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  • PM

    Anyone there know the condition of 38? From the live feed it looks like right gear and some prop damage.


  • #2
    Re: PM

    What happened? I saw the race and had to leave right after they finished. Saw the Bear pull up and out of the race at lap 7.5 and 232 took second place.

    What happened to PM? Landing gear issues?


    • #3
      Re: PM

      according to the guys on the loaded tv she lost a gear door.
      the camera was on her after the race(in the pits) and they seemed to be inspecting the right inner gear door area.
      i didnt see any prop damage and i'd guess if Thom felt he had prop damage he'd have been on the ground asap not after the race..much the same as the bear was first down.


      • #4
        Re: PM

        Originally posted by SkyvanDelta View Post
        What happened? I saw the race and had to leave right after they finished. Saw the Bear pull up and out of the race at lap 7.5 and 232 took second place.

        What happened to PM? Landing gear issues?
        I was watching the LoadedTV feed. They said he pulled out of the race with a possible gear door issue. Then a LONG time after Dawson got the Bear down, I saw 38 rolling on all gear but still at high speed across the frame centered on Strega parked on the ramp. Again, THAT particular feed didn't show anything that looked like a gear collapse, but 38 wasn't visible except for about a second during the landing roll.


        • #5
          Re: PM

          she was shown in the pits a bit later on all gear sign of a gear collapse
          but a lot of activity around the right clamshell area.


          • #6
            Re: PM

            Heard PM got real close to Sawbones on landing rollout. Anyone see this or know what happened?


            • #7
              Re: PM

              The announcer on LoadedTv said they lost a gear door. Over at the PM Race Fans Facebook page they mentioned needing to scare up a posse to go look for the missing door...


              • #8
                Re: PM

                PM was on final when the call came over the radio to go arround. when PM passed in front of the pits we could see why. Sawbones was already on the runway. I don't know how close they came as you can't see that part of the runway from the pits.

                PM went arround again and the landing and rollout appeared normal. The gear door problem happened early in the race (maybe lap 4 or 5?) I thought it was a little unusual why an airplane with an apparent problem didn't have priority for landing (Although I never heard a MayDay).

                PM taxied to the ramp norrmally but the airplane was taken to the wash area or a hanger by the wash area. I didn't get a close up view of it.


                • #9
                  Re: PM

                  A 5.00 locking spring broke. Some time from take off to the first lap, she lost both of her clam shells (inner gear doors).


                  • #10
                    Re: PM

                    Thanks guys. On the live feed the props looked bent, probably just the camera angle.

                    Glad she's ok


                    • #11
                      Re: PM

                      Originally posted by Kevin L View Post
                      Heard PM got real close to Sawbones on landing rollout. Anyone see this or know what happened?
                      Sawbones was landing a little slow and PM starting getting close and went around. the gear problum was found by whoever PM was racing heard it on the scanner.


                      • #12
                        Re: PM

                        Originally posted by wolfee View Post
                        A 5.00 locking spring broke. Some time from take off to the first lap, she lost both of her clam shells (inner gear doors).
                        BOTH? when did she lose the port one?


                        • #13
                          Re: PM

                          First lap today, geardoor of PM is already gone:


                          • #14
                            Re: PM

                            Originally posted by LoveOldPlanes View Post
                            The announcer on LoadedTv said they lost a gear door. Over at the PM Race Fans Facebook page they mentioned needing to scare up a posse to go look for the missing door...
                            So what would be the easiest and most likely way to find the lost landing gear doors? Remote control helicopter or airplane with a camera? Motorcycles on the ground? People on the ground? Full size Helicopter or Airplane? Forget them and buy replacements?


                            • #15
                              Re: PM

                              Figures out approximately what time they departed the plane through video, or from pics. If it was in place at gentlemen's you have a race, then we know we're to start looking. And should be able to find it in a few days. If they were gone before the start of the race, it will be a lot harder. They could be anywhere.

