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OT , slides to a CD or to print

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  • OT , slides to a CD or to print

    My Father recently passed on and left three or four carousals of family pictures, of vactions , holidays , birthdays etc .
    I need to figure my options (cost wise) . buy a slide scanner myself or send them to the local photo shop for transfer to a CD or to paper, so us kids can all have our own copies

    Life's a Climb , But the view is Great

  • #2
    Re: OT , slides to a CD or to print

    The camera store I go to offers both, and scanning to CD is cheaper. Prints will degrade with time (and so will digital media, truth be told, but probably not enough to worry about for now--just keep your backups up-to-date technology-wise). In addition, I'm sure not all of the pictures are worthy of print, but might be nice to have. With scanned pictures on a CD, family members can pick and choose which of their favorite, most meaningful pictures to print.

    But I'm no pro.

    BTW, thanks for the econ acronym in your signature. I think that made my day

    -Tomcats and Red Mustangs Forever-


    • #3
      Re: OT , slides to a CD or to print

      Have been looking at that myself. Pricing seems to be from .40 cents and up per slide. I'd be looking at over $600 for mine.... Taking a digital picture of the slide projected on a nice smooth white surface looks promising.

      If you find someone with a good deal, please post the information...

      Thanks and good luck,


      • #4
        Re: OT , slides to a CD or to print

        Take a look at these...

        If I'm not mistaken Victor uses something like what's seen in the second link to transfer his Dad's old slides.

        Blue Thunder Air Racing
        My Photos
        My Ride


        • #5
          Re: OT , slides to a CD or to print

          Do the slides have to be large format, or is 35mm OK? I've got literally thousands of old Rockford/Oshkosh/Fly-In/Family pics on 35mm slides to do. Seven siblings, too...
          Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
          World Speed Record Holder

