I saw a short discussion about this over at WAP from a few years ago...all radial racers sound fairly loud on take-off and climb-out...Rare Bear and September Fury leading the pack, with either of the Tigercats with them...but September Fury takes the cake for most noise coming out of those exhaust stacks around the course...one of very few aircraft you can actually hear all the way around the course. Anyone know why?
Does it have to do with the fact that it's the only really high-powered radial racer in recent history to have 18 exhaust stubs, one for each cylinder (as opposed to Rare Bear and Critical Mass, which have/had around 10 or 12-ish total)? Maybe the type of exhaust system? Any thoughts?
Does it have to do with the fact that it's the only really high-powered radial racer in recent history to have 18 exhaust stubs, one for each cylinder (as opposed to Rare Bear and Critical Mass, which have/had around 10 or 12-ish total)? Maybe the type of exhaust system? Any thoughts?