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Photograph of The Week

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  • Photograph of The Week

    Ok, as a digital SLR user, (we get to review our work as we go, so it should be better) this one is not technically one of my best works... but what to heck... the moment was very cool and I thought I'd share...

    Is anyone planning on traveling to Florida for Sun n Fun??

    I might go, kind of doubtful at the moment though, anyone have a favorite place to get the best air fare deals????

    Anyway... here ya go, bigger version on the normal potw link..
    Attached Files
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: Photograph of The Week

    I like it especially because of the glow on the underside of the wing from the pryos. I have a shot of Fifi with the same glow. I've always thought it a cool effect.

    Loser at large
    Bill Pearce

    Old Machine Press
    Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


    • #3
      Re: Photograph of The Week

      Originally posted by W J Pearce
      I like it especially because of the glow on the underside of the wing from the pryos. I have a shot of Fifi with the same glow. I've always thought it a cool effect.
      Well, thanks Bill, it's one of those "I gotta rely on AF, but the light sux and it turned out a bit soft" shots.. I actually did not even realize that the reflection was there until I was searching my archives for a shot of the week. I remember *trying* to get the pyro and the airplane in the same shot, but if everyone is careful and the timing is right, it does not happen... but then.. there was that incident last year with the F-86 and pyro "too close" and we don't want that! (NO, I was NOT there and had NOTHING to do with it!!!)

      So, where's the FiFi shot???

      What's this "loser at large" carp??

      Aint no Pearce I ever heard of that was in that cat-0-gory!

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Photograph of The Week

        You can find a horrible version of the Fifi shot in the AAFO archives, or just click here:

        It was scanned with my quickly replaced free scanner. Note the "impressive" quality. One day I will get a film scanner and do my shoeboxes full of stuff justice. Or maybe find out how flawed my "archives" are. Anyway, it will be a while.

        I'm just jokin' bout the loser. (did you notice this guy has my hairline?)

        Bill Pearce

        Old Machine Press
        Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


        • #5
          Re: Photograph of The Week

          Originally posted by W J Pearce
          You can find a horrible version of the Fifi shot in the AAFO archives, or just click here: [url]It was scanned with my quickly replaced free scanner. Note the "impressive" quality. One day I will get a film scanner and do my shoeboxes full of stuff justice. Or maybe find out how flawed my "archives" are. Anyway, it will be a while.

          I'm just jokin' bout the loser. (did you notice this guy has my hairline?)

          LOL... <ducking> What hairline ...

          Yea, a decent film scanner is a good thing. All my pre 2000 stuff is film, some slides, mostly negs. Found it to be really cheap to do develop only, no prints. But then, it's still neg film and the quality is WAY lower than good slides.

          But, then, my transparancy scanner is just the old HP Photosmart unit (scsi version) and it's not noted as being in "the best" category.

          I believe there's a thread here, somewhere, where Wingman and Cobra discuss which units they have. I know, the difference in output quality is immense!

          The HP unit seems to really amplify any problems the image might have. In other words, if it is even slightly soft, it's going to produce a scan that is REALLY soft..

          No automated scratch removal etc etc.. What I'm trying to say is, it's a DOG.. .. but.. it was "cheap" at the time in comparison, and, if you can find one now, really cheap.

          *one of these days* I'll dig through my archives and do some scanning. I've got some absolutely fantastic shots of MAII right after she got the scoop change *snif* when the crew brought her out into the sunset for me...

          Anyway, I don't forsee investing in another scanner, a higher end digital SLR, YES.. someday... but the expense of that is going to keep me from ever seeing the funds to get a better scanner.

          Wayne Sagar
          "Pusher of Electrons"


          • #6
            Fifi reborn

            So I messed around with my relatively new scanner. Also found a few cool pics I might have to scan in. Here is the same shot but looking better. I miss the dynamic range of film!

            Attached Files
            Bill Pearce

            Old Machine Press
            Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


            • #7
              Re: Fifi reborn

              Originally posted by W J Pearce
              I miss the dynamic range of film!

              Amazing difference between that and the first one!

              Ran it through "Neat Image Pro" which is a program designed to remove digital noise, but works well with scans also...

              Resluts below

              Attached Files
              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Photograph of The Week

                yeah I just did the same. Maybe if my head was out of my ....., I would have done that BEFORE I posted it. Ahem..... duh.

                Bill Pearce

                Old Machine Press
                Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                • #9
                  Re: Photograph of The Week

                  Originally posted by W J Pearce
                  yeah I just did the same. Maybe if my head was out of my ....., I would have done that BEFORE I posted it. Ahem..... duh.

                  Ahh.. didn't know you had it. Wonderful program! Settings have to be used carefully though, it defaults to WAY too high on sharpen and filter IMHO..

                  It can save some pretty far gone stuff, I did one as a sample for a guy once and he was amazed. It was a really noisy very HIGH ISO shot taken at a dog show... (no pony )
                  Wayne Sagar
                  "Pusher of Electrons"


                  • #10
                    Re: Photograph of The Week

                    I have a program called Helicon, not Neat Image. Neat Image is probably better, but Helicon was FREE. I have not messed with it much but the results speak for themselves. After I ran it though Helicon, it was almost as good as your Neat Image. Like I said, I'm sure Neat Image can get more out of the photo. Helicon seems to be simi-optionless but at that price, how can I go wrong.

                    Dog show eh? Hmmm.... Maybe you should make the "Make a Donation" button more obvious!

                    Going through old photos kinda bums me out! Glad I have the photos, but miss the planes and more importantly, the pilots (not that I knew them personally).

                    Bill Pearce

                    Old Machine Press
                    Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


                    • #11
                      Re: Photograph of The Week

                      Originally posted by W J Pearce
                      I have a program called Helicon, not Neat Image. Neat Image is probably better, but Helicon was FREE. I have not messed with it much but the results speak for themselves. After I ran it though Helicon, it was almost as good as your Neat Image. Like I said, I'm sure Neat Image can get more out of the photo. Helicon seems to be simi-optionless but at that price, how can I go wrong.
                      Yep, free is a VERY good price. I think Neat Image has a free trial, not sure if it's time limited or just feature limited. I had the trial version and it would not let me save in .tiff format, but I don't remember if it was a timeout thing or not

                      Dog show eh? Hmmm.... Maybe you should make the "Make a Donation" button more obvious!
                      Dinna think I'll go there.. when I'm done with the front page redesign (and others, when I get to them) I might add it somewhere up there.. Overall, I don't think people wanna pay for me to "play" Looks like I will be doin a week at Sun -n- Fun but it'll be at the good graces of a website client who needs some promotional work done.. We're makin it... but still going to have to devote a lot of time to ventures other than this website.. It'll all work out in the end tho..

                      Going through old photos kinda bums me out! Glad I have the photos, but miss the planes and more importantly, the pilots (not that I knew them personally).
                      *sigh* I have known a couple personally pretty well... it's all bad, no question! But, that's aviation..

                      Wayne Sagar
                      "Pusher of Electrons"

