of $20 bucks, the insurance issue would go away
I dont know about you, but if the problem were put to me in that light, I would say, "Sure, I would kick in $20 to save the races" At least that is how I would market the donation fund. I would also provide donners at say the $100 level a lanyard and simple credential to show folks at the races who are the real fans.....just a thought. BTW, please dont whine that $100 is way out of a person's reach....the whiners usually have big cable bills, huge cell phone bills, and buy at least $100 worth of potato chips and pop a year....if you dont have a cell phone and use rabbit ears and dont buy junk food, the whine zone is open....