SPRUCE GOOSE: in good handsSpend a few minutes with Gary Thompson and you just might catch his passion for things that fly, his enthusiasm for this project is immediately contagious. Gary is quick to point out that this a team effort, "we have over 25 volunteers coming out here all the time"...... we think they have a great guy to work with! He is no stranger to flying or antique aircraft, in fact you might say he lived them for many years. When his father died of cancer, Gary who was divorced with a grown son, decided to live his life to it's fullest, to not look back and wonder.... "what if ". He quit his job, totally restored an antique bi-plane and flew off into the sunset......literally! For the next eight years Thompson barnstormed for twenty bucks a hop, sleeping under the wing and living from ride to ride. He eventually sold the original plane and did it all again, restoring another plane and flying it for two more years. He's also familiar with the care and feeding of rare antique aircraft in a museum setting, serving as the director of Pearson Air Museum in Vancouver, Washington for several years before coming to the AirVenture project. His love for planes and things that fly is obvious. "I've got the best job in the world.....I can't wait to get up in the morning to get down here" ...... We have to agree Gary!