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Thanks for your patience,

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Sinful Sundaes

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  • Sinful Sundaes

    Yup, $100 ice cream!
    This chronicles a flight to Lee Bottom airport near Hanover, Indiana for their "Sinful Sundaes". It's a gorgeous 3,100 ft. grass strip right along the banks...

    Thanks to Rich and Ginger Davidson at Lee Bottom Airport (64I) for keeping grass roots aviation alive and well! Sorry, no "cheesecake" shots of the sundaes, but trust me, they're delicious! You can get yours every second Sunday at Lee Bottom from noon till three in June, July and August.
    Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
    World Speed Record Holder

  • #2
    Re: Sinful Sundaes

    Peas, link doesn't go to any video.

    When dad used to fly for Tom Wood, every spring there was a T-6 fly-in at Seymour, at the old WW II training base. They would hand out different directions to all the crews in an envelope, and they had directions to follow such-and-such road, fly down this river, turn South at this covered bridge. And whoever figured out how to get there first won some sort of an award. But imagine Lee Bottom swamped in T-6's. It was so cool down there.


    • #3
      Re: Sinful Sundaes

      Yeah, YT is being SLOW on posting this. The upload was successful and the placeholder is there on my video list, but it's taking its sweet time.

      There have been a couple of T-6 gatherings at Lee Bottom. Here's one from 2003:
      Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
      World Speed Record Holder


      • #4
        Re: Sinful Sundaes

        Originally posted by Peashooter
        Yeah, YT is being SLOW on posting this. The upload was successful and the placeholder is there on my video list, but it's taking its sweet time.

        There have been a couple of T-6 gatherings at Lee Bottom. Here's one from 2003:

        You can see the '6 we were flying in some of the pics! That's so cool you found that!

        Here's a pic by Ken Cheung, THANKS KEN!



        • #5
          Re: Sinful Sundaes

          Originally posted by Trey Carroll
          You can see the '6 we were flying in some of the pics! That's so cool you found that!

          Here's a pic by Ken Cheung, THANKS KEN!

          I may not be a "geek", but I gots it goin' on!
          Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
          World Speed Record Holder

