

Posts made past 02:30PM 12/30/24 won't be on the new site!

Well, things are going to happen in rapid succession now... I'm going to do a final database backup at 2:30PM CST today. After the vBulletin team gets it - the new site should be operational "with all posts" soon thereafter. Then following a series of checks, and if all goes well, I'll post a link to the new forums here soon.

Thanks for your patience,

The Admins
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New Sub Forum For RENO 2012

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  • New Sub Forum For RENO 2012

    OK... someone asked and it's a good idea that we've done in the past, if we post all of the stuff from this year in this forum, it MIGHT make it easier to keep track of what's happening in the coming week+ and the existing threads in the regular forum separately....

    Hopefully, it doesn't just add a layer of complexity...

    Anyone else have their stomach sitting on top of their heart? I'm so pumped, I'm about to hyperventilate! Leaving tonight at about 10:00PM, buddy driver will have been to a party, I will have been very rested (slept till noon today) and hopefully a nap later... I'll drive while he sleeps... then vice versa, cept I can't sleep very well when I'm excited..

    We should be down there by mid morning Saturday, pick up the trailer, head out to the field, get set up, drink some beer and relax!!!!!!

    WHOO HOO... can ya believe it.. It's RENO 2012!!!!
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"