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Photography Classes

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  • Photography Classes

    I'm just wondering of you photographers out there have taken a class or two or even more. Would you recomend taking a class or classes?

    Thanks for your time,


    PS. My Reno stuff should be finished any day now, I changed how the entire gallery and subgalleries at the last minute, otherwise that projesct would have been done long ago.

  • #2
    Re: Photography Classes

    I took a semester long photography class in 9th grade. I'm still a lousy photographer, but at least I know what I'm doing wrong

    Seriously, I'm always amazed at how little some folks know about the relationships between shutter speed, motion, apature, depth of field, and film speed...make that sensor speed. And then there are the basics of composition.

    Even with modern PhD (Push Here Dummy) cameras, I think folks would benefit from some learning in photographic basics. Control of motion and depth are an integral part of achieving good results. The art of composition though is something much more difficult to teach.
    No pixels were harmed, honest.


    • #3
      Re: Photography Classes

      Thanks for the reply,

      I've been reading material from a friends class that she has been taking, and it's really opened my eyes. I've never taken a class, but through reading came to understand a few of the basics, but after reading through some of this other stuff...I can see that there's a lot that I don't know.

      I'm going to explore the possibilities...I think I got some pretty good results both from PRS and from the races...but I know that I can do better...



      • #4
        Re: Photography Classes

        I've had a few friends over the years that have taken some decent classes, even at the junior college level. Objectively it improved their end product skills, quite a bit.

        Good dark room techniques a few years ago, and now Photo-shop classes, really made for some art.

        I'd say if you've got the time, go for it.

        As Dean Farber said, "Knowledge is good"


        • #5
          Re: Photography Classes

          I would definitely check out continuing education programs at local community colleges or the like. I bought my wife an advanced point and shoot camera for Christmas two years ago. Soon afterward she enrolled at the local college for a single semester, weekend photo course. I was amazed at what she learned! (and taught me!). She takes the most beautiful shots, and I attribute it to that class. We can always learn.


          • #6
            Re: Photography Classes

            I took a class way back in high school. Started reading books about SLR's when I bought my X-700 in 1989. Did not really understand any of it though until I bought one of John Shaw's book's about 10 years ago. Digital accelerates the learning curve with the instant feedback.


            • #7
              Re: Photography Classes

              I took several back in 2000 one was an online calss form Chabot colledge in cal and i took an advance class in using high speed film and low speed film and i took a other class witch we were taught using sorization pretty cool i got an A on one of my projects of rare Bear wehn i moved up here to Reno i was out for about 6 montyhes due to cateracts in my eyes so when i had sergery i took a basic photography same as the one at my other school my teacher saw that i new photography and he got sick alot one time he left me in charge of the class Tmcc here in reno has some good digtal classes a few years ago the teacher who left me in charge passed a way his Named was Eric Loretzen Shawn


              • #8
                Re: Photography Classes

                Absolutely... take a class. Digital of wet chemistry, you'll learn a lot about the equipment and what control you have over it that will help you visualize and execute the desired image. Depth of field, shutter control to get that prop blur, exposure for any number for desired effects. Good stuff. Community college is a hot tip. Most still have good photography classes and darkrooms even in this day and age.

                I was lucky enough to have "home schooling" from my dad who was both and excellent photographer and teacher. He taught photography and design at UC Berkeley for years as well as Ansel Adams workshops in Yosemite. We had, actually still have, a first class darkroom at the house in Napa. I worked for him printing for a while after college. Google William Garnett if your interested in his work.
                Bill Garnett
                Air Race Fanatic since 1965


                • #9
                  Re: Photography Classes

                  Lonnie, Did you ever take a class? I am looking at taking one at TMCC.
                  I have been playing with GIMP since I can't afford CS3 but I would like to improve my skills. Now that I have my 10mp Nikon P80 (wife wouldn't spend $200 more for DSLR) I think I could really step up my game.

