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Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

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  • #16
    Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

    I have to agree! This live feed is awesome! Yeah there's comercials, but they have to pay for this somehow. Remember folks, this is a free live feed, not an expensive Pay Per View. The live feed starts right where it left off after a commercial break also, so you're not really losing anything. Also if you look up in the upper left corner, there's an option to play the commercial early when there's no action going on.

    I say THANK YOU Jeff and for providing this great service!! It wasn't too many years ago when I had to wait for the January or February issue of Air Classics to learn who won the races!! I appreciate what we have now!! Great job!!

    Race 29
    Full throttle till you see God, then turn left!


    • #17
      Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

      Originally posted by Race 29 View Post
      I have to agree! This live feed is awesome! Yeah there's comercials, but they have to pay for this somehow. Remember folks, this is a free live feed, not an expensive Pay Per View. The live feed starts right where it left off after a commercial break also, so you're not really losing anything. Also if you look up in the upper left corner, there's an option to play the commercial early when there's no action going on.

      I say THANK YOU Jeff and for providing this great service!! It wasn't too many years ago when I had to wait for the January or February issue of Air Classics to learn who won the races!! I appreciate what we have now!! Great job!!

      Race 29
      Still like in Sacramento? Wow, that must be an hour and a half drive to Reno?!


      • #18
        Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

        I'm thankful to be able to stream the races, but this "live feed" is far from live. Yesterday, I heard about 232's mayday on FB while the planes were still forming up on the feed...


        • #19
          Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

          i wish i could see something....


          • #20
            Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

            Originally posted by GregS
            I had good results....but the producer obviously has NO idea of when to run a commercial. I won't watch again. Stupid. Rather spend $1500 to go than be teased by an idiot.
            The producer does not control when the ads are run, that is handled by the people that provide the streaming service. I may be speaking out of turn, but I suspect Jeff would be more than happy to take your $1500 and not deal with the commercials next year as well.

            Do I wish the ads weren't there (*&)(& yes, but at least we got video this year for those of us who couldn't make it.

            Sorry off my soapbox,


            • #21
              Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

              Some people are too unreasonable. It really worked well for me and the ads were to be expected. Someone has to pay for it.



              • #22
                Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

                I agree. The ads were annoying, but I was soooo happy to be able to watch live from a thousand miles away!


                • #23
                  Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

                  For the Gold Sunday Unlimited Final, a. commercial was shown just before the start and ended 45 seconds after the start so we missed the first 45 seconds of the Gold Unlimited Final. The person who approved this placement needs to go back to school for more education. Other than the poor timing of the commercials, it was good for being free.
                  Last edited by SkyvanDelta; 09-15-2013, 11:09 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

                    Originally posted by SkyvanDelta View Post
                    For the Gold Sunday Unlimited Final, a. commercial was shown just before the start and ended 45 seconds after the start so we missed the first 45 seconds of the Gold Unlimited Final. The person who approved this placement needs to go back to school for more education. Other than the poor timing of the commercials, is was good for being free.

                    Exactly how many times does this product have to be explained ON THIS VERY WEBSITE....including earlier in this freakin' thread!?! Hell, all of you who are complaining were even given at least two work arounds to keep it from happening.

                    We just finished a safe, very good week of racing that included real, live coverage of the event....oh, yeah...that happened to be free for the taking!

                    Unfortunately, a full half of the recent posts are folks bitchin' about anything they can think of, including stuff that is wholly inaccurate or that they don't really know anything about or is driven by personal issues.

                    I, for one, am thrilled to have been able to spend a week in the high desert supporting the sport that I love, meeting fabulous people (such as Tom, the very cool driver of Unleashed - more on him in a second), and doing what I could to give the sport a chance to survive. No...RARA, the FAA, the teams, the announcers, or anybody for that matter, get everything right. It is my sincere hope that all of those parties listen with open minds to find ways to improve an already great event. But I can promise you won't happen because a bunch of folks sit off to the side and lob grenades at any available target.

                    Nobody likes a whiny kid. We like whiny adults even less.

                    Listen/read before you talk/type.

                    [/rant off]

                    Back to Tom...the grin on his face after Friday's race with Morss....absolutely priceless! Wasn't for a was for the passion of flying wingtip to wingtip, against one of the best, and getting all you can from your craft. And that is why I love this event!


                    P.S. - They did it again on Saturday!


                    • #25
                      Re: Is Live Airshow Tv streaming today?

                      Right behind where the pilots and media sign in is now one of the classes HQ, I think it's Sport but I really have not looked at it to be sure..

                      Back in the day, that was our "Media Center" that little building right inside the gate. It had, phone lines.. and electricity. Round '98..'99 when we first started covering the races trying to get *SOMETHING* out daily.. I invested in a couple slide scanners, I remember one us running downtown with exposed transparencies, bring back the slides, we'd scan them, then I'd go over to that media "shack" hook in a dial up connection, write up a report, upload a few pix and then shag my tired ass to bed.. usually , somewhere around three am...

                      Before that, Mark Kallio and I would set up HQ in the Sparks Nugget and kill ourselves to get something up... as race week progressed.. and as the races were held..

                      You guys were thrilled that there was finally SOMETHING coming out of the races prior to Air Classic's report in December or so..

                      A lot of water has passed... take a look at what we have, look skyward and say thank you!
                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"

