And the Action Begins!
FlightLine Update 5/18/98- "Mr. Awesome Returns" in Question In a
previous article we reported that Mr.
Awesome , a.k.a. Red Heat, was nearing
completion of work needed to make it race ready for Reno
'98. This appraisal may have been a bit optimistic. The
aircraft is currently located at RB-Airframes
at the old Perrin |
Red Baron, Alive and Well The
really good news from Terry is the prospect that the
RB-51 Mustang Red Baron might
Dago Red We really
missed this aircraft at last years event, but the
future holds bright for its return in 98.
According to Dan Stout, representing the new owner of
Dago Red, Terry Bland, the aircraft is currently hangared
at Saint George, Utah. The team intends to fly her down
to ( just for the record, in this
reporters humble opinion |
Critical Mass Last
year's final races were exciting indeed, especially for
some of the competitors! The very We recently heard from Crew Chief Tom Dwelle, Jr. "Race 10 is currently awaiting delivery of a 3350 from Aircraft Cylinder and Turbine. The new -93 based version should have significantly more horsepower than the stocker we've been running. Add to that a new firewall forward, wing fairings and vertical stab and it's going to be the standard push to get it flying for September. Our TACO BELL sponsor has been tremendous." MORE POWER..... this is ALWAYS good news! More classes, more power, more airplanes, more
racing........No doubt about it..... Thats about it for now. Rest assured were still digging for "the good stuff" on this years Reno National Championship Air Racing event. All Aviation FlightLine OnLine is dedicated to being THE source for air race information. There are a lot of other "rumors" floating around, but we'll go to the source before its reported. You can take that one to the bank! |
(article written by Mark Kallio and Wayne
copyright ©1997-98 Airport Fence Productions, Inc.
All Aviation FlightLine OnLine