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We are in the final stages of resolving the issues with the forums move to the new location. After talking with tech support, the only solution was to send him a copy of all the images. This will take time - but we know the fix SO it's only a matter of time now.

Thanks again for your patience,

The Admins
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Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

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  • Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

    For those interested at getting a glimpse of what the fresh race 38 will look like come spring, head over to the Precious Metal Magazine FB site!


  • #2
    Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

    Precious Metal Paint design contest results:

    The response to this contest has been truly overwhelming and we’re really impressed with the artistry and ingenuity of the designs. We found many of them inspirational and will use some of the ideas when paint is finally applied later this spring.

    First Place: Ken Yokochi

    The asymmetrical look and use of checkers is very appealing and the final result will definitely use some of the features incorporated in Ken’s clean racy design. Congratulations Ken!

    Second Place: Jenessa Link

    If there were a marathon design contest, Jenessa would clearly have taken that title. She submitted more high quality designs than anyone. Very artistic and professionally laid out. She is a budding graphics designer, by the way, if anyone ever needs design work. Well done!

    Shared Third Place: Michael Canfield & Matsuda Miki

    One of the more clever ideas was Michael Canfield’s retro/military scheme with D-day stripes. Talk about thinking out of the box! Imagine the questions the general public would have about this airplane… Straight out of Hollywood!

    Special recognition has to go Matsuda Miki to for designing a custom character based on a Griffon just for this purpose. This, complicated paint scheme sure would grab a lot of attention at any venue. Great talent!

    Thanks for participating and see you at the races!
    Team Precious Metal

    (For some reason, I can't seem to figure out how to post the pictures. Can someone do that for me?, Thx)


    • #3
      Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

      1. Ken Yokochi

      2. Jenessa Link

      3. Michael Canfield & Matsuda Miki


      • #4
        Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

        Thanks Joseph!

        I'll have to figure out that trick some day...


        • #5
          Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

          You have good taste in the top designs!


          • #6
            Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!


            Now, let's see what the fan favorite is, this is where you cast your vote(s):


            • #7
              Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

              Page seems to be unavailable?


              • #8
                Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                'Team Precious Metal' and 'Precious Metal Air Racing Fan Page' are technically not associated with, or responsible for 'Precious Metal Magazine'.

                Our friends, Ned and Scott, run 'Precious Metal Magazine'. We were, and still are, very excited about their effort to start and run it.

                They received some negative comments and decided to make it unavailable while they re-group. They have informed me that the page will be available again aftter the dust settles.

                We never realized that thing would turn in to such a zoo and tremendous workload. People are certainly entitled to opinions, but whatever happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? It was quite surprising how certain individuals (and I have no idea who they are) insisted on posting derogatory comments about certain designs. The rules of the PMM page were simple, post likes and positive comments. If you're negative, it will be deleted and you will not be allowed back on the page. This turned in to some very unnecessary arguments.

                I hope they come up with a solution soon as I'm sure we all would like to see the page return.



                • #9
                  Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                  Yes Thom it is a different world out there. People use to be nice but it seems those days are gone. Try to sort it all out & keep your goal on winning the "Gold". Thanks for you & your team for being at Reno for us to enjoy. I was a teenager back in Cleveland when they were testing the XP75 with contra -rotating props.
                  Lockheed Bob


                  • #10
                    Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                    Yessiree, we're keeping our eyes on target and concentrating on our own success. This is not bothering any of us, just figured we should keep you guys informed.

                    P-75 props? Now there's another whole level of badassery!


                    • #11
                      Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!


                      Thanks for keeping us up-to-date, really appreciated.

                      As for the negative stuff - Webster will have to expand the definition of Troll", definition use to be a "cave dwelling dwarf". With the Internet age we now have Internet dwelling dwarfs known as " Trolls".

                      New definition - a non-identified person who hides behind computer keyboard and creates a negative environment with negative remarks for self gratification. Take away this hidden element and this "Troll" would never have the courage to say same negative remarks face to face.


                      • #12
                        Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                        Originally posted by Aerialgunnery View Post
                        We never realized that thing would turn in to such a zoo and tremendous workload. People are certainly entitled to opinions, but whatever happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? It was quite surprising how certain individuals (and I have no idea who they are) insisted on posting derogatory comments about certain designs. The rules of the PMM page were simple, post likes and positive comments. If you're negative, it will be deleted and you will not be allowed back on the page. This turned in to some very unnecessary arguments.
                        Sorry you guys had such a bad time on the FB thing.. Back in another era, bout '96 or so, I wound up getting my first computer, learning how to type and then got on the early Internet.. or close to it on AOL's, then "closed" system. From that experience, I've wound up "moderating" forums since 1997. It has always amazed me how folks act when they are sitting at a keyboard, an unknown, faceless being in cyberspace.

                        It's truly a 24/7 effort by myself and a few dedicated other folks to keep this place civil.. rules regarding new members and posts are a bit strict, but mostly effective in keeping out the rabble. Does FB have limits that only allow those who your page managers have approved to post?

                        Back when I did Delmar Benjamin's site, they wanted a "guestbook" it was my first experience with a site which I had full control over allowing visitor posts. Within days, nasty, personal messages began showing up on their book... Eventually, it became too problematic to keep it going so it was removed.

                        When I first was approached about putting a message board system on aafo, which was then envisioned as strictly a "magazine" format, I was adament... NO WAY! But... I relented and we've evolved into what we are now.. believe me, it does take pretty constant attention, even with the "flagship" software system we use, which allows a pretty large customizable set of rules to keep things to a dull roar..

                        Good luck in the future, and a HUGE THANK YOU for what you and your team are bringing to the sport! Guys like you ARE the sport!

                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #13
                          Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                          Hey Thom I have an Idea!
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                            It never ceases to amaze me how many people out there are gifted with art and design talents that I can only imagine. I'll stick to my wrenches by night and computer by day, I guess. :-)

                            I have to say, I like the visual "pun" of a mythical winged Griffon on the airplane.


                            • #15
                              Re: Winners announced for the Precious Metal paint contest!

                              Don't sell wrenching short. I've done my share, grudgingly, over the years and I have known quite a few mechanics and hobbyists over the years that could perform what I considered miracles. ANY talent a person has is no less artistic than paint or pen.
                              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts

